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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1386685907' post='2303063'] Thanks for your advice. I agree 100% and I hope the cost is doable. I have a budget for this bass (which is in part why I'm selling the case) and the board and PUPs are the first point of call. The PUPs will require work to the area in question so it would likely be a false economy to do half the job now and then come back to it later (e.g., to install PUPs now and then do the work with the Wenge in a year). Do you know where I could get the correct wood in such a smal quantity? [/quote] It is certainly doable and in theory shouldn't be too expensive at all. I have personally never used Wenge, but it is reasonably commonplace. Why not drop Jon Letts (a member here) of Letts guitars a line...he is a great guy and uses Wenge quite a lot. He will point you in the right direction, and might even have off cuts to offer you of the appropriate size!
  2. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1386682818' post='2303018'] It can't be worse than it is. Of all the questions I have about the modifications to this bass, the one I find hardest to answer is that of why put a rectangular lump of maple in the middle of a beautiful dark wood veneer? Stain's not the best solution for sure, but it's a first step on the path [/quote] Listen, the solution is simple. Simply have the maple routed out, source some Wenge (your top is Wenge btw)...match the grain as closely as you can, shape the Wenge, glue into place, plane then sand smooth for a perfect patch up. Its not exactly the low cost, or simplest way to go...but it is the best way. Any luthier worth their salt could do it in a day. Trust me, I build furniture.
  3. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1386663480' post='2302686'] I'm thinking however that some well applied woodstain might do the job sufficiently well to avoid the cost of this [/quote] Dude, in the name of all that is holy...NO WOODSTAIN!!
  4. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1386670383' post='2302753'] [/quote] Ooooh, this is better!
  5. I am normally not squeemish at all....but I am currently looking away!
  6. [quote name='BassApprentice' timestamp='1386601600' post='2301998'] Ah cool! Did you have a jazz pickup too? Or just the woofer and P pickup in stereo? [/quote] Sorry for the confusion - no it had a Kent Armstrong woofer pickup at the neck and a Bartolini P pickup. The famous Jimmy Moon of Glasgow did the work and he strongly advised me against it beforehand, but once complete he admitted that it had worked really well. A great bass!
  7. I did the same thing to a Tokai "Hard Puncher" P bass back in 1991 and it worked a treat. The bass is long gone however I currently own a BB714S and it is a top notch alternative to the Attitude (I had one of those too a few years ago)..
  8. They are really great, totally underrated, instruments. I love the Dyna and Foundation series. Keep your eyes peeled for the Palaedium model that Jeff Berlin designed...quite rare but very cheap and VERY good.
  9. I was lucky enough to own two 4001's (at different times) in the dim and distant past and they were both great basses. The fashion of that time dictated that Fenders were extremely "untrendy". It's funny how things change.
  10. Darryl has an extremely close working relationship with Albey Balgochian of "A" basses....looks like one of their creations!
  11. It's all about opinions and personal perceptions...mine is that you should forget Fender and turn your attention to the Lakland Darryl Jones. The best jazz bass that I ever owned by a distance (and I owned several vintage F's).
  12. Would have loved to have partaken but work dominates my life right now so gigs are on the back burner until April
  13. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1386507588' post='2300789'] If I were you, I would buy a behringer BDI (£35 ?) which is essential a clone of the sansamp and see if I liked what "tubes" did to the sound. Although it doesnt actually have tubes in it, it has a FET overdrive circuit which is more or less indistinguishable from the real thing especially when were talking about pre-amp tubes. [/quote] Very good advice.
  14. You're gassing for one because they are iconic basses. I love them.
  15. My favourite Fender model...sunburst TF fretless. It's on my bucket list!
  16. Welcome Andy, great to have you onboard. I love the look of your basses sir...very very nice indeed!
  17. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1385902659' post='2293316'] The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx had me wondering how on earth the guy is still alive! [/quote] Despite probably living life to the max don't rule out a little bit of exaggeration!
  18. Fodera = Aston Martin Fender = Ford Mondeo Do you want an Aston Martin or a fleet of Ford Mondeo's?
  19. Wal custom MK1 because the tone was out of this world.
  20. [quote name='JuliusGroove' timestamp='1385893000' post='2293154'] My lecturer has recommended me the Lindy Fralin Jazz Pick-ups for my Jazz.. Thoughts? [/quote] Lindy Fralin jazz pups are great if you have cash burning a hole in your pocket, but if you like the sound of your jazz already where exactly do you want to take the sound of your instrument?
  21. I love Barts and have used them on every custom build that I have commissioned a custom build...but you need to be careful when replacing stock pups ime. I had a Bart fitted to a vintage Fender P bass back in the late 80's and it didn't really improve the sound...it just changed it if that makes sense? I would absolutely not swap out the Musicman pup EVER. If you really feel the need to experiment then consider modding the squier....otherwise leave well alone if you are happy.
  22. Keith Moon, Jaco Pastorius. They both lived life absolutely on the edge.....
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