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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1391447198' post='2357253'] play it as you normally would. Don't set out to play fretless bass, just play bass like you usually would and listen carefully and adjust appropriately. [/quote] Excellent advice. You already have embedded muscle memory from playing fretted bass. I always found the switch from fretted to unlined fretless surprisingly easy...[i]and tremendous fun.....[/i]trust yourself - your fingers will usually land there or thereabouts by themselves. Let your ears take care of the rest!
  2. I have been fortunate enough to own two Lakland Skyline basses in recent history. They were both exceptional factory produced instruments.... The 5 string models are the most comfortable 35" scale basses I have played to date.
  3. Absolutely beautiful. If I had the spare cash right now I would own it.
  4. Hi Jazzy. I owned the SR605 (my gigging back up to my Sr1205) until recently. I believe that, fancy top wood aside, it is virtually the same instrument as the 705. To cut a long story short your friend simply cannot go wrong with this bass...they are exceptionally good. Highly recommended.
  5. These are extremely tactile...great instruments. Serious bang for buck! Bump.
  6. Wish I could come along, not far from my location either. Damn my work commitments
  7. [quote name='jassbass' timestamp='1391637223' post='2359710'] I've just tried a dj5 and loved it.going to try and buy it [/quote] I haven't even been in the same room as a Dingwall so I cant help regarding that instrument...but I have owned a DJ4 (Aero pups) and it was by far the best Jazz bass that I have ever owned - and I have owned some nice vintage F'ers.
  8. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1391631389' post='2359571'] I tell you for why, there is a comment on a youtube video of a band saying something about the "bass player and guitar being on the wrong sides"...bass on right, guitar on left. ....and the poster and a member of the band (I think?) agreed, but said something about BV's (backing vocals?) wouldn't look correct? Is there some sort of etiquette here? [/quote] Eh.....no!
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1391629289' post='2359501'] I'm sure most of us have a personal policy of not killing people, but what if, for some bazaar reason, one of your family members was bound and gagged on a chair, with a gun man aiming right at them. You have a gun - what do you do? Uphold your policy of not killing, and allow your family member to be killed, or to save your relative, make an exception [/quote] One thing I never say ever is never say never...ever. If you did say never say never ever you would limit yourself by saying never...ever. Why limit your options....
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1391618713' post='2359319'] Every rule has it's exception though, doesn't it? [/quote] Its true...rules limit us. My only rule is that I do not have any rules!
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1391544527' post='2358467'] Er... but if the Badass is thicker than the original bridge, won't the original screws be too short? [/quote] Shorter...but long enough!
  12. If the NFL want me to mime during the break at next seasons Super bowl.......I'm in!
  13. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1391451536' post='2357320'] If the signature was on a piece of paper how much would you value that at?? That's about it's additional value... I like Maude's suggestion of bumping off CW... [/quote] This....apart from bumping off poor Chris of course!
  14. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1391536780' post='2358313'] I've just bought a badass II bridge. I've noticed that the supplied screws seem to be longer that the screws that are holding down the existing bridge on my jazz bass (and this is taking into account the extra thickness of the badass bridge). They also seem a little thicker. Should I use these or stick with the original screws? I'm wary if I use the new screws it will make the existing holes bigger and then my original bridge may not fit back on, if I change it over again. [/quote] Congrats on the new Badass - I personally think that it's a great upgrade for Fender basses. The Greeneking is absolutely right - using the badass screws wont pose any real problem at all in the long run. On the other hand, if the heads on the original screws fit into the countersunk screw holes on the base of the Badass they will do a perfectly good job (I have done this myself at least twice). If you opt to use the original screws do not concern yourself with the lack of extra length - many people vastly overate the amount of tension placed on bridge screws (and necks for that matter). Its a win/win either way.
  15. Now that looks like a great P bass.....and an excellent price.
  16. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1391158670' post='2353840'] Everyone's saying the same thing. Get to your doctor. [/quote] I have very strong opinions about doctors, and in particular their prescription of drugs for "[i]mental health[/i]" problems - however I am really glad that you feel better now.
  17. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1391030105' post='2352523'] Fender would be wetting themselves at the very [i]thought[/i] that they might achieve even a 50% market share, and then that IPO could go ahead as planned. They are certainly the market leader in electric guitars/basses but there are many, many other brands successfully competing. Fender don't even claim they're the market leader in terms of volume, just in revenue. Just a quick look at peoples sigs on this forum would reveal that Fender are nowhere near having a stranglehold on the market. Disliking a brand's apparent ubiquity is a good enough reason to buy something else though. [/quote] It's really good that you don't agree with all of the things that I have said ...as I often say things to [i]stimulate thought[/i] on your part. You have made good observations!
  18. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1390993744' post='2351978'] I don't see how playing a Fender makes you a sheep? [/quote] Revisit my previous post....and [i]think about it..[/i]............
  19. This is a sweet bass. I love 5 string Laklands..they just feel so right!
  20. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1390847134' post='2350313'] You don't seem to grasp the thought process behind the selection of signature model recipients, at all. It isn't about skill [/quote] You make a fair point. In hindsight I can see the flaw in my logic on that post. I would assert however that I believe that I do have a good grasp of the thought process behind Fender's (very clever) marketing strategy...so strong that they have in fact a complete stranglehold on the current bass guitar market. It's quite a turn around. I remember back in the day when nobody wanted Fender basses, they were unloved and they were "uncool". I actually took a lengthy sabbatical from playing for a number of years (I missed the 90's) - when I did find my way back into it I remember how surprised I was when visiting music shops to find nothing but Fenders and Fender variants. There is an ongoing powerful placebo at work that has been carefully encouraged by what is essentially a VERY powerful business organisation with an extremely powerful marketing strategy....... Everyone is playing Fenders...because everyone is playing Fenders. Some may laugh - but the reality is it's a mild form of brain washing. Don't misunderstand me, I actually like a good Fender (poor QC..but there are good ones out there)...but I refuse to be a sheep.
  21. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1390838246' post='2350106'] I'm sure Fenders answer to your question would be "Who the f*** are you?" [/quote] My question to Fender is who the f*** is she? Yes, I know she plays with Pink etc and I have seen her face all over BGM over the last few years...but I would describe her as an average player. I grew up aspiring to Jaco, Jeff Berlin, Stan clarke, Geddy Lee etc etc etc...seriously is there anyone on this forum that aspires to play like Eva Gardner?
  22. The tone may be comparable with a MTD...but it is MUCH more desirable. Wow.
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