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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1389980653' post='2340276'] That bass , the white jumpsuit, that hair. That is just about everything was aiming for as a young man , and probably still am now . No wonder I am such a disappointment to myself when I look in the mirror . All I need now is Findus French Bread frozen pizza that tastes like polystyrene with a bit of cheese and tomato on it and I will be transported back to those days. [/quote] Sigh...I miss the 80's almost as much as I miss my hair!
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1389988428' post='2340377'] Decided against the Overwater then??? [/quote] Yes. I know, I know...I am shallow!
  3. Power windows. Current Jazz grit hurts my sensitive ears and tortures my soul.
  4. Love Jeff - hate that bass though. Its a bit of a departure for him...he usually hates fancy wood tops & only ever uses Badass bridges and Ebony fingerboards.
  5. I like that you like your EBO...to me that shows individuality. Go with what feels right for you - [i]trust your instincts. [/i] You already know the answer to your own question.
  6. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1389815256' post='2338289'] Fair point, trouble is the nearest shop that stocks Laklands is 4 trains away, taking 3 hours. Tbh I don't know too much about them, just heard they're good - but it's a long way to go and back in a day to check if there's one in particular I like. I already have 4 contenders, which I've played and really like. [/quote] Wow...planes trains and automobiles! Shame...judging by your aparent preferences |I think you would like the Lakland P & J variants. Good luck with the Fenders amigo.
  7. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1389796123' post='2337991'] If anyone has owned or played one I'd love to hear your verdict [/quote] Hugely expensive, heavy, high maintenance, an acquired taste....and did I mention heavy!?!? Great tones though......... Alembics are starting to look old school to my tired eyes...just my tuppence worth.
  8. Have owned both and there was no comparison....Lakland all day every day!
  9. It is always worth trying different things. I play 4 & 5 string basses and have done since the 80's. The 5 string really opens things up for me as my band transposes most of the covers that we play to suit the vocalists range. For this reason if I only used 4 string I would end up losing a lot of the low end. In this way the instrument effectively becomes a tool of the trade. I did play a 6 string for a couple of years...but it just didn't work for me. I never used the higher range much in a band context. It's horses for courses. Music is art...there are no rules. Some of the greatest exponents of fusion bass have played 4 string (Jaco, Jeff Berlin, Ralphe Armstrong, Stan Clarke etc) - don't feel that you "have" to play extended range basses if it doesn't work for you and the way that you want to play.
  10. White Cloud


    I remember these back in the day..the slap plates and the half fretted designs! These instruments were highly regarded during what was a golden era of British bass design. Seems like a bargain price.
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1389462831' post='2334443'] I'm thinking Steinberger, Status etc. Are the necks manufactured with relief built in? [/quote] Yes indeed!
  12. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1389295123' post='2332572'] Hate them with a passion.It's cheating. Put 30 years of wear and tear on it yourself. [/quote] Young man I am 87 and only took up bass 6 months ago...gimme a break!
  13. I like to look after my gear and get upset if any of my basses pick up dings etc..so I would not buy a road worn, but I do think they actually look cool when done properly. A pal of mine has a vintage P bass that rivals Jaco's bass of doom aesthetically..but each ding tells a story (seriously that bass has lived). I suppose I like real worn more than road worn....if that makes sense?
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1389119603' post='2330293'] I've got the looks to match the patter , too. [/quote] Dingus, I would appreciate it if you would ask my permission first to use my piccy before trying to pass yourself off as me!
  15. Yes totally agree...brilliant recording, brilliant bass tone and brilliant bass playing. A real piece of classic British rock. I'm not certain but I always believed that Martin played his Gibby T bird through an Ampeg SVT on Argus.
  16. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1389083711' post='2329595'] However, onwards and upwards for 2014! Drummer and I can really concentrate on the other band now. [/quote] A shame...but nothing stays the same forever. The only universal constant is change. You have a great attitude though, enjoy the journey!
  17. This subject is contentious..I'm afraid it all depends on who you ask. For example top luthier Roger Sadowsky argues vociferously that through body stringing makes no difference whatsoever. Others disagree. Suck it and see. I tried both, and although I actually liked thru body stringing I cant honestly tell you that it was better as such...or why I even liked it.
  18. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1389042015' post='2329281'] it depends how you get on with 35" scale. An Ibanez Soundgear would be worth checking out for a relatively inexpensive 34" 6er. [/quote] This is great advice. I love Yamaha's and aspired to a TRB 5 string...until I tried one. The Yamaha 35" scale length really didn't suit me at all, I actually found it extremely uncomfortable (strange because Lakland 35" basses really work for me!). I eventually settled on the Ibanez Sr1205 which has a 34" and feels divine.
  19. Oh dear, in my experience punters HATE long gaps between songs due to band members messing around in this way. My opinion is it is unprofessional to wing it without set lists if it will create time lapses in the entertainment. That would frustrate the hell out of me.
  20. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1388805019' post='2326355'] Didnt i read somewhere that he used a really cheap'n'nasty Washburn fretless on the Graceland sessions? [/quote] Cheap yes...but evidently not nasty!
  21. [quote name='Dennis1971' timestamp='1388702152' post='2325183'] Post christmas fun... Just wondered what you would buy, might bring some fresh ideas to my mind. Happy new year. D. [/quote] A nice watch!
  22. I think that Paypal is a rip off, as is Ebay. I avoid using both at all costs now.
  23. Without wanting to be a party pooper I think that there are already far too many signature basses on the market...especially Fender models.
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