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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Pete, I am no expert but I would suggest that you don't down tune the basses. The necks are supposed to be under tension. I would guess that the single biggest factor involved in the safe storage of instruments (especially wooden instruments) is one of keeping them stored at an appropriate temperature/humidity. A simple rule of thumb is that if the storage temperature is not comfortable for a person (too hot OR too cold) then it is uncomfortable for a wooden bass.
  2. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1395250329' post='2400248'] I feel a bit trapped like in a relationship you think if I walk away I will regret it and maybe it will get better. But I might be better off on my own or moving on to something else. [/quote] I think you should give it up. If it's for you you will come back to it ....
  3. Anyone willing to take the time to put helpful footage like this for free out there deserves huge praise. Great teacher, great player.
  4. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1395231088' post='2399934'] Fenders are always on trend. [/quote] Eh...actually, no. Fenders went through a very untrendy time during the 80's and early 90's. They are the [i]current [/i]trend.
  5. Amazing pictures of some amazing instruments (and some interesting people). Must have been a fantastic weekend....next time I need to be there!
  6. Awesome bass there...congrats!
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1394907649' post='2396598'] As pointed out in a recent thread, it's only them wot can't play with a pick themselves that has a go at them that does... [/quote] Oh I can do it...it's just uncool! Runs for cover....
  8. For me playing the bass with a pick is almost as uncool as using flat wound strings ...almost
  9. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1394812091' post='2395535'] im awaiting inspiration on a colour scheme [/quote] Sea foam green, or dare I say it......pink!
  10. [quote name='Ramsay777' timestamp='1394752656' post='2394967'] Caithness, Myke. In the Highlands of Scotland. Far away from everywhere. [/quote] Jimmy Moon in Glasgow is my number one go to guy. Exceptional luthier.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394807863' post='2395465'] Just had a look , I like it! It reminds me of the kind of colour scheme they used to have on Clarke's Polyveldt shoes in the 1970's: [/quote] I love the bass but am unsure of the shoes!
  12. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1394744987' post='2394803'] The 424's are very nice, I was looking at them when my 1024 came up at the right price. Nice necks & the pickups are pretty hot too. [/quote] Without wishing to derail this thread GAK have this beauty on sale for £345 - I am currently wrestling over buying it. I don't need it...but, you know the rest!
  13. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1394744330' post='2394789'] I have always had strict rules about equipment purchases. Firstly, I ask myself if I need it, or just want it. If it passes that stage then I ask myself if it's going to pay for itself, if not, then it doesn't happen. It doesn't apply at the moment, but there's also a rule that states that all musical purchases have to be paid for out of performance money, not wages. [/quote] Another very wise post. Great advice.
  14. I'm super impressed by the 1024x and especially the 2024x models - but as an aside I wonder how the baby of the family, the 424x measures up against it's competitors? Thanks to the fearsome reputation of it's big brothers it has become an alluring cheap (ish) option for me.
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394743570' post='2394765'] You do realise that if everybody was as sensible as this then the consequence then the entire musical equipment industry would collapse? It's about time we were all honest with ourselves that buying equipment and playing music are two very distinctly different pursuits. The uncomfortable truth is that accumulating enough money to buy high quality equipment is a much easier thing to do than learning how play your instrument well. It's not surprising that, almost without realising it, a lot of players put more of their energies into buying things rather than improving their skills on what they have. It's no coincidence that in countries like Cuba, China or what was the old Soviet Union where there has been an absence of the consumer culture that prevails in most parts of the World, that the technical standards for musicians of all kinds is, on the whole, much higher than in countries with free market economies flooded with consumer goods. Young people who are interested in music in what until recently were communist countries have had no choice but to channel that interest into musicality and learning their instrument properly, rather than being seduced by the idea that buying things will help them achieve fulfilment. If my theory is correct, the next Victor Wooten will either be from North Korea or Albania... [/quote] Totally agree with this post...very astute observations.
  16. I remember the orange bass...it was a beauty.
  17. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1394612585' post='2393204'] I've seen a number of people state that they have outgrown cheap basses that they had, and have moved onto more expensive basses. What causes someone to progress to a stage where a cheap bass is no longer 'enough', and they must have a more expensive bass. Expensive basses that I've played do have something extra over most cheaper basses. But if I compare, say a well set up Squier Affinity Precision to a USA Precision, while I can feel the difference, the affinity is still usable. One of the best feeling basses I've played was a Yamaha RBX374, and at the £230 or so price it was selling for, that's a reasonably cheap bass. I can understand that players might get used to the feel of more expensive instruments, and it might be too much of a step back to then play a less refined instrument. If someone uses a very low action, then the quality of fretwork might mean the difference between massive fret buzz and little fret buzz. The pickups and electronics may sound better. But, I've also seen it said that the sound difference between (say) a USA Precision and a stock Westfield Precision might not be too much when they're in a mix with other instruments. So, for any people here who feel that they couldn't live, or really don't want to live, with a cheaper but quality for the price, instrument, what are the factors that cause that to be true? [/quote] The same factors that make a person prefer a Porsche or an Aston Martin to a Ford Mondeo...or a Rolex or Tag Heur instead of a Casio. The Mondeo gets you where you want to go and the Casio helps you to do it within an accurate time frame. Prehistoric man probably envied those with bigger caves than their own.
  18. I personally think that Yamaha have created the ultimate (mass produced) P bass with the latest BB series.
  19. Bargain of the year so far. Totally underrated basses.
  20. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1394553738' post='2392603'] The way I see it is, if the interest is there, the time will be also [/quote] Correct. So those that cannot make it are not what you are looking for! It's all part of the process of finding the right people unfortunately.
  21. Really like the look of these, surprised there is no interest as yet! GLWTS.
  22. Yup, it's a piss take! Love the South Park clip....it's up there with the South Park guitar hero episode.
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