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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1398793040' post='2437676'] Personally I don't know why why some people keep waiting and don't just try and recover their money by whatever means... [/quote] This statement makes perfect sense.
  2. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1398780290' post='2437516'] The number is incorrect - not enough digits. Mobile numbers should go up to 11... [/quote] I feel embarrassed for not noticing this. Apologies folks. Would I be correct in assuming that all of the communication/long delays relate to basses that were offered as part of a low price deal? He seems to be extremely busy in relation to full price instruments (double necks etc). I myself was teetering on the brink of placing an order a couple of years ago...but in all honesty I wouldn't dream of it now.
  3. Call Brent on 0779466833 between 11 - 4 Mon - Fri. They are extremely busy apparently.
  4. He is currently active on facebook...but I'm guessing if he doesn't answer emails he wont answer facebook messages?
  5. I also like him. The Smiths were amazing!
  6. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1398616157' post='2435755'] Our band, Nearly Dan, had gigs pre-booked in Edinburgh and Glasgow on April 25 and 26. This is an annual jaunt for us. The Friday was sold out, and the Saturday was selling well. On the Thursday before, I started to get an infection in a tooth that had recently been filled. My face started to become swollen. I called my dentist, but the jobsworth receptionist told me I couldn't get in for a check. The next day I was supposed to be picked up at 10.50am. My face was massively swollen, and my eye looked like it had been hit by Mike Tyson. I went to my doctor, expecting her to give me a strong antibiotic, but she took one look at me said I needed to go to A & E for emergency treatment. I told her I needed to go to Scotland for gigs, but she said it would not happen. At the hospital they said I needed to have the tooth out and would have to spend the next 24 hours on an intravenous antibiotic drip. I maintained that I'd already missed our minibus and needed to be in Scotland for the gigs. The doctor said: 'Do you value your health or your gigs?' I asked if there was any alternative. Against their advice, I agreed to have the tooth removed and a intravenous shot of antibiotics, plus a course of strong antibiotic tablets to take. Thanks to my girlfriend, I made a train that got me to Edinburgh just in time, at a cost of £91.50. The gigs were great and I'm now on the mend. What I ask is: Would you have done the same thing and risked your health for a gig? What lengths have you gone to in order to let ensure the show must go on? [/quote] I would have done the same thing. I played a gig last June with a torn shoulder rotator cuff and a ripped bicep ligament in my left (fretting hand) arm. Excruciating agony...but adrenaline got me through!
  7. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1398606869' post='2435656'] Sorry, I was using odball as in a little off the beaten track - not trad folk or even folk/rock, and odball is always good in my book!! [/quote] No need to be sorry...hope my post didn't come across as critical!
  8. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1398583247' post='2435386'] I'm about to restring my Lakland Bob Glaub with a set of rounds (boomers) and I have the option of stringing either way, thanks to the awesome Lakland Bridge. Previously I've always gone through the body because... Well I don't actually know why, it just seemed the best option. What are the merits of each? Is it going to make a blind bit of difference in the real world? [/quote] First of all congrats on owning a Glaub...really great P basses. Second of all congrats for stringing it with rounds instead of the latest trend of using hideous flats (imo of course). I always used to string my Lakland Darryl Jones through the body (yes, the Lakland bridge is an excellent bit of hardware) - then I started to string it through the bridge. In all honesty I never noticed a blind bit of difference. Having said that I concentrate more on the music that I am contributing towards making instead of analysing every aspect of the actual tool of my trade to the nth degree!
  9. Nothing oddball about it. I really admire musicians that have the courage to break outwith the standard formula. Music is art...there are no rules.
  10. They may look totally unoriginal...but if his previous track record is anything to go by they will be very very good. I would rather have a Lakland Skyline than an MIA Fender btw.
  11. I know that this will be of no use to the OP but I have always found asking for [i]others [/i]opinions on [i]comparisons[/i] between different [i]basses [/i]to be an utterly [i]pointless [/i]exercise due to subjectivity. The best way for the OP to [i]discover [/i]what is, for them, [i]the truth [/i]is [i]by personal experience[/i]. Play them and discover........
  12. [quote name='Pestie' timestamp='1398519084' post='2434905'] Hello Everyone Another daft question from me please. [/quote] There is no such thing as a daft question! I agree with the previously posted sentiments...change the battery every 12 months and don't leave the lead plugged in.
  13. I like Ash bodies and I also like Alder bodies....they will both work equally well on your bass.
  14. G&L L2000 tribute. Ticks every box. Monster bass.
  15. If you are happy with the Warwick do not sell it. IMHO the Ibanez SR's (500 upwards) are worthy of replacing a Warwick...but the ATK's are not.
  16. Disagree...love the bass, particularly the PJ. Great looking rock machine. No skyline though...it will be expensive.
  17. Putting the topic aside I would add that the Lakland DD is a superb P bass...it must be even sweeter with the added jazz pup!
  18. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1397678664' post='2426466'] Due to me being one of those weirdos where a 34" scale feels great and a 35" doesn't, I was wondering how people get on with a scale length that extends from 34" to 37" depending on the string you're playing. [/quote] You are not a weirdo....you are unique... You are you!. 35" doesn't work for me either, it has a to be 34". I cant answer your question as I have never played a Dingwall...but I would love to try one out for size someday.
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