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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. A real man can play whatever the hell he likes! I love the purple colour...and I love that bass....I would play it with confidence anywhere.
  2. The BB's just feel so right. I love my 714BS to pieces!
  3. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1382601785' post='2254087'] Thanks chaps, just wanted to get it off my chest. We weren't all that great, but the backstabbing and deceit beggars belief. I thought I was the rock of the band and above it's effect, I was wrong. I have no doubt I'm better off out of it, but it still hurts. Onwards and outwards. I still have another project on the back burner, time to turn that one up. That one will be much more fun anyway. [/quote] Listen carefully to the way that others backstab and carefully note their deceitful ways. If they behave like that about acquaintances/band mates they will do the same to you...when you are not present. Their loss is your gain. You were too good for them.
  4. As has already been stated here...this is, in my opinion, a sh*tty cost/time cutting routing job. The perils of mass production on a massive scale. When you consider that the work is carried out by a cnc machine then it makes little sense as to rout the cavities accurately would take the machine all of a few seconds more. I'm not of the opinion that this makes that particular instrument necessarily bad, but it has tarnished it to a degree with the OP. I am not a Fender basher...I love good Fenders - but dislike bad ones.
  5. [quote name='DSBass' timestamp='1382651624' post='2255171'] This is my third Jazz bass. I did have an American standard before as well as a Mim 60's Classic. So I know I love Jazz basses. Thats why I got one again. For me and the way I play a jazz bass always works. I can always get it to sound good no mather what style I play. Its also really great to play. The Streamer is my first Warwick and I have almost had it for a week now. I must say its a lovely bass. This is a -97 so the neck is thin. Remimds me some of the jazz neck. Feels great to play. I can get about which sound I want from it and I love the countored body. I cant honestly say I prefer one over the other. They are just amazing basses both of them and I think they will get about the same amount of playing time and love from me :-) [/quote] Very cool reply, thanks! Both such different beasts...variety is the spice of life.
  6. Very nice. Which do you prefer?
  7. Love Billy's playing, tone and attitude basses. It's all good.
  8. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1381609251' post='2241463'] I saved and saved and saved and saved... Enough for a Thumb 5 NT. Went to the Wapping Bass Centre on 19/04/97 and tried one. Preferred the Streamer LX5. Then found this dusty black thing in the corner from a manufacturer I'd never heard of. I bought that without hesitation. It was a Vigier. I still own it. (But 3 Warwicks have since followed- a Streamer LX6, Infinity SN4 and Fortress MM5) Edit for- wouldn't mind a Dolphin at some point. It'd have to be NT, though. [/quote] Man, the best bass I ever owned was a carbon fibre Vigier back in the 80's. Loved that bass. I like Warwick's btw. If they are good enough for Jack Bruce & Stu Zender then that is good enough for me.
  9. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1381582610' post='2240943'] If you look back over every post in general discussions for the last couple of years, You will find the answer. [/quote] Lol....yes, and if Stan takes a look at the clip he will find the irony!
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1381586921' post='2241026'] He contradicts himself ask over the place. The first time he taps the necks, the quarter sawn neck is lower in pitch but he says it's higher. The way he mixes and matches necks and bodies of different resonant frequencies makes no sense, except maybe in his own head! [/quote] Perhaps he hears it that way. Who is to say that the way you hear it is "right"?
  11. [quote name='Stan_da_man' timestamp='1381566572' post='2240648'] Flea or Mark King are better than any of these losers! [/quote] Are you serious? Have you not watched the clip of Mark King on page 4 of this thread...worst bass solo I have ever heard!
  12. Love it...want it...cant afford it
  13. Even Mark King has bad days...not his finest hour! http://youtu.be/VElv-wrqWIA
  14. You are all entirely wrong...this is THE GREATEST bass solo ever captured. http://youtu.be/waIhJDgC5dQ
  15. I personally would advise against using Danish Oil on a fretboard...period.
  16. This is a nice buy for somebody. Interesting that these newer JB's have active electronics as Jeff dislikes anything other than passive basses.
  17. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381236488' post='2236158'] What's the mystery? If you can use a screwdriver you can do a set up. Yet there's this notion that there are special people who do "good" set ups. Reality check... A "good" set up is like a "good" oil change. It's either done right or it isn't. There aren't variables. Bridge height is a matter of taste but other than that, the intonation is in tune or it isn't. The neck is either in a good position or it's too flat or too bowed. That takes a bit of an eye and I understand that some people have it and some people don't. Some people can't hand a picture straight. But that doesn't make picture hanging a special skill. I believe everyone should learn to do their set ups. You won't hurt the instrument unless you do something ridiculously foolish. Everyone should also be aware what is needed -- either neck relief or string height. Sets ups do not fix humps or dips or warped necks. They don't make an Affinity Squier sound like Fender MIA. It's really just a step up from knowing how to tune a guitar. [/quote] Totally agree.
  18. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1381064465' post='2233872'] I personally think that neck woofer pickup looks great on that bass. I suppose it would be a bit of a drawback if you were a slap player , but otherwise I can totally see the reasoning behind the whole design . Contrary to quite common miscoception , a regular Precision -style bass doesn't actually have a particulaly bottom-heavy tone ( unkess you go out of your way to E.Q it that way). Mixing in some deep bass with the midrange growl of the P pickup sounds like a pretty exciting idea to me. Combining a bridge position Jazz pickup with a Precison pickup can be quite problematic , I agree , due the the difficulty matching the perceived output volume of the respective types of pickup , and the amount of phase cancellation you usually get when both are on full. The neck pickup on your Yamaha expands the tonal optiond on a P-style bass whilst avoiding all those typical PJ pitfalls , so kudos to Yamaha and Billy Sheehan for that. [/quote] Excellent post Dingus and bang on the money regarding the pickup dynamics! Incidentally slapping is actually relatively easy on the 714 despite the woofer. It is a wonderful bass for the gigging player...
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1381001666' post='2233328'] I think Yamaha make some of the best basses out there at every price point. That 714BS looks like an intriguing design , and very useful for all sorts of musical situations , whilst being something a bit different and unusual at the same time . [/quote] Many players shy away from it because of the woofer in the neck position. This avoidance is born of the unconventional appearance (in contradiction of the standard split + bridge position jazz pickup template that most players have been traditionally exposed to). I am now of the opinion that the neck woofer is more useful than the traditional bridge position jazz on P type basses. Billy Sheehan knows what he is doing.
  20. Personally I cannot abide Maple boards...but that's just me. Rosewood feels, reacts and sounds quite different to Maple imo. I have owned basses with Ebony & cocobolo boards but disliked the brightness of both.
  21. Had almost the same experience with an off the shelf Fender Jazz. This the downside of mass production and variable QC.
  22. I picked up a Yamaha BB714bs a few months ago for a steal and it is my go to bass. I echo the sentiments of the OP - it's not exactly lightweight but balances perfectly and the neck is just right. It also sits in the mix in a band situation like a dream (the neck woofer pup too!). I will never sell it as they are like hens teeth these days..
  23. Totally agree with Karl's frustration...sellers, do the decent thing - buy a box and ship the bloody things. Anything else is laziness!
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