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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1389640094' post='2336468'] Do you know what prolapsed discs are? Scoliosis? Trapped nerves? Shoulder subluxations? Arthritis? Have you ever put a bass on and felt intense pain throughout your rib cage or spine, or had your legs go numb? I have or have experienced all of these, and I'm sure many others have at least one of these problems. Up to the age of 35 I could have worn anything; I used to carry a 100lb cab one-handed with ease. Then my back problems started and now my 30lb combo is heavy and I really struggle to wear a bass over 9lbs. It's an absolute must for me, knowing how heavy a bass is. [/quote] This! I have the T-shirt. Having said that I own a reasonably heavy Yamaha BB714BS (Billy Sheehan) that tips the scale at 10lbs. I vowed never to go there again...but, for some odd reason it just feels so right!
  2. I play with a light touch...I cannot even recall chipping the finish on a single bass I have owned over the years (including gigging regularly in some, ahem..choice establishments!) I guess this makes me a sissy wuss!
  3. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1392398249' post='2368271'] Oooo you're going straight to hell for that one, they're coming for you! [/quote] Lol!
  4. Don't own one yet...but seriously aim on putting that right in the future.
  5. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1392324949' post='2367513'] Geezer is also on record as saying that the neck on that bass subsequently bent like a banana , unfortunately. A not uncommon problem on JayDee basses from that era . Hence he went looking for a replacement and discovered BC Rich. [/quote] Now now...you know I get punchy when banana necked Jaydee's are mentioned
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forum! Personally I would not mess with your old and faithful bass (I am a big Ibanez SR fan). If you really must have the P bass vibe why not keep your eyes peeled for a 2nd hand Squier? There are plenty of P bass derivatives that have slim jazz like necks (for example the Lakland Duck Dunn)...but most aren't cheap!
  7. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1392318326' post='2367364'] I'm all Geezered out! Too much trivia! [/quote] Sir, I bow to your magnificent knowledge of Geezer...and the fact that you played his Eagle (my dream bass of the early 80's). The Jaydee is outrageously gorgeous looking...as most Jaydee's are!
  8. [i]Trust your instincts[/i]. If I was in your position, and felt the way that you do, I would personally go with number 1 because....... [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1392299123' post='2366939'] He plays in a military band for a living during the day however lives in London (we are all cambridge based) so would be travelling for rehearsals. [/quote] Let me explain...military personnel are indoctrinated into a life style of following orders ([i]trust me[/i], I [i]know [/i]this) and doing what they are told - this leaves little scope for creativity and spontaneity. This is not congruent with my musical ethos!
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1392234071' post='2366339'] I've played one of his old BC Rich Eagle basses when it was for sale in a shop , and it was awful, with a neck like a tree trunk. [/quote] Wow! Those basses really inspired me in a big way at the time. I'd have loved to have played that bass.
  10. My first thought when I read the heading of this thread was [i]fretless P bass[/i]....but after reaing the posts I realise that this is not what you have in mind. Good luck with the search.
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1392162909' post='2365628'] They are excellent. I had lovely and knowledgable customer service from them every time. [/quote] Totally agree with this having used them several times. Their only Achilles heel.......... they really do not do good trade in deals - at all!
  12. [quote name='thebigyin' timestamp='1392136994' post='2365193'] Hello, We're individully all experienced musicians.....but our Guitarist can't seem to play a full gig without making several mistakes......be it bum chords or forgetting song arrangement ect, upto now we've turned a blind eye but after a year together it's beggining to get a bit much.....would you bring it up? He's fully aware he's made the errors and thinks nothing of it, saying he's sorry but eh never mind.....bare in mind he's a very good friend but has quite a volatile temper lol.....at times his playing his very good but we've never got thro' a gig without some sort of Howler. [/quote] I have seen Rush many times since the early 80's.....Alex Lifeson has made at least one howler on each occasion! To err is human.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1392134087' post='2365146'] I'd say that no matter what gig or venue you're playing, there [i]are[/i] universal wrongs; the main one being breaking up the flow of the set. The set is an entity. The numbers should flow through the set and so should the bits inbetween. Anything that disrupts that flow should be changed, improved or removed. [/quote] ........it's situational.
  14. Most of my gigs have been in pubs and clubs....not talking is not usually an option in this type of environment....particularly in this part of the world. As with all things however there is no universal right or wrong...it's entirely situational. Best advice I can give is to be yourself....natural and unscripted. Treat it as you would if you wanted to successfully chat up a member of the opposite sex who you really liked....no corny one liners or embarrassing contrived drivel (however I realise that some do find this a path to success in the dating game).
  15. Seems like a good excuse for a nice pic of Jimmy.
  16. [quote name='BobVbass' timestamp='1392051614' post='2364082'] Well I'm looking for suggestions and opinions - working well at the minute [/quote] You wont have any shortage of opinions on this gear obsessed forum! Good luck with the search.
  17. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1392048403' post='2364013'] .....can be so pleasurable. Just spent an hour or so cleaning and restringing my Wal and G&L and it has made me very happy. I'm so easily pleased these days [/quote] Good on you! So nice to see such a positive topic..........happiness is very underrated these days.
  18. Another big JJ fan here. I was lucky enough to share a chin wag and a beer with him during Alan Holdsworth's last UK tour. Fabulous musician, great human being.
  19. [quote name='BobVbass' timestamp='1392040618' post='2363866'] Well yeah I know.... it's just y'know another precision and for £500 it'll be no where near as good as my Lakland so I won't use it - I'm kind of thinking I'll leave the next precision until next year and get a nice 70's one.... [/quote] You want something different..........but don't know what you want - this makes finding what you want a big problem. If you don't know..... then how can anyone here know? I always feel that the name of the person [i]playing the bass[/i] is more important than the name on the headstock......
  20. I would like to[u][b] bump[/b][/u] this up. For the money these are exceptional instruments.
  21. [quote name='BobVbass' timestamp='1392037075' post='2363804'] my "I play a Precision" ears. or Another Precision [/quote] I would say that you have answered your own question in your original post.
  22. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1392033053' post='2363747'] I can see this turning into a search for a bass to replace the Warwick altogether and yet something as close to it as possible. Hmmmmm...... Oh well. Cheers Thomas [/quote] Thomas, my question to you is what would [i]you [/i][i]like [/i]to do?
  23. [quote name='MaGrOtTeN' timestamp='1392026073' post='2363629'] Basschatters, What is a good balance between band life and living a normal life? Should it change from person to person or is there a general threshold? Things like work, relationships, sleep, and health can all suffer, but how much is too much? Hit me with some wisdom! [/quote] Whats right for you? When any aspect of your life is suffering then you have an imbalance............ and then you need to re-evaluate.
  24. For me it's Jimmy Johnson. The best live bass performance (and tone) I have ever witnessed...meeting him afterwards, talking gear and having a dink with Alan Holdsworth topped it off!
  25. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1391805077' post='2361613'] The World has changed, and shows no sign of changing back again. Fretless bass is just one casualty of that change, and I am another. It's not all bad though. Back in the 1980's people thought that Russ Abbott was funny and that Level 42 were worth listening to. I know it seems crazy now, but it really was like that. . [/quote] This split my sides....excellent observation! I'm going to turn this topic on it's head and suggest that the most appealing (to me) thing about fretless basses is that they are uncommon. It's difficult these days to be unique...fretless bass is one of the last refuges of individualistic expression!
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