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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Great basses, not too uncommon and often available at extremely reasonable prices.
  2. [quote name='Buzzardist' timestamp='1396122017' post='2410226'] Cant see the attraction or reasoning. I find the Fender 'relic' industry rather silly too. The Rory Gallagher signature even has one of the tone pots no longer working. I just don't get it. For Rory? He toured hard and played that instrument to its state with sweat, blood and tears. When he walked into his local shop to buy his first Fender I'll bet my last bass that he went home and just touched and played with it whilst marvelling at its beauty, quality and the craftsmanship behind it. He didnt plan the damage or want a scruffy guitar, his working conditions created that. Its like buying Rolling stones Tshirts from Next, just a passing vanity fad. Our signature sound is in our hands, the instrument is the medium for expression. I love my basses and get that horrible feeling in my gut if anything happens to them, once that passes it becomes a part of the guitar but if i had the choice these war wounds wouldn't be there. This is a stupid fad and once the said fad has passed this guy is going to realise he just threw the value and allure of his beautiful instrument away in the name of vanity. Maybe I'm just boring [/quote] Well if you are wrong I don't want to be right. And... if you were boring then why did I find your post so interesting? Great post.
  3. How to ruin a perfectly good guitar in several easy steps. Horrible.
  4. The PJ production model is particularly nice looking. I have owned three Lakland basses....they were all particularly good.
  5. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1396032743' post='2409321'] Ok, on the whole players of a certain style do tend to sway towards a certain type of guitar. I may have chosen my wording wrong. My instrument options are not limited as I play in a covers band who are not signed to a label. If I was in a heavy metal band, appearing on stage at a festival, I might avoid using a P bass, then again in a country and Western band, I might avoid using a Spector. I am merely saying, as someone asked about fashions of guitars, that players tend to use what suits their type of music [/quote] No you haven't chosen your wording wrong at all...in relation to your honestly held belief you have chosen your wording right and that is your prerogative. The vast majority of players probably hold a very similar belief.... I'm not criticising you. Whether or not a belief is true or not is irrelevant - the real question is...is the belief [i]useful [/i]or not to the individual? In the cold light of day I always try to avoid placing limitations upon my freedom to do what is best in any given situation....but that is just me being me. I cant be anyone else, and I have tried!
  6. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1396030506' post='2409285'] Point one: Fair enough, but when have you ever seen a c/w guitarist using a flying V? Or for that matter, as mentioned above, a Steinberger bass...just saying [/quote] I don't dispute that [i]those players have made that choice[/i]...but [i]could they [/i]play C/W with a flying V or a Steinberger? Is it [i]possible[/i]? [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1396030506' post='2409285'] Point two: If you choose to think of my beliefs as limiting, then so be it but as mentioned above, you see c/w players MAINLY using Fenders. I never said it was a hard and fast rule [/quote] Well, you were the one who said that you believed that "surely the type of music that you play must determine the instrument you make said music with" - not me. That is a belief that will undoubtedly limit your instrument options....[i]yes[/i]?
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1396028945' post='2409260'] I've heard a lot of people say that. [/quote] ......indeed, many people may well include me and I...can it not?
  8. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1396027939' post='2409252'] There seems to be a lack of "fashionable" basses at the moment, which results in most people "defaulting" to Fenders [/quote] Most people are defaulting to Fenders because most people are defaulting to Fenders. Many people are like sheep....
  9. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1395998043' post='2408721'] Surely the type of music you play must influence what type of bass or guitar you use [/quote] Must = a verb that implies a mandatory compliance to a rule. There are no rules in music...music is art. You can play whatever bass you want no matter what the musical circumstances. If you choose to abide by popular unwritten convention you are merely limiting yourself! [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1395998043' post='2408721'] I know I am just asking for loads of examples proving me wrong, but its my opinion [/quote] Its your belief. Beliefs are in actual fact emotionally based opinions. Whether or not you choose to embrace limiting beliefs is of course entirely your choice.
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1396009409' post='2408945'] Nice hack! Fingers crossed it doesn't snap and take your eye out! [/quote] The knot will never snap...it's a sheep bend and is perfect for this type of application. Trust me I am an old sea dog!
  11. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1395997198' post='2408702'] Well, apart from having to use that leg brace thingy to play sitting down [/quote] Yes...but the leg brace is an integral part of the sheer ingenuity of the design.
  12. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]GAS;[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"[/font][/color][i]Lack of contentment sows the seed of envy and leads to a culture of excessive materialism[/i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]" - Dalai Lama [/font][/color]
  13. GAS; "[i]Lack of contentment sows the seed of envy and leads to a culture of excessive materialism[/i]" - Dalai Lama
  14. Nice one Mr D. Geezers Lakland is a cracking P bass.
  15. That is a very tempting price indeed. Bump!
  16. [quote name='MattM' timestamp='1395782489' post='2406343'] What kinda annoys me is that things like Steinbergers are seen as 80s fashion/retro when, in fact, they have serious merit as design, construction and playing masterpieces. [/quote]The greatest bass design of all time.
  17. Your name is more important than the one on the headstock. Remember yourself.
  18. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1395609656' post='2404376'] Without thinking I would strongly say that I don't and haven't followed trends. But when I think about it I probably have very strongly followed trends without thinking! [/quote] Indeed... The vast majority of society are very much wide open to manipulation. I wonder if [i]each and both of you realise[/i] as you read this?
  19. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1395517055' post='2403342'] They seem quite rare, or more like not a lot of people on here seem to have them , or are you just hiding them [/quote] Zon's are absolutely peerless and sit comfortably at the very top of the bass guitar food chain.
  20. My honest advice for this type of question remains the same......Play them all and buy [i]your [/i]favourite. Instrument choice is [i]entirely subjective[/i]!
  21. [quote name='tbonepete' timestamp='1395350696' post='2401554'] Ah, thanks guys, I only asked about de tuning as just about every bass I've ever tried at a shop has been unpacked and hung up on a wall at least half a tone down, and I assumed it was like that from the manufacturers who couldn't possibly know how long it would be before that bass was sold/setup properly/tuned to pitch etc. also do you think it will be ok as long as the body is supported and the neck is not touching anything? Thanks in advance Cheers Pete [/quote] I honestly don't think there's any sound rationale for shops to store basses in this way... I am confident your method of storage will be absolutely fine.
  22. A roadie who is also a professional deer hunter!
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