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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. I have an original unmodified version of this. It is superbly well made and is a rock n roll sledgehammer. Great basses. GLWTS.
  2. [quote name='Flex' timestamp='1394530559' post='2392183'] It seems that the market has bombed on bass prices, nothing much moving unless it is ridiculously cheap!!!! Hope things get back to normal soon. I am going to hold on to my basses for a while I think. Selling at mass loss sucks big time.... [/quote] It's an unfortunate side effect of living through a crippling recession.
  3. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1273403977' post='832088'] Here's my much abused Aria: [attachment=49284:Aria1.jpg][attachment=49285:aria2.jpg][attachment=49286:aria3.jpg] [attachment=49287:aria4.jpg] It's the second bass I ever bought. Part-ex'd an Aria Cardinal bass, a flanger and a vesta fire distortion +£80 for it in 1989. I'm considering getting it restored back to how it should be. Just need to find someone who can do it. [/quote] That is a very cool bass!
  4. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1394133140' post='2388342'] And the fact my right hand loves to really dig in. [/quote] Then have a word with your right hand and ask it to [i]stop really digging[/i] in. Nothing stops you adapting and [i]changing[/i] your playing style, in fact the ability to to [i]assimilate different approaches[/i] will make you much [i]more resourceful [/i]as a player.
  5. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1394527802' post='2392135'] I did several bodies with a jigsaw and a not very good one at that. If you buy a good saw and take your time it should be no problem. [/quote] This. I have only built one bass but managed perfectly fine with my heavy duty Bosch jigsaw. As has been already said let the router do the accurate shaping during the next phase.
  6. [quote name='soundcheck' timestamp='1394481137' post='2391838'] Hey thanks mate - what's GLWTS? Sorry, still need to get hip to the basschat lingo! [/quote] Good luck with the sale mon ami!
  7. [quote name='mikhay77' timestamp='1394354627' post='2390488'] Blimey,2x90s? Thats alot of padding,thats 5 minutes a song! We do punk songs,15 in a set and some jamming 45 mins a set! Plus no slow numbers. [/quote] I do like to bore the crowd with my non-witty banter!
  8. Ah, sack trolleys....the gigging musicians friend! RIP.
  9. As a person who suffered from a bad back injury I can I empathise and understand where you are coming from. Totally agree with the advice offered so far. For me the answer at the time was a featherweight Lakland DJ jazz bass that I came across...it weighed well under 8lbs and was an excellent bass. I currently play a featherweight Ibanez Sr1205, it comes in at around 8lbs (pretty good for a 5 string). Nordstrands have a reputation for being extremely lightweight..and extremely good. The best way to make sure the one you buy is both is to get your hands on and play it. A word to the wise though...I never use Ebay anymore, but would avoid any seller with a less than perfect feedback...
  10. [quote name='Dread Bass' timestamp='1394475591' post='2391721'] [url="http://s915.photobucket.com/user/andrew_workman1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps055ecc87.jpg.html"][/url] The top! [/quote] Oh yeah...that's what I'm talking about!
  11. [quote name='Dread Bass' timestamp='1394466928' post='2391618'] I have pictures of the wood I choose. I am sure no one wants to see though [/quote] Wrong......show us!
  12. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1394447196' post='2391308'] No offence, although in my defence I did describe the Yammie as the perfect Precision Bass, which I still think it is. Pretty much my whole bass playing life - and despite flirtations elsewhere - I've seen myself as a Precision kinda guy. I now find myself in the situation in which, having owned and played what I believe to be the best Precision available, and having A-B'd it against my 4001, I'm guessing that whilst there are many things I don't like about Rics, I really do enjoy playing them, especially if I'm playing with a pic through Ampeg tubes bloody loud, nothing beats that tone, nothing! There's no change of mind per se in this thread, I've spent 8 years trying to find the perfect Precision, I found it, but it still didn't tick some of the more emotional/less tangible boxes that a bass needs to tick for me. But like you say, with basses as with women, tread carefully with words such as 'perfect' [/quote] Well done sir for being forthright and honest. I know from experience that there is for me no perfect bass that will end all other bass purchases. That said Yamaha have really nailed it with their latest BB basses, from the 424 all the way up the food chain to the 2024...they are fabulous instruments. I am a big fan of Yamaha. I own a nice example of the BB714...I wont ever sell it....maybe
  13. Without wishing to offend anybody involved, this thread is the perfect illustration of why I would never start a "finally I have found the one!" type of conversation on this forum When are you all going to learn that GAS is EVIL.
  14. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1394303725' post='2390148'] It's a Wal - so it would be expensive with a long wait time. I think a sanding and epoxy would be the answer. [/quote] You are best placed to know the best course of action...if it's a Wal it needs to be done to a high standard. Good luck.
  15. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1394286524' post='2389897'] Does anyone know where I can get this treatment on a fretless fingerboard in the UK? My fingerboard is very worn and I need to think about a more permanent solution. I have looked at the Bass Gallery website and other websites and they do not seem to offer this service. Any clues/links/contacts/experiences appreciated. Kev [/quote] If your fingerboard is badly worn you may be just as well biting the bullet and having a new one installed.
  16. White Cloud


    [quote name='mark_random' timestamp='1394203595' post='2389136'] Thanks for the feedback on this. I'm sorry that some of our demo videos aren't to your taste. As it stands, we just have one guy who does our bass demo videos and he is predominantly a fingerstyle player and demos basses as such. As we do more video, we'll definitely look to expand how many guys you see demoing the gear so you get a wider variety of playing and opinion. I might even get stuck in to some demos, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not... In all seriousness, we've only been doing video demos for the last year or so and any feedback is appreciated. If you ever need more info than you're getting from the video content feel free to drop me a PM or an email at [email protected] and I'll be happy to help you out. [/quote] I personally really appreciate any retailer that takes the time to put demo's online...keep up the good work, you cant please everybody
  17. The East is an excellent option, but can I offer an alternative? My main gigging bass for a few years was a DJ4. I did not want to fit onboard elecs so I purchased an outboard Sadowsky preamp. This setup sounded sublime. I'm not saying this is a better option than fitting the east...but it is a different perspective.
  18. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1394057433' post='2387565'] Meaning? I will probably be doing an umbrella impression on that rainy day.. It will look nice next to Sunset Orange. [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/1959473_10202657953943571_55848230_n2_zpsf1a11922.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Very cool pic!
  19. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1394133420' post='2388347'] I eat my peas with honey, I've done it all my life, It makes my peas taste funny, But keeps 'em on my knife. [/quote] I knew a peanist that did this but it still didn't appease him....you hey, you cant pease everypody!
  20. [quote name='xzodar' timestamp='1394122003' post='2388168'] Hi All I'm thinking of putting a set of flats on my Yamaha BB1024. I just wondered if any of you guys have done this and any recommendations as to brands? I was thinking perhaps a set of D'addario Chromes... Can I still string through the body with flats (given that the bass has the 45 degree through body setup) or would you advise against? Does anyone know what the string gauges as shipped are as I won't want to be messing with the nickel nut. Any wisdom graciously received. Many thanks in advance. Pete [/quote] Pete without wishing to be a party pooper...I wouldn't fit flats to any bass. Congrats on the 1024 though...great basses.
  21. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394124494' post='2388204'] No , the past is still alive on Facebook! [/quote] Speak for yourself mr D!
  22. Congratulations, very cool bass! I personally really like the design of the Bongo...it's different - no bad thing in this retrospective era of the unfashionably mundane.
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