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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1388588199' post='2323693'] That chap from Hue and Cry went on to be the bass player for Stiltskin( they of the song "Inside" from the Levi's ad of about twenty years ago) and is apparently now a music teacher at a school in Scotland. [/quote] You are right, James Finnigan is an excellent bassist. I recall cutting a demo with one of my old bands in the 80's in Glasgows CAVA studio around the same time as Hue and Cry were cutting their fist release at the same venue. I recall he was adept at playing Jaco lines...always neat and tidy. Funnily enough I traded my 1974 Fender Jazz bass against the white Vigier (James's back up to the black Arpege)....and reputably James subsequently bought the Jazz.. Weird!
  2. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1388502388' post='2322751'] Speaking of ultimate basses, didn't you mention once that you had a Vigier Arpege with a graphite neck? I was watching Bands Reunited featuring Kajagoogoo that someone posted on Basschat the other day and there is snippet from their heyday with Nick Beggs playing a beautiful white one and it just reminded me what awesome basses they were. I could only dream of owning one at that time, and the Vigiers they make now just don't have the same appeal to me. That era of Vigier basses would still be very near the top of my wish- list. Those basses were the epitome of what that kind of bass guitar[i] should [/i]be- punchy as hell, light, powerful and very playable-and I sincerely wish they still made them like that now. Maybe you could get whatever builder to distil some of those elements into your custom build. [/quote] Yes I did own a Vigier Arpege with a carbon fibre neck...funnily enough it was also white. It was an exceptional instrument - on a par with the Wal & Alembic soundwise...and in hindsight probably nicer to play. I think it was an ex Hue & Cry/Midge Ure instrument. I had to sell that bass (cheap) in 1989 due to a sudden bout of extreme poverty. Another beauty bit the dust..........sigh. And I also agree that the current batch of Vigier basses just don't hold the same desirability. Happy new year and all the very best
  3. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1388393620' post='2321393'] Alan has owned a Wal. He doesn't copy Wals but I think it's fair to say that some of his favourite bass lines were played on one. I've a new Uber spec that has the multi coil pickups and the latest filter pre. The pre has been developed with Alan's needs put into reality by John Easts technical expertise. It's not a copy of a Wal pre having markedly different and wider parameters but it is extremely versatile. With the adjustable mid range boosts and the 3 filters plus a passive tone the possibilities are huge and the tone from the MC pickups is pretty amazing. Alan will happily discuss the differences with you I'm sure. [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0148u-finn-5/"]http://www.acguitars...o/0148u-finn-5/[/url] [/quote] This is very encouraging indeed.
  4. I am in love with it...but I must resist. Bump!
  5. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1388420954' post='2321788'] All I am trying to say is that you should think carefully about what it is that you[i] really[/i] want and be honest with yourself. [/quote] Dingus to be absolutely honest with you I don't think you have "tried" to say anything....I think that you have said it very, very well. For whatever reason, considering I don't know you, your opinion is quite important me and I value it. You have hit the nail on the head regarding the fostering of, and nuances of, brand creation/association. I have been mulling over the advice offered throughout this thread a lot lately, and having had a close look at AC guitars...I think Alan will get my order. The only problem is I am talking in future tense...and that is frustrating!
  6. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1388352726' post='2321197'] You never know what's round the corner but whatever you choose, enjoy it. Cheers Ed [/quote] Thanks Ed. To be honest this thread has widened my horizons. I checked out an ACG Recurve on youtube earlier and the tone was to die for. I don't think I can wait until my 50th though!
  7. That was humbling. Thanks for sharing....brilliant.
  8. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1388332414' post='2320825'] The market for Wal basses is indeed "buoyant" , as I believe is the appropriate term , and probably will be for the immediately foreseeable future. The same cannot be said, however, for most other exotic wood custom -made basses. They are very much marginalised in the marketplace in favour of Fender-inspired designs. [/quote] Very true. I personally find the current fender inspired design obsessed bass market place extremely...boring (despite paradoxically really enjoying both Sadowsky & Lakland derivatives). I, like you, was a bassist forged during the era when Fenders were considered unimaginative, undesirable & square! The question is...if an ACG bass is built as well, plays as well, uses a similar filter based electronic package (always my preference) and looks as good as a Wal...at half the price (plus being located just over an hour drive away from me)...would I be stupid to discount it?
  9. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1388261248' post='2320207'] I was reading through another thread where somebody made a comparison between basses and cars. The comparison was "Fender = Modeo, Alembic = Ferrari", then someone else elaborated "Fender = Mustang, Alembic = dated sportscar". I thought that to be quite interesting and both cases hinted a certain truth. There's a tastily contentious thread in this. Here's a couple to get the ball rolling ... Warwick Streamer Stage 1 = Porsche 911 Hofner Violin Bass = Morris Minor Gibson Grabber = Austin Allegro [/quote] Ah, the power of the metaphor! I was responsible for setting the ball rolling on that other thread lol. Any use of this bass = car comparison will be contentious...but it is interesting.
  10. Oooooooh, Karl I really love it....I have a weakness for attitudes. Must resist as I currently own (and love) a BB714BS.
  11. I have been researching AC guitars as previously suggested...the Uber Recurve looks awesome. If Alan could change the headstock slightly (more of a paddle) then I really think this might be a winner!
  12. Unless it was in awful shape that would have been a steal for one lucky bassist. Actually quite glad it had gone or I would have had to consider swooping...whew!
  13. [quote name='sammybee' timestamp='1388172747' post='2319183'] bargain of the year - care to share which Cash Converters? [/quote] It has gone
  14. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1388231502' post='2319688'] Only using a car for getting from my house down a bumpy old road and on to my local town to park in a multi-storey car park i'd go for the Mondeo over a Ferrari every time. Much more versatile. Maybe it's the same with basses to some people. [/quote] Very true, and that is why I think Mondeo's are great cars and Fenders are great basses. I will admit however that on the rare occasions that I have been in close proximity to a Ferrari, or top of the range Alembics, my pulse has quickened!
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1388218505' post='2319506'] .... Back on topic.... I had flats on my 'Ray and always have them on my P. Why? Because they feel great and have a sound that rounds can't quite capture. [/quote] I had flats on my P and my Jazz basses, but really disliked the feel and felt they couldn't capture a sound that rounds could! Flats have become extremely fashionable lately though.
  16. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1388198551' post='2319468'] it's just I think the sound he gets (a good rock tone like Phil Lynott's) with the Alembic, could be obtained just as well with a Fender or Squier P. [/quote] Having owned loads of Fenders and a couple of Alembics...there is no comparison imo when it comes down to sheer playing experience. Fender = Mondeo Alembic = Ferrari
  17. I'm really not sure why anyone would fit flats to any bass....they don't do it for me.
  18. Define successful.............and how can we know if Francis Dunnery hasn't achieved success as dictated by his own personal definition.
  19. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1387669169' post='2314478'] I have owned an Overwater Progress III and have played a few Wal's over the years. When it comes to craftsmanship and quality there is little between them. Tone wise, very different. Every Overwater I have played has had a very neutral tone...uncoloured and open. The electronics package is designed for that purpose. I personally like that approach. When I used to play my Progress III into my old EA iAmp 500 is was bliss. Chris May is a pickup and preamp wizard and I feel that he doesn't get enough recognition for it. That simple, organic tone won't be everyone's cup of tea. Because the tone is so transaparent it can expose even small mistakes in your playing, so I consider Overwater basses to be a top 'players' bass. Not for the novice. Your really have to allow these basses to sing and a lot of that comes down to the player. But, the rewards are great when you nail it. I was not quite ready when I bought mine, but that bass certainly helped me to raise my game. I consider Wal basses to have more of a voice. Their electronics package take a very different approach. The pickups are powerful and colourful. The preamp has a larger EQ sweep and the trim switches give you varying levels of attack and response depending on your playing style. Wal basses are great for fiddling around with because they offer so much tonal diversity. I like both brands very much, but they are very different. I would say that Overwater is a 'does what it says on the tin' type bass. It does the basics, but really, really well. A Wal is a bass for the nerd that needs the full spectrum of the rainbow...and have a spine made of carbon fibre (bloody hell they are heavy!). [/quote] Thank you for this comprehensive post...if Carlsberg did a reply to my original enquiry then this would be it. Very helpful indeed.
  20. Congratulations. They are great basses!
  21. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1387916632' post='2317256'] You just asked me my own question haha! I don't know why I'm resisting so much. [/quote] Well, you are the one who is currently choosing to resist...there must be a reason. Resistance isn't a good sign - perhaps short scale isn't for you? Put it this way, you have options and choices to make....always the best position to be in. Happy Xmas and good luck!
  22. A German made Warwick for £400? What am I missing...why is it not selling? BUMP.
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