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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401045261' post='2459519'] Well that's fine of course! Personal choice. But I don't see why some here think he's some kind of loser when he patently isn't! [/quote] Agreed...most definitely not. One of the true greats!
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1401042044' post='2459458'] I don't get this... do you really think Jeff Beck is some kind of failure because he's not producing music that you like, or music that you think he [i]should[/i] be playing? [/quote] Well, [i]its [/i]quite [i]simple[/i]....I certainly do not think that he is a failure (whatever failure is?)....and[i] I do like [/i]some of his music...but he doesn't feature much in [i]my personal music collection[/i] for whatever reason!
  3. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1401027656' post='2459285'] I get where you're coming from as Led Zep have certainly influenced many others but "quality" is subjective (back to what the individual likes or dislikes) For me, Led Zep have never really gone out on a limb to break new ground and I think none of them, as individuals, would have had anywhere near the success they achieved as part of that band. I'm not denying their success, songwriting or musical ability in any way, it's just that Jeff Beck has always been sited as top dog by many of his peers. There was a time when Gary Moore was trying really hard to sound and play like JB. Dave Gilmore named him as his guitar hero and I think it's because he dares to be different. [/quote] Would not disagree with your views at all. Success is defined by the perception of an individual...only JB can reveal whether he believes he has achieved success in his world. My definition of JB - really great player married by and large to non influential music.
  4. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1400975091' post='2458822'] When you say "output" do you mean in terms of quantity or quality? [/quote] Quality. For example, consider the significance of the impact that Led Zeppelin have had on contemporary music.
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1400600028' post='2455333'] I think the whole marketing and image of artwork and logos, even when we are talking about music gear, is quite significant. [/quote] I think it is hugely significant...images are highly symbolic.
  6. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1400958676' post='2458643'] To me, he's one of the best and original guitarists the UK has ever spawned. He was always (IMO) more innovative than Page or Clapton whilst in the Yardbirds. [/quote] I'm of the opinion that JB is a superior guitarist than either Page or Clapton...but his musical output is, ahem, not a patch......
  7. It is always difficult to gauge why people do what they do, I can only suppose that he is following his own guiding light and doing what makes him happy. I really rate Jeff as a technical, expressive musician - he is a monster in that respect, and is high up on my own personal guitarist technical ability hierarchical food chain...the paradox for me however is that I would say that he is yet another musician of staggering ability that has never really married that capability with true, lasting meaningful music in an original context. Yet further proof that technical ability does not quantify any significant musical impact. Give me a Bob Dylan or a George Harrison before a Steve Vai or a Joe Satriani all day long.
  8. Peter, that is an excellent example. I'm very tempted but really don't need another bass at this time. Good luck and BUMP!
  9. I think that the BA is a great upgrade for Fender basses...I am sad to hear that they will no longer be produced.
  10. [quote name='LloydyG10' timestamp='1400362789' post='2453270'] Trying to do that machines, asked the bass doc if he could make one but he needs a template. If anyone out there has a 55-01 with a pickguard, all I need is an outline template and bada boom done!! [/quote] Personally of I were you I would bite the bullet and place the order with Jeannies...it will be a perfect fit. I was impressed with mine.
  11. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1400272295' post='2452599'] If you love it, don't take it for granted and if you don't love it, move on to something you will love and make way for someone who wants in :-) [/quote] Excellent post.
  12. I personally don't see any harm in it if it makes the footage author happy....I simply choose not to tune in to that sort of thing. The author is happy, I am happy...its a joyful happiness circle of happy joyful happiness!
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400258410' post='2452417'] Metallica get a lot of chicks, many of whom enjoy leather wear. Can any of us say the same? [/quote] Well, actually.......no. But it doesn't stop me trying!
  14. I owned a 55-01 and I bought a pickguard from Jeannies. It was of a high quality and they were extremely easy to deal with. Apologies, but I sold that particular bass a couple of years ago...otherwise I would have happily sent you a template for it. Come on folks...there must be someone else out there who could assist the OP!
  15. Some very interesting posts on this topic. My opinion on this is that the subject is entirely subjective....
  16. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1394963714' post='2397054'] Anyone managed to A/B one these Corts against the old Peavey Palladium? [/quote] Congrats...fine looking bass indeed. If it is anywhere near as good as the Pallaedium it will be fantastic. I also owned one of the early Czech built Dean JB's and it was insanely playable and sounded wonderful.
  17. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1399996109' post='2449720'] There's definitely some young guys out there throwing everything into pursuing a career in music who are prepared to buy what they believe to be the very best instruments they can afford. Personally I think these guys deserve a lot of respect and not the derision they seem to attract from some quarters. [/quote] I totally agree.
  18. I always found high end players to be a far more valuable commodity than high end basses - whatever they are! The real question is when is a bassist considered a high end player..........
  19. The figure of the Walnut elevates this bass into the special category. Gorgeous.
  20. Wow...great work. I love the drying cupboard idea too! Congrats.
  21. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1399025751' post='2440068'] Well I recently bought an active bass off the forum and I am loving it I am a Fender kind of guy and having tried shed loads of basses I always go back to my Fender P with light gauge strings but I have basically changed my whole setup I am now using standard gauge Rotosounds which I really like and hated before my new bass is active which again I tried before and hated . My Fender P is still easier to play due to being a shorter scale and the slightly different neck profile but yet I still like my other setup better and I have gone through the initial honeymoon period and still like the new set up (I normally know within a day or so if I am not going to get on with new gear) so I guess what I am trying to say is I am amazed at liking stuff I have tried before and hated maybe trying giving things a second chance is worth a go? what do you guys think ? ever had this happen to you? [/quote] It's called the universal constant of change....
  22. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1398950142' post='2439312'] This thread has been re-opened after multiple requests and consideration from the moderation team. However, we ask that this thread proceeds with caution. [/quote] This is wisdom.
  23. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1398879723' post='2438634'] I haven't got an order with Letts but I haven't read anything in this thread which would convince me to place one. Maybe when people start having their orders honoured, and possibly receiving apologies for the delay and lack of correspondence, I might reconsider. A bit of civility and humility wouldn't go amiss either... [/quote] I would have to concur with this. Reputation is everything. The quality of Jon's instruments speak for themselves...but his ability to deal with business matters is under serious scrutiny until proven otherwise. A word to the wise - the guitar making business is littered with some extremely talented builders who could not manage their business affairs. Hopefully this will have a happy ending for all concerned. Whilst on a personal level I empathise with the personal problems that Jon Letts has/is experiencing - the bottom line to paying clients is that business is business.
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