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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. It is an Ibanez....it will be great value for money.
  2. Alembic exploiter............drool!
  3. Tempting. I would love a fretless warwick as a tribute to Jack Bruce's passing - but a hefty car repair bill trumps my return to fretless on this occasion.
  4. Stingrays all day every day. They just sound, feel and look so right (to me).
  5. Excellent development. Good luck David. Keep us posted pls.
  6. Wow, this thread has veered of on a tangent that would not be out of place on the twilight zone!
  7. Hubba hubba! The best production line Jazz basses on the market (IMO). Well worth the money.
  8. [quote name='groove machine' timestamp='1416852611' post='2614315'] sorry guys and girls, there's been so much love for this bass on here that after a long chat with my lovely wife, i'm going to withdraw it from sale. I truly am sorry for the inconvenience but i let my head rule my heart. thanks [/quote] The absolute correct decision. Keep it and cherish it.
  9. You are not charging enough for this bass. I think selling it would be a big mistake...but I obviously don't know your personal situation.
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1416564221' post='2611432'] I've always thought I'd like a DJ5 but everyone I've played has sounded 'meh'.. I definitely think they need a pre amp as the core sound of the pickups are soft and just lacking, IME. I wouldn't say the fit and finish is that much to shout about either... not that it is poor, but it is only on par with the rest in its pricepoint so not a selling point in itself, IMO. I've wanted to aquire one but.....?? [/quote] Strange. My 2005 Dj had Aero pups and was a beast!
  11. I'm not sure whether I like the look or not. It looks quite nice...but then it also looks cheapish in a hard to define way. Would be worth a play though.
  12. I have had nothing but great interactions with Thomann My first port of call.
  13. The 80's was a stunning, innovative, exciting and creative time for bass players. There has been no other era to match it imho. This was the era of the Wal, Status, Steinberger, Jaydee, Vigier, Musicman, Alembic etc etc etc. Fenders were widely regarded as seriously boring and uncool. How things have changed.
  14. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1416745839' post='2613072'] Thanks White Cloud What could I expect to pay for a job such as this? I'm looking for a ballpark figure, say, something that you would be happy paying if it was you. David [/quote] It is not a big job at all. I honestly don't know what a luthier would charge tbh - perhaps £30-£40 ball park??
  15. I have reflected on this thread overnight. If the bass was mine I would remove the shim and return the bass to standard. The action is obviously still going to be too high due to the inherent nature of the bass and the limitation of the bridge....therefore I would remove the bridge after tracing a fine line around it's perimeter, and using a router carefully rout a 3-4mm deep recess for the bridge to sit in. I would then re-fit the bridge. This would allow for an improved and significant new scope for altering the action ever lower. As a furniture maker I would find this job easy - a half decent luthier would do likewise. Jimmy Moon could do this in his sleep. Problem solved. The only alternative is that you give me the bass and I do it for you....after test driving it for 12 months to make sure that it's ok!
  16. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1416696165' post='2612798'] White Cloud Thanks for the steer. I've always felt word of mouth to be a far better barometer of quality and value for money than any other form of advertising so I'll take it to Jimmy Moon then. [/quote] I have used Jimmy for 30 years and he has always gone above and beyond the call of duty. He will see you right! Good luck.
  17. Oooh, my fave P basses. Wonderful basses. Glwts
  18. funninily enough I highly recommend Jimmy Moon @ Moon guitars in Glasgow. He is my no1 go to for this type of thing.
  19. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1416691250' post='2612747'] White Cloud Which of these two options would you go for? And why? David [/quote] Well, as Skankdelvar has said it is a bit odd that the shim has been added....but it is not an uncommon adaptation on bolt on neck basses. I bought a used Dean Jeff Berlin bass a few years ago and it had an almost identical shim. I removed it and the bass was easy to set up perfectly well without it. I would probably remove the shim - but it is subjective. You own the bass and are best placed to decide whether or not you like the playability as is. Be assured though...this is no big deal in the scheme of things. It is a lovely looking instrument.
  20. I have to say that it seems blatantly obvious to me that this is a genuine Tanglewood Overwater. If you don't like the by-product of the shim you have two options - have the protruding neck extension planed to match the body, or have the shim routered out and the instrument returned to factory originality. Easy peasy jobs for a decent luthier.
  21. The neck has been shimmed to improve the action, it looks to be a good job. This may have happened if the bass was de-fretted to improve playability? The only downside (and it would annoy me) is the fact that the neck extension is not flush and on the same plane as the body...but a half decent luthier would be able to sort that for a small sum of cash!
  22. Fantastic...I love Lakland Skyline basses. The PJ is a winner in my view.
  23. I used to own a Japanese built Eagle during the 80's - it was very good indeed. I can only imagine how good the hand built version would have been. I also love the shape of the Mockingbird...very cool.
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