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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Great show.....it was shown a week or so ago on ITV. Well worth watching.
  2. I have owned several Lakland Skyline's and they were all exceptionally good instruments. I have owned many Fenders (including some nice vintages) but would assert that Lakland Skyline's beat US Fender hands down for feel and consistency. Just my tuppence worth.
  3. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1416133108' post='2607098'] My take on it has always been I play for nothing because I love it. I get paid to lug the gear around. Seems to work for me. [/quote] An excellent mindset!
  4. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1415895078' post='2604968'] One of the biggest self-delusions in amateur musicians is the idea that its not having a magical piece of equipment thats holding you back. We've (nearly) all done it---spending hours drooling over the "perfect" piece of gear because its the missing piece of the puzzle when actually the missing piece is (nearly always) just practice. [/quote] This is wisdom. 99% of members of this forum are wholly gear and GAS obsessed - I wonder how many are obsessed with practicing?..............
  5. I always thought that "Head over heals" featured a particularly sublime, masterful bassline. I still think the same.
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1415813266' post='2604048'] Best tone? What was the scientific measure used for best tone? Filed under 'flawed' with all the other tests imo [/quote] A truism....the definition of "good" tone is entirely subjective.
  7. I avoid paypal at all costs for obvious reasons.....
  8. They are worth it if you believe that they are worth it...but not if you think not. It is that simple. It is entirely subjective. In my world the combination of the very finest components and sublime craftsmanship are just that.......countless builders combine these elements to produce breathtaking basses. Some of them (like Fodera) are highly expensive, others (like ACG) are extremely reasonable. The buyer will decide whether the massive price difference is worth paying.
  9. Really nice to read that [i]you are getting better all the time......[/i]brilliant stuff.
  10. Used to have one of these back in the 80's....wonderful instrument. GLWTS.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Great basses - enjoy!
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1414785048' post='2593379'] I'd love to know what are 'a slightly fuller tone', 'a tighter feel' and 'this slightly stronger sound' that Jamerson didn't have. [/quote] True, Jamerson did indeed sound like Jamerson because he was in fact Jamerson and not not Jamerson. Whether or not Jamerson's sound is regarded as the benchmark of bass sound is another subjective matter altogether. If it is yours then that's great...but with all due respect to Jamerson he isn't mine.
  13. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1414695278' post='2592410'] Aye I knew that I was just trying to be funny. Which obviously didn't work. Coat got. [/quote] Take yer coat off, take a pew and pour yourself a cold one...I found it funny!
  14. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1414622082' post='2591622'] What, they have signature P basses too?! [/quote] The OP's question - "Does changing the bridge make much difference?" Jazz bass = bass with a bridge. Marcus Miller + Geddy Lee models = basses with non standard bridges (that make them better).
  15. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1414620455' post='2591601'] Well the Fender Custom Shop Pino signature P bass has a vintage BBOT with threaded saddles which suggests he gets by just fine without a chunky bridge. [/quote] True...but it seems that Geddy Lee and Marcus Miller disagree with Pino.
  16. It makes the Wal look boring. Outstanding. BUMP!
  17. Yes very much so. I believe that this is the single best P bass upgrade you can make. All of my P basses have either worn a Badass or laterally a Gotoh (cheaper, almost as good). Beware though....others will stop by shortly and say no and claim that I am spouting nonsense. You decide.
  18. Great basses, solid and sweet sound. http://youtu.be/4uym2_S_Y50
  19. Have you considered a [i]play [/i]with [i]a Lakland Bob Glaub[/i]........?
  20. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1414437424' post='2589288'] Well i did say talent comes in many forms. One of them could be maybe be having the right look or image or being in the right place at the right time. And there are millions of others who if in the right place could do a whole lot better. As for Mr Cowell he has some talent however i see him is more a cog in the machine. Its takes writers, produces, a whole host of various management and marketing to come with the rubbish they will and be able to flog it so well. But i think you could swap out many of there singers or various other "artists" with millions of others and get the same result. The culture of modern celebrity has made it possible now for people who wouldn't of got anywhere in life to get to the top. [/quote] Good post!
  21. You are right, the bass is not all original....it is better than all original. Very nice, BUMP!
  22. Its a truly horrendous piece of hardware for all of the previously outlined reasons....imho the single worst piece of hardware design I have ever encountered on an instrument. The hipshot on the other hand is excellent.
  23. No...if it's good it's good regardless of genre.
  24. So, so many to choose from. I would say that the worst was when we were hired for a surprise birthday party - the surprise for us was that the room was full of OAP's. After several non polite complaints about the noise we ended up playing at a barley audible level (it was still too loud!). The icing on the cake was when two extremely elderly gentlemen in the front row directly in front of us produced an electronic chess game and proceeded to play it for the duration of the night. Each song was not only met with a stoney silence - but also the sight of the two old dudes attempting to beat each other at chess oblivious to our existence. It's all part of the rich tapestry of life.
  25. Oh no....just oh no. Legend.
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