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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Ibanez build brilliant entry level instruments, mid range instruments (Premium) and exceptional professional quality instruments (prestige). Their highest calibre instruments are without a doubt easily as good as anything within the same price range....and better than most. You need to get hands on with a prestige quality Ibanez to appreciate the difference in quality to their less expensive models.
  2. I just don't get the whole Fodera thing at all. They do look very nicely put together indeed - but on the other hand, top notch timbers aside they are not built using any particularly special type of materials or building techniques. In fact I would go as far as to say I really don't like the unrefined look of the way in whch they use scarf joints in their purest, but most basic form when forming the headstock/neck joint. I am sure they are superb instruments...but not at that price. I am certain that the AJ bass in question is not worth 6 Wal's or Ken Smiths.
  3. Bump...watching this carefully. Could be tempted very soon.
  4. Lakland Skyline Duck Dunn or Bob Glaub models would do a damn fine job of this.
  5. Dont have any info on those old Washburns..but I remember them well as being quite desirable back in the day. Rudy Sarzo played one amongst others!
  6. Its arguably true...if Carlsberg made basses they would look like that one! Mine had a Schedua top just like that...it was a beast. GLWTS.
  7. Bump....so I can keep track of it.
  8. I tried a 2nd hand one about four years ago, I was really impressed by the build quality, feel and woods used...but in all honesty still preferred my lakland skyline Darryl Jones at half the price.
  9. Beautiful.....and a bargain. GLWTS
  10. Wow...what an honest review. That is truly commendable.
  11. Best budget 5 string on the market imo. Bump!
  12. That looks amazing...I wouldn't bang out tunes on it down my local tavern....but it does look fantastic!
  13. The Waitresses....gets my vote also. Elton Johns step into Christmas is 2nd!
  14. I would love that Alembic for Christmas...but Santa has said no because I am too naughty
  15. GAS is impossible to avoid...but poverty helps to keep the herd thin - for now.
  16. Bump for a good seller with an interesting bass!
  17. [quote name='Raspatue' timestamp='1418515891' post='2630915'] The 4 string is a fretless 36" bass from the early 90s. Padauk neck and a charry top as far as i know. plays like a dream and sounds like a beast. very deep tone with a faint "mwah" sound. The 6 string is a frettet bass from the early 90s. Maple neck with a fancy fretboard made of different kind of woods, note sure about what all the wood types used are. This bass is my main bass. The B-string is super clear and iwithout any buzz due to its 36" scale. Both basses are very well balanced and are very low waight. Heres a cupple more pictures. [/quote] Wow...thanks for sharing. Amazing basses you have there.
  18. Almost bass perfection. Absolutely love it...but Mrs White Cloud insists it's the wrong time of the year for a bass purchase. Humbug.
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1418893908' post='2634442'] I would be very reluctant to do business in Russia or with Russians at the best of times. These are not the best of times. [/quote] This. Too risky....way too risky.
  20. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1418557605' post='2631102'] After the gig He said that he couldn't go any lower to get the sound He needed to get ? [/quote] In fairness this is also my excuse of choice!
  21. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1418493510' post='2630688'] There is a few technically or should i say physically easy tunes that i should be able to play but for some reason can't quiet get to sound right or just can't get my head around for ages then it will click. It's annoying me. And making me think maybe my timing or something is bad. Or is it a case of some types of rhythm suit different people. A lack of general experience maybe?. It is very frustrating when i can play something that on paper is a lot more difficult then something relatively simple comes along and it stumps me. Especially as ive been making some progress of late. I would be interested to know if any of you, get this. [/quote] Stop struggling and you will float...... I can tell that the first thing you need to [i]learn [/i]is[i] to relax[/i].... [i]its [/i]all [i]about having fun[/i].
  22. [quote name='ojplaysbass' timestamp='1418145529' post='2627351'] Seeing as this is kinda the subject here - has anyone has any experience with the neck pocket of an SR605? I ordered one from my local music store which came today and has a 1mm(ish) gap between the neck and body all the way along the upper horn (though the extended portion fits snug) - i left it at the store and asked them to contact their suppliers about getting one with a better fit My question is - is this a QC thing or are my expectations too high? [/quote] I have never had any problems whatsoever with the neck pockets on my SR's at all...in fact, even with the neck pocket screws removed the neck is really tight.and needs considerable persuasion to be removed. I have owned a Sr1205 for over 30 months and gigged it extensively - the fit and finish is absolutely spot on. It is a wonderful bass. I have however played/looked at several 1600's and they have all had the poor wood finish as previously outlined on this thread. I would definitely not buy one for this reason.
  23. [quote name='Raspatue' timestamp='1418421722' post='2630214'] I own these two CT basses.. [/quote] Aha...I knew this thread would uncover a couple! Gorgeous...thanks for sharing.
  24. I almost bought a Letts bass, however was luckily able to pull out prior to pulling the trigger after rumours of discontent from several frustrated buyers reached my ears. They look to be amazing instruments - a real shame that Johns rep has suffered.
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