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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1394099797' post='2387842'] It still hurts to think about it... [/quote] Then stop thinking about pea's and just be hapea!
  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1394092672' post='2387759'] When I was younger my mates used to flick them at me at school... kids can be cruel [/quote] The good news Rob is that the past is over....
  3. Saw this two or three years ago...brilliant stuff.
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394044184' post='2387341'] Yes, exactly right. Never had flats though [/quote] Phew, close call....all is well again, equilibrium restored!
  5. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394039410' post='2387267'] As a bit of background history, back in the mid-1980's I had a vintage Jazz Bass ( despite the fact that what I really longed for at the time was something modern that looked like a coffea table with active electronics) that was totally stock [/quote] ....you owned a Fender during the 80's??? Most of us were feeding our wood burners with them at that time. Next you'll be telling me that it had flats on it
  6. I hate mushy pea's with my fish and chips, but I like garden pea's.
  7. [quote name='Samashton12' timestamp='1394034171' post='2387168'] Same, a friend has a black Tokai TB48 which has one but worse than mine. Still perfectly playable [/quote] Yes definitely. Very cool looking bass!
  8. That bass looks great in black, congrats. FYI the crack is in the classic T bird weak spot...the scarf joint where the headstock is glued to the neck. Seen one or two birds with this before.
  9. I hope that [i]you share pics with us[/i] when the bass is finished. Sounds very cool.
  10. A lot of good stuff here, thanks to all. I think the fact that we play 2 x 90 minute sets (approx 32 songs) doesn't help.
  11. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1394016153' post='2386865'] Yup, give Alan at ACG a shout, he can make you your dream bass within your budget! Eude [/quote] Alan would probably make your dream bass at about £1000 less than your budget...and it would easily be as good as anything on the market at any higher price point.
  12. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1394014923' post='2386844'] I always thought that all and members discuss the setlist together. [/quote] Well, not all bands or band members are the same. My accomplices are very passive regarding set lists.
  13. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1394015061' post='2386848'] General rules I use: 4:1 minimum ratio fast:slow numbers No more than 2 consecutive numbers in same key Try to spread out covers by any one artist Avoid 2 consecutive songs with same rhythmic feel unless going for a deliberate medley or segue [/quote] This is helpful systematic advice...I like it!
  14. I wonder if anyone else can relate to this.... I have had the responsibility for creating the set lists for my band for the last few years, and I always find it extremely difficult. Obviously the occasion/type of gig will dictate the song choices to an extent (we have a pub gig on the horizon) - but its a task I dread. I think the problem is that I over analyse the songs and the way that they sit together. Any good advice to make this process easier would be gratefully received.
  15. Once upon a time Ebay was a decent place to grab a bargain and deal with decent people in the process. I have recently been badly burned by some unscrupulous "ebayers". Contacting ebay themselves proved fruitless on each occaision, they just don't seem to care too much about some of the scams doing the rounds. I avoid Ebay like the plague now. My cash is too hard earned....
  16. ACG ticks every box. Alan's work is stunning and his prices are surprisingly good. The pre-amp is also fast becoming legendary.
  17. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1393952068' post='2386205'] Marvellous, thanks, was wondering if they'd compare favourably to say an Ibanez 500/300,really liked the ones of those I tried. Not really expecting something as "substantial" as the Warwick to be fair, for years I had a Washburn X 100 ( I think ) cheapy as a back up to a very expensive Washburn, and liked the cheapy just as much! [/quote] Great basses for the price, you just can't go wrong at that price point with the Peavey. I would say that the Ibanez will feel much closer to the Warwick though (especially the 500).
  18. I don't have much to add to this subject as it has pretty much been covered well by those above. I really like both Gotoh 201 & Badass bridges on Fenders. Having said that the stock bridge does almost as good a job. I have no experience of the Babicz but it appears to be a "Gucci" variant on the same theme.
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1393939534' post='2386015'] ESP LTD Vintage 214 fretless. It's a brand new model. I nearly bought one myself , but opted for a Lakland instead. £283 from most retailers . This is the fretted version ( no fretless examples on YT yet) , and it sounds like a proper Fender to me: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGcZNsES-MU[/media] [/quote] At that price it appears to be a steal. I may well look into this bass...looks like a nice affordable option to the Fender Tony Franklin (my personal favourite F bass!). Nice one Mr Dingus.
  20. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1393937606' post='2385979'] Hi Sara As it sounds like you have noticed already, there is not a huge amount of choice in fretless basses at the less expensive end of the market. The plain fact is that fretless bass is a fairly maligned instrument nowadays in most genres of popular music, so manufacturers are catering to a pretty low level of demand.That said, there are still some pretty good affordable alternatives out there . When you say you you aren't that keen on a Jaco style bass , is that specifically Jazz Basses you are set against, because if you are willing to consider a Precision style bass, this could be a likely contender: I haven't played one of these myself, but the ESP LTD range has a very good reputation , and for under three hundred quid I think you will struggle to do better, providing you can cope without lines on the board. It's got a solid alder body , maple neck with a thin "U" profile and rosewood fingerboard, so , on paper at least , it ticks all the boxes to give a proper Fender-like sound and feel. That P+J pickup configuration is very versatile, can still sound pretty modern, depending on how you play it, if you want to allude to the 1980's- style players you mention , and a Fender-style bass will feel pretty familiar to you , which is always a good start. If I am being brutally honest, I think you may struggle with the intonation more than you may think without lines, not least of all because for all but the most capable of players correct intonation on fretless bass is a struggle even[i] with[/i] the aid of lines, but in the end the decision is yours and don't let my personal prejudices influence you . Some people find lines more helpful than others do, and if you are buying the bass primarily to experiment with at home and in the studio then you have got time to practise with it and adjust to not having frets( or lines. ) Anyhow, it's great that you are interested in playing fretless bass, because it's such an appealing-sounding instrument . I have recently started playing fretless again myself after a long lay-off, and I am enjoying it immensely, except for the fact that it is giving me flashbacks to my first dalliance with fretless bass in my youth , thirty years ago! [/quote] Never mind the OP....where can I find one of these! Looks the bomb.
  21. [quote name='Sara SG' timestamp='1393887168' post='2385585'] I am looking for a new or 2nd hand Fretless 4 string. All advice appreciated as it will be my first fretless. I am looking for a sound like Pino Palladino or Mick Karn I currently play a Precision which I love (only problem is it give me neck ache no doubt due to it being low-slung) Something lighter would be nice [/quote] Hi and welcome to bass chat. A couple of observations...if your current bass is giving you aches you are probably not wearing it properly. No musical instrument should cause you pain, it should feel comfortable. Also, it is nice to see a lead singer that plays bass...there aren't many around nowadays. Kudos. As for the fretless, do you realise that both Mick Karn & Pino's sounds are heavily coloured by effects? If you expect to simply plug in (even an extremely expensive fretless) and have that kind of sound you will be sorely disappointed! My advice with this kind of thread is always the same...you need to get "hands on" and try as many basses as you can. With the best will in the world every single member of this forum will have their own opinions on offering you what ultimately is their own subjective preference. For me, with the info you have told us I would strongly recommend you look for an Ibanez GWB and try one out. Not the cheapest option...but not exactly an expensive option either (about £350 used). Remember, it's actually hard to buy a bad bass nowadays....
  22. I would like to congratulate the OP on his fine taste in instruments. It is a particularly beautiful bass.
  23. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1393869152' post='2385298'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I can only repeat:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]'The meaning of your communication is the response you get'. [/font][/color] [/quote] Peter....now I know that you know that we know that you are speaking my language now!
  24. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1393851175' post='2384950'] So my bass 'estate' has grown a bit over the past few years. I always used to be a 1 bass man and it hadn't even occurred to me that I would ever need more than one. I have a Warwick NT Corvette that I loved when I bought it, and did so for about a year. Then I went and bought myself a MIM Jazz from the for sale section here, threw in a J-Retro and some new pick ups to use it as a 'backup'. I liked it so much that it turned into my main gigging bass. The Warwick sat around for a year not being played at all, and I thought maybe I just prefer a Fender Jazz. So I went and bought myself a US std, also from the for sale section. Didn't really like the way it played, even though it wasn't much different to the MIM. I persevered, threw in another J-Retro, changed the bridge and it was a hell of a lot better and became my main gigging bass. I didn't pick up the MIM for a while, but then went back to it when I left the US over at my singers house. Annoyingly I liked it better than the US. It became my main gigging bass again.... I picked up the Warwick and took it for a gig on Saturday. We got on like a house on fire, like we had never parted. Sounded fantastic, played fast and fun. So I'm in a BASS CRISIS. Anyone had a similar crisis? and how do I get through it? or will this always happen to me and I am doomed to GAS, and buy basses on the forums forever? [/quote] This is no crisis.....you merely have options. You can never have enough options.
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