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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1386437480' post='2300153'] I can't stand it. Don't like the way he runs his company and all that but I quite fancy one. I've owned several in the past, even a really good copy but I don't need one. I certainly couldn't use it in my Police tribute. I can even get one interest free AAAARRRGGHGHGH help [/quote] Relax. It will pass in approximately 5 days.
  2. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1393810326' post='2384642'] Most of you will cringe at what I'm about to say but if this was to go to a luthier I'd have that p pickup out for good and have it routed for something like a nordstrand j pickup maybe, Or a humbucker, I can't stand p pups. Any of you reckon it'd be possible? [/quote] You're right...I'm cringing at the suggestion. From an objective point of view I would say that this would be a huge mistake. However it belongs to you...
  3. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1393491818' post='2380828'] Which of these three do you prefer? Ignore the fact that one is a Squier and one is a Marcus Miller, I'm just asking about the fingerboard/blocks options [/quote] Which one do you prefer?
  4. [quote name='Adam Wiseman' timestamp='1393784238' post='2384350'] Thanks guys. The only reason that it is left in the lockup is because that is where all our gear is kept and we have never experienced any problems before. But yes, at least I know from now that I can't leave it there during the winter months. Cheers [/quote] If the environment that your instrument is stored in is uncomfortable for you to spend long periods of time in then it's not going to be good for the instrument. This is the mantra of many manufacturers/luthiers. It makes sense as wood is in a permanent state of adjustment with regard to it's environmental conditions.
  5. [quote name='Adam Wiseman' timestamp='1393778224' post='2384245'] Would it help if I brought it home after each practice rather than leaving it in the lockup? [/quote]Yes.
  6. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1393460441' post='2380721'] Hey guys n gals, just got back from our last rehearsal before our (and mine) first gig on Saturday! I am absolutely buzzing, at the age of 35, and after 2 years of starting over again with playing, I am finally goin to play my first proper gig. Any advice before I go out? I think I'm all set, a couple of songs that are not quite where I would like them to be, but pretty much all good. [/quote] Congratulations on the gig. Just relax and enjoy the experiece...
  7. My SR1205 is my gigging work horse and it does everything...brilliantly! Fantastic basses, wonderful design, tactile, supremely playable, fantastic pups & elecs...and it looks nothing like a F*****r. Whats not to like? Awesome value for money.
  8. [quote name='donslow' timestamp='1393095323' post='2376198'] Just fancied a change of bass, plus I needed something more suitable for a new project I've just got up and running, better tone IMO, didn't really think too much about the neck, its tone I'm searching for, granted, I could get used to the precision neck in time but for a relatively cheap and easy swap, if I could get something closer to what I'm used to then great [/quote] I hope you find what you are looking for.....
  9. [quote name='donslow' timestamp='1393039476' post='2375590'] As you may have guessed, being an ibanez player, I'm used to slim, thin, fast necks, the neck on my precision is the proverbial baseball bat in comparison so I'm looking to swap it out for something a little more donslow friendly [/quote] If you don't mind me asking....if the neck on the P bass is not suitable why did you buy it? Would it not have been a better option to buy a bass with a neck design that you liked?
  10. I like that a lot Marcus. Nice one!
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1392995362' post='2375085'] I do like to try new stuff... Anyone else a prolific gear swapper? [/quote] Are you serious? This is basschat......
  12. One of the truly great pop hit bass lines. I used to play this live too....great bass lines require [i]practice[/i]. Start slow, get it right and gradually [i]build [/i]up the speed.
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1393004853' post='2375221'] How do I set the volume on my amp playing live? Loud. Very loud. You need to be loud because everybody else has a vested interest in stopping the bass player from being heard, and what's the point of spending all that time learning to play if people can't hear you? If I had wanted to be a f***ing mime artist I would have moved to France and painted my face white a long time ago. Loud is better, because loud is...louder. Make it louder and stick it to The Man. [/quote] Hell yes...this!
  14. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1392930191' post='2374460'] IMO,as we play [i]electric [/i]instruments,body and neck timbers make little or no difference to the tone we hear,as it is created by magnets,wire and electricity. [/quote] Contentious, but interesting, opinion.
  15. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1392928985' post='2374436'] Isn't the placebo effect where [u]a player[/u] is given a cheap Chinese copy and told it's a '63 Fender and plays better with it because [u]he [/u]believes it's a real Fender. [/quote] Or she! Careful, there are lots of great female players here. Well, never mind chinese fare...some consider MIM Fenders to be cheap copies when compared to the golden oldies
  16. Awesome. This thread (despite being based on a great original post) has veered uncontrollably into a rarefied, mega interesting territory
  17. Placebo in bass guitars? Well, I always say that so many people are playing Fenders these days because so many people are playing Fenders...who are being watched by future Fender players..
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1392831946' post='2373266'] Yes, I suppose anything will become "vintage" with the passing of time, but some people fail to grasp that, as with wines, there are good vintages and bad vintages. A lot ( not all) of the mid to late '70's Fenders were the very reason why the older ones became highly sought after in the first place. I love Fender basses and enjoy playing good ones a great deal , but, unpopular view as it may be with some folks, I find the new ones Fender make today to be as good as any I have ever played. Call me a peasant if you like, but to me , once you strip away the bullshit, in the scheme of things the Fendera relatively simple bass. That is its' great strength and the real secret to its' enduring popularity. There was nothing particularly magical in the way they were manufactured in the past, and there is no real reason why the ones from today can't be just as good. "What has any of this got to do with Geezer Butler?" I hear you ask. " Plenty!" is my answer. When it comes to basses, Geezer is on record in the post-Millenium era as saying that he wanted to get back to playing Fenders , but that their inconsistencies and downright unreliability put him off, until he discovered Lakland basses on a visit to the Bass Centre at Wapping, and he realised they could offer the sound a feel of his vintage Fenders but with all the benefits and advantages of modern high precision manufacturing and expert craftsmanship. He has stuck with Lakland for over ten years as his main touring basses, and this year they have finally unveiled the new Geezer Butler Signature model. The only available prototype is for sale at a shop in Chicago: [url="http://www.bassclubchicago.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=LLUS4460GEEZERNAMM"]http://www.bassclubc...S4460GEEZERNAMM[/url] Seems like Sabbath Inc. have denied Geezer and Lakland permission to use the devil inlay. Oh well... These basses will feature the new Geezer signature EMG pickups: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcKRho-h2_c [/quote] Another great post Dingus!
  19. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1392830612' post='2373248'] I wonder if Mr White Cloud above was living in Stafford when Ozzy was getting his solo stuff together with Bob Daisley down the road in Eccleshall? [/quote] No, afraid not. I left Stafford in 1974.
  20. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1392752775' post='2372391'] Problem found and solved. Now I just need to solve the other problem of the arm etc. Its a pain how it makes you tired.... off to bed now to rest again with only Mrs G for company.... [/quote] That is progress. An alternative way of looking at this is that the pain that you are feeling is actually the signal that [i]your body[/i] is sending you as[i] it carries out the healing process[/i]. A marvelous piece of biological design is the human body! [i]Sleep[/i] is often the[i] best form of medicine............ [/i]
  21. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1392543128' post='2369764'] I'd imagine an Ibanez SR300 will weigh less - probably substantially so - than any Squier VM Jazz model, even the lightest ones. [/quote] You'd be right. Ibanez SR's, whilst being a variation on the same theme, benefit from a highly evolved design...and are more tactile and substantially lighter than traditional designs like the Squier.
  22. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1392735132' post='2372118'] I think you are right Sir, no matter what a deluded poseur I was in the mid '90s you can't ever forget first hearing Master of Reality can you? 'Into the void' and all... In the Midlands (I live in Ye Merrie olde Lichfield, but have lived in Brum on and off) there's so many links to people who knew Sabbath either at School or via families and the massive factories, IMI for instance, in the Witton/ Aston area. Lots of ex-pat Brummies here in the sticks. I was in a band with a bloke who's uncle had road managed them way back when. I'm sure lots of people could say the same thing. I believe (could be wrong) that Sabbath's first gig as Black Sabbath was in a now long gone pub in Lichfield. Others will know for sure. [/quote] Master of reality was immense. Incidentally, having been born in Stafford I myself am a midlands boy. Its a pity that Brum has hit the headlines lately regarding TV's "Benefit street". I'm certain that the members of BS knew similar hardships...
  23. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1392733191' post='2372089'] I wish I'd valued seeing these people more back then, daft really. Martin [/quote] Martin, having read your words I would say that you valued it more than [i]you realised[/i] at the time....
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