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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Why are you resisting? Give in and enjoy the experience.
  2. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1387748921' post='2315256'] I like the tubular neck idea... if they can make one out of steel then maybes they could make a wood one? [/quote] Why bother, the material that a bass is constructed out of has absolutely no bearing on whatsoever on the resulting sound............[i]slinks slowly away to avoid resulting argument!!!![/i]
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1387741901' post='2315154'] Part of me would love to get back in touch with those people , but I have my suspicions the whole thing is part of an elaborate sting operation by the Child Support Agency or Operation Yewtree. [/quote] Lol!
  4. Guitar - Alan Holdsworth Drums - Neal Peart Bass - Me (obviously) That is all.
  5. You cant go wrong with Yamaha at any price point. Their QC puts certain much bigger names to shame....
  6. Rick 4001's and Thunderbird both do it for me...and seem to buck the popular trends of today quite nicely. I also loved the good old BC Rich "Mockingbird" back in the day...the horror of it all!
  7. [quote name='2004gdavi' timestamp='1387653753' post='2314312'] I had the chance to buy a Wal in the late eighties as it sounded everything like I wanted a bass to sound. I didn't and regretted it, having to wait until this year to put that right. I've now got the bass I longed for but that doesn't stop me wanting others. If you have difficulty choosing between two basses the obvious answer is buy both. Anything else falls short. And buy with the heart, not the head. [/quote] I owned a brand new Wal mk1 in the 80's...and in a moment of madness swapped it for a Jaydee (I blame Mark King on "the Tube" for that folly). I regret it so much and have been kicking myself since. I am however a patient man when it comes to righting wrongs...... Buying both isn't an option....not sure my marriage is strong enough to endure that lol!
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1387652855' post='2314300'] Happy to oblige.... [url="http://mikelull.com/"]http://mikelull.com/[/url] [url="http://bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Mike_Lull.html"]http://bassdirect.co.../Mike_Lull.html[/url] [/quote] Thanks Chris...they look wonderful!
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1387651133' post='2314270'] Lulls are indeed great basses ( Mike Lull is one of the few builders who I would describe as a genuine perfectionist) , as are Sadowsky and the U.S.A-made Laklands that offer a similar range of traditionally-inspired modern basses. If you want to go the Fender-style route, the possibilities are almost too numerous to list. [/quote] I played & gigged various Lakland skylines for a number of years...wonderful basses, and so much more (for me) than my Fenders ever were.
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1387653924' post='2314314'] I found out that there is a Facebook page set up by people I went to school with trying to find out what happened to me and where I am now. I have been thinking about setting up my own Facebook page trying to find out the same thing. [/quote] Wow...it's great that people either care enough, or not so great that they are otherwise nosy enough, about you to go to that length. If you do set up a facebook page to find out the same...remember to add yourself as a friend!
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1387650534' post='2314256'] How long before they offer a budget version made in Indonesia from compressed Bacofoil and Kit Kat wrappers ? [/quote] Lol!
  12. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1387647938' post='2314210'] In a sense I'd have said Wal and Overwater are in some ways opposites. [/quote] That is a very interesting perspective.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1387646862' post='2314199'] Then can I interest you in Mike Lull basses? Beautifully made and sound like you've just stepped into Life On Mars. [/quote] You have piqued my interest!
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1387641215' post='2314118'] the Overwater has a more of a generic modern high-end exotic wood bass kind of a sound . That is not at all meant as a criticism of Overwater's sound - some may well prefer that tone- but just a description of how it differs from the inherently fat and chunky- sounding Wal. [/quote] I think this statement answers my question in a nutshell. The generic modern kind of sound is not what I am aiming for.
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1387636034' post='2314033'] There's a GB Rumour in the FS section which I would put in the same league as an Wal and Overwater. [/quote] I love the look of GB basses...they look first class, however I prefer bolt on necks.
  16. [quote name='Urban Bassman' timestamp='1387629757' post='2313959'] Never tired or owned a Wal but have had two Overwaters and they really are fab instruments. Chris is a great guy and if you're only a couple of hours away I would definitely go see him and have a chat and a test play, then you'll know. I would also think that the delivery for a new Overwater would be much sooner than a new Wal... [/quote] You make a good point about popping down to see Chris....but if they aren't for me I would feel like a dufus in front of the good people of Overwater!
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1387626657' post='2313912'] just a thought, looking at the price of Wals.... could you go have a try of ACG's Uber spec line and see how they compare... if they do then you could possibly get one [i]and [/i]an overwater... of course it wouldn't "be" a Wal [/quote] To be completely honest I have looked at ACG's...and I mean no disrespect to Alan as his work is absolutely outstanding, but the styling just isn't for me. I have heard great things about the electrics/pups/pre's though.
  18. Having owned a Wal in the dim & distant past I had been preparing to make plans for purchasing another for my 50th (in the next 4 years). There are a few Wal related threads doing the rounds at the moment...and this has got my juices flowing somewhat. Here's the thing though - various Overwater's have also caught my eye from afar recently...and they also appear to tick most of my boxes; British built, custom options, very high quality and only a couple of hours drive from my home - but they don't seem to hold the same kudos or allure as Wal. Why is this? I know Wal's well, the feel , the sound, the balance...but surprisingly in 35 yrs of playing have never played an Overwater. I saw a 6 string in the flesh recently, and was extremely impressed with the quality of finish, but didn't have the opportunity to play it or hear it. Are Overwater's in the same league and worthy of consideration as a realistic alternative? Can they match up to the sonic capability of the Wal?
  19. Agree....legendary player. So glad that he is keeping better now and still doing it....
  20. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1387578045' post='2313649'] I find this point a little moot. I don't know you white cloud, so please take this comment in the spirit it is intended (that funny symbol is me winking at you In case you can't see my emoticon), but if you're an average Jo player like the vast majority of us, I'm tipping you're no mark king or jaco or any other amazing player who slings their bass in the "how to play bass 101" endorsed position. By the same token it is a broad sweeping statement to say that anyone who slings their bass low is as rubbish as Sid vicious. Again, find a height that is comfortable and works and just crack on with Making a racket! [/quote] Not a problem Damon...I just stated my world view on the topic. Its not meant to be an absolute universal truth for all - just my humble opinion. And you are right, I am no Jaco or Mark King in the playing ability stakes (I wouldn't swap places with Jaco for sure).
  21. Jaco Jeff Berlin Percy Jones Jimmy Johnson Geddy Lee John Entwistle Sting Ralphe Armstrong Geezer Butler Mick Karn
  22. For me looking cool is irrelevant in comparison to actually being able to play the instrument comfortably. I honestly don't know how some folks can play the their basses slung at their knees...better to be a Mark King than to be a Sid Vicious in my book!
  23. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1387554330' post='2313332'] In case you aren't familiar with them , a filter based system works very differently to the simple cut/boost type preamp on basses such as a Music Man Instead of simply adding bass or treble, turning the knob on the filter preamp sweeps through a defined bandwidth of frequencies , similar to what it sounds like when you depress a wah wah pedal, to give a crude example [/quote] Having owned both Wal and Alembic basses I feel that the filter based system is the absolute best way to go with bass electronics. Much better than the common cut/boost preamps - the downside is the price!
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