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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Aggggh! Song requests..the bane of the pub gig. I agree with the aforementioned replies.
  2. This is very poor, I have the exact same model that has the Ovangkol top (SR1205) and the finish is perfect....however there have been a couple of members on here previously complaining about the finish on 1605's. There is obviously an issue with the exotic top tearing out...perhaps because its a burl?
  3. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1385738565' post='2291718'] Me too! I use mine for about a month then give them a soak in meths for a few hours. As good as new if not better! If I do that a second time the effect is not so pronounced, so at that stage I usually pass them on to my school's music department.... But maybe selling them on here is a good idea? Then people who like "worn-in" strings can get what they want without all that "playing them in" gubbins, and I can recoup a few quid for my next new set.... Hmmmm.... good call! [/quote] Do they smell after the meths treatment? I might try this.
  4. Often I catch myself thinking that 4 strings on my bass are too many!
  5. Great basses...very well made, play like a dream, versatile and modern sounding. Bang for the buck style bump!
  6. There is a local school near me offering bass guitar lesson on a weekly basis...the class is full of young kids. It is great to see so many aspiring players. I wouldn't worry too much about the future of the bass.
  7. Awesome P basses these...bargain price too. Love it want it - cant afford it! Bump.
  8. Bargain....tell him to buy it. You cannot go wrong with Yamaha.
  9. A fair price for a great bass in my opinion. Go for it!
  10. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1385407973' post='2287950'] So these days, as I've heard many a more experienced gentleman claim, music is a bit simpler and the bass lines aren't as good, and back in the 60s, 70s and 80s (people aren't quite nostalgic about the 90s yet) bass lines were - or could be - more interesting and a more prominent part of the song. Yet, these days there seem to be legions of bass players shredding through changes and slapping the s@@t out of there basses, and back in said nostalgic decades there seem to have only been a few such monster players. [/quote] Which gentlemen have claimed this and what kind of music and bass lines do they claim are simpler these days? Seems to be an awful lot of generalisations here. My opinion -there were less monster players around back then, but the electric bass was at an earlier stage of its evolution as an instrument and therefore said exponents had a bigger impact upon the listener.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1385325948' post='2286999'] I remember my granny used to have episodes where she thought it was still during World War 2 and me and my brother were my dad and my uncle . I've started having similar funny turns where wake up and think it's 1983 and I'm still a young and attractive bass guitarist of some promise . I even bought a fretless bass the other day , just like I did back in those days . [/quote] Brilliant post!
  12. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1385324976' post='2286977'] What is this place? And who am I? [/quote] This is basschat and you are Dingus........
  13. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1385315090' post='2286781'] My lighthearted comment that didn't offend anyone has been removed! What's happening to this place. [/quote] What is happening to this place?
  14. I have both and gig with them...5 string and a 4 string with the Hipshot Dtuner. For me the Hipshot is not a patch on the 5er!!
  15. Really like Gong and Dave Sturt is a great player. Those Vigier basses are awesome. I owned a graphite Arpege in the 80's and on reflection it was probably the best bass that I have owned.
  16. Well, your body is certainly sending you a message. Seeing the doctor is a start - have you considered hypnotherapy?
  17. [quote name='RagaMuffin' timestamp='1385230259' post='2285907'] I have recently wanted a new bass and there are two contenders. [b]Musicman 2/3 eq 4 string stingray[/b] or [b]Sandberg basic 4[/b] Now I know the point about how a "Stingray's tone cannot be replicated" and I definitely agree with that, however I feel the Sandberg has a lot more versatility and I know others have said about that. I'm not sure if this has already been asked but can anyone help me decide. Money is not an issue. Thanks [/quote] Play both and you will answer your own question....that will reveal your favourite. Anybody else will have their own subjective opinion gathered through their individual perceptions.....
  18. Love the look of these basses...very nice!
  19. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1385231020' post='2285925'] Saw them a few times. Awesome live, tho' I thought symphony x were better than them last time .opeth also. Have a couple of their cds and DVDs (one still unplayed). Don't play them at all . [/quote] +1 to Opeth...they seriously impressed me when I saw them.
  20. I like Yes too....but have personally never enjoyed the music Dream Theater make.
  21. Its worth the price to you if you are happy to pay that price for it. The opinion of others is subjective.
  22. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1385060992' post='2284067'] I'm only vaguely curious about this, I reckon I'm all 'Rush live albummed out'. [/quote] I felt this way several Rush live albums ago....
  23. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1385113304' post='2284537'] Nope... and I've never seen one with LED's either. [/quote] Lol, or a hipshot Dtuner!
  24. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1385071510' post='2284253'] Depends on the timeframe obviously...but I'm thinking 50-100 years...if a graphite neck was properly cared for too. [/quote] Hmmm, well lets put it this way...I have never seen an antique Stradivarius violin with a graphite neck.
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