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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. No offence, but to to the casual observer this would appear to be an utterly pointless money burning exercise. The stock Lakland bridge is an excellent bit of hardware.
  2. [b] [i][color=#222222]"I'm skint and in debt, a perfect time to buy a Fender jazz right?"[/color][/i][/b] Wrong. If you are skint and in debt it is the worst possible time to buy a Fender jazz ...or any other bass. Play the bass that you already have, concentrate on the art of mastering the bass and become a better player instead - it's free.
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1397320878' post='2422814'] Actually, I'm quite good but you can't really say that about yourself, can you? [/quote] Well I think you can...because despite being humble would also say objectively that I am a very good player! With that said I readily admit that I could be better, and to this end I am always extremely grateful to be offered feedback that will advance my ability and knowledge. There is however no shame in admitting that you are good at something. Agree with your previous sentiment....most of the players that I have ever met who were obsessive about technicalities and owned a fleet of incredible high end basses were not very good.
  4. Now this is very close to bass nirvana. Bump!
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1397221897' post='2421945'] Tru dat. Page after page of tech stuff and GAS-related posts, but not much about actual [i]playing[/i]. Look at the low turnout for the monthly Composition Challenge - you'd think that listening to and discussing other members' music would be top priority, but it isn't. [/quote] ...you sir, are on the money!
  6. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1397159389' post='2421373'] Hey guys, while in my local shop I have fallen for another temptress... All the hype about pino playing with NIN got me thinking about getting a fretless, and as fate being as cruel as she is, has placed a fretless stingray 5 in my local. Now I don't sway easy in shops, most of the stuff I can take or leave, but this had me showing the physical symptoms of full blown GAS like never before. So before I put this beauty on finance, I thought I'd ask, how much use do you get out of your fretless? I know I will use it at home for some stuff, and possible one or two songs in my current band, but is it really worth having one? Or should I let her slip away? Any advice would be great! [/quote] Okay then, here is some wisdom..... Don't buy it (if you are taking finance you CANT afford it)...it is a passing fad.....you have enough basses already...focus on your playing instead and become a better player...it's all any non bass player will care about anyway. You're welcome.
  7. A great example of the finest bass guitar design of all time. BUMP.
  8. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1397164804' post='2421481'] After years of choppin n changing and thousands of quid spent and traded. I think I'm finally tired and bored and wana settle on something. The grass sometimes was definitely not greener on the other side with some basses and I have many regrets of ones that got away. And then there's the money that is harder to earn, and doesn't buy as much as it used to; and you near have to give stuff away to sell it quickly now. [/quote] Materialistic purchase is an [i]addiction[/i]...i.e. there is a definite, short term high following the acquisition of a new "item" (bass). But here's the thing...as with any addiction the high doesn't last and the subsequent "come down" leaves the addict with a desire to [i]recapture the high.[/i] To compound this[i] the law of diminishing returns is at work[/i]...the high [i]weakens [/i]after each hit (purchase)...leaving the addict forever seeking the same high that the original hit provided! A word to the wise...this site is populated by and large by bass purchase addicts. It's almost as if the central, most important core of the activity ....the human being interaction of playing the instrument to make music...is of no importance! Don't believe me? Compare the amount of gear related posts to playing tip inquiries on bass chat..........
  9. Well done, these are great basses!
  10. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1397053573' post='2420168'] Clive - someone has set up a Dick Nolan page on Facebook. I suppose there could be a possibility it's him. Shoot the page owner a message and see what happens. Be vague...if it is DN, you'd hope that if you got an answer he would fill in the pertinent details. If the page owner isn't him (and you got an answer) you'd probably be able to ascertain the owner is BS'ting. To add to this, I'd always thought that he played a black Zon! I saw them quite a few times and have no recollection of a blue Zon, but obviously, that's not to say...see 6'24" [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI5QCem2fx4"]https://www.youtube....h?v=wI5QCem2fx4[/url] P [/quote] Agree. Saw them several times...always the black Zon. Never saw him play a blue version...but perhaps a back up?
  11. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1396781680' post='2417189'] I think at times the contestants have shown up the judges for singing ability... [/quote] I think at ALL times the contestants have shown up the judges for singing ability....Tom Jones aside. Don't forget however that the show is about "the voice"...and 3 of the judges have built a career around not actually being "the voice" (especially William & Kylie).
  12. I absolutely love these basses...gorgeous!
  13. Agree...a good orchestra is a wonderful sight and sound to behold.
  14. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1396789041' post='2417294'] My G&L's From the left, 1993 Climax, 1988 SB1, 1984 SB1 (first gen) 1989 SB2 and a 1997 L1500 (for sale) [attachment=159504:DSC_0029.JPG] [/quote] Lovely collection!
  15. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1396707537' post='2416628'] Why is it unhip? I suppose I'm more the type who likes a bit of tonal variety, but if I decide that the only tone I'll need is a 'ray then I'd get the 5h for the extra string. Tried the am deluxe jazz v - I like fenders but didn't like that at all. Looks and feel beautiful, but the passive tone is poor and I wasn't blown away by the active circuit. Haven't tried a G&L 5 string but would be severely tempted. I get the impression the 1605 would be epic for metal. The ONLY thing didn't like was the matte finish to the body, but everything else was spot on! [/quote] I was just joking about the unhip thing - the Ibanez's are however flying in the face of the current Fender trend that has gripped the bass nation.... My SR1205 has been my gigging weapon of choice for the last two years and it has been a revelation....and I used to play Alembic and Wal basses. It is good for any type of music, is ergonomic, light, tactile and sounds awesome. It's hard to beat for value for money.
  16. White Cloud


    Wonderful bass! Worth every penny....good luck.
  17. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1396704125' post='2416591'] what really surprised me was the Ibanez sr 1605. Never considered myself an Ibanez fan, but that thing sounds ridonculous! . [/quote] That is because they are ridonculously good instruments.....it is however unhip to say so therefore I will now shut my face.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1313229028' post='1338552'] I've got no idea what "industrial rock" is [/quote] Goodness gracious!?!? You need to watch this dude. http://youtu.be/Hreqn9j3PHI
  19. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1396595627' post='2415415'[quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1396595627' post='2415415'] It's personal preference, but I've never found a bass that agrees with my ears in the same way a P does. [/quote] I hear where you are coming from....
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1396619842' post='2415756'] sorry i just don't buy it. some alembics are nearly three times the price of a Shuker, or a Sei. and Alembic don't put three times as much effort in to there making there basses than these makers. . they ride on there image, and can get away with the huge prices of there basses on that fact. its nothing to do with capturing peoples imagination. its about very cleverly forming an image, with top players, endorsees etc. and riding the wave and overcharging because the can. just like Fodera, fantastic instruments no doubt, but overpriced. yep. i think its very naive to think otherwise. i personally would feel like a bit of a wally, walking on stage with a Fodera or an Alembic. [/quote] From personal experience I would say that there are an absolute myriad of builders out there that are easily on a par with Alembic regarding wood working, design and construction. The filter based electronics are sublime and are what set Alembic apart once upon a time...but, again, they are no longer peerless in this department in the same way that they once were. I agree. They are, when bought new, extremely over priced. There are some good deals to be had S/H though.
  21. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1395647765' post='2404574'] Welcome to the club. You will never leave. [/quote] I was in the club....then left!
  22. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1396531780' post='2414730'] Stanley Clarke is a brilliant bass player and all-round superb musician who has indeed produced plenty of crap music over his long career, as well as some sublime moments, too. Funnily enough, that Whistle test clip of Stanley Clarke is from a special one-off program they broadcast in May 1981 featuring Stanley Clarke and George Duke together, and I remember it so well because, by incredible coincidence, it was shown on BBC2 the night that I got my very first bass guitar. It was a revelation to me at the time , not least of all because it struck me at the time that this guy who I had never heard of up to that moment [i]might actually be better than Geddy Lee[/i](!), and it made such a lasting impression on me that I am still under its' influence over thirty years later. The rich twang and growl of Stanley's Alembic bass and his incredulous facial expressions have never really left me. Stan made his best music in the 1970's , when he was one of fusion music's leading lights. His more recent records have all been a huge disappointment by comparison , and he needs to stop buggering about so much playing the tenor bass and piccolo bass and just play the regular bass more in my humble opinion, and preferably not to the kind of awful muzak he far too often churned out for public consumption in recent years. It's worth mentioning that Stan is also a virtuoso double bass player, too, and arguably even better on that instrument than the bass guitar. [/quote] I can relate to this as I had a very similar introduction to SC. I would also assert that I much prefer his double bass playing over his electric work (he just seems to play the same riffs over and over again).
  23. Congrats! I absolutely love the look of Elrick basses...its a beauty!
  24. I have gigged extensively with my SR1205 for the last 2 years and it has been a revelation. Modern, original, sleek design...lightweight (8lbs), nicely put together with quality timbers/parts, infinitely playable and sounds incredible at volume. I have made recordings with it also and it punches way above it's price tag. It balances perfectly ...no neck dive whatsoever. I have owned Wal's, Alembic, Vigier, Jaydee etc etc...but the 1205 is easily the most playable bass I have ever owned. String spacing is 17mm - perfect for fast finger playing. I adapted to slapping with it easily enough also. Highly recommended.
  25. I owned a Persuader for a couple of years. It was a nice bass, Supremely well made and very playable....but heavy. The necks are an acquired taste. I loved the filter based electronics - always my preference over standard 3 band cut/boost electrics. Live in a band situation it was good...but ultimately it just wasn't for me. Alembics are wonderful instruments though ...
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