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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. I like them...but the scientific benefits?? It's a comparison much like comparing a female shoe 3" stilleto heel to a 3" wedge. Both do the same thing with a different aesthetic and that's it imo.
  2. [quote name='Jah Wibble' timestamp='1377876844' post='2193166'] Well my problem with it was the laughing - as if it was a ludicrous question. Called him back to perhaps let him know if you treat people discourteously they WILL go elsewhere. I supposed you're right though. Business is business, I'll just stick to where I can get it cheapest and not get treated like a c**t :-) [/quote] I understand how that would have made you feel. I would not have bought from bass direct either if they treated me like that. I personally would not have called back though...fanning the flames for further upset. Glad you got the deal you wanted elsewhere. No retailer can please all of the people all of the time.
  3. [quote name='Jah Wibble' timestamp='1377858182' post='2192788'] Unfortunately I had a really bad experience with this guy (or perhaps it was someone else working there? Apologies if it was) Called him up last year to see if he could do a price match on a head. He laughed heartley and loudly down the phone at me and said "Why would I want to do that??!" Left me feeling pretty humiliated for asking a pretty normal question. Bought the head from somewhere else and called Bass Direct back to tell them I'd bought else where and had he not laughed down the phone at me, I might have bought from him. Not gonna be seeing any of my money in their till. It's a pity as a lot of people seem to like it in there. [/quote] Whats the problem? You asked him an honest question and he gave you an honest reply...you took your custom elsewhere and got what you wanted cheaper. Its business and nothing personal! What was your rationale for calling him back to tell him you had purchased it elsewhere? I personally would not do that.
  4. [quote name='adamlunt' timestamp='1377870925' post='2193055'] GuitarGuitar have it on their site for £3499 which is still The Big Money, but is still just about affordable for hardcore fans. I saw Rush this year in Birmingham and they were selling Clockwork Angels leather jackets for £400 a pop... "Who's gonna spend that much at a gig on merchandise!?" Throughout the night I saw at least 10 people wearing them. I guess Fender know that Rush fans are dedicated enough to spend loads of money on Rush merch'/memorabilia. [/quote] Sigh - I preferred being a Rush fan back in the days when being a Rush fan was considered alternative. The music was much better then too imho.
  5. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1377857335' post='2192762'] That's what happens when the spirit of jazz gets inside ya... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8wrJZa4ICg[/media] [/quote] LOL!
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1377721606' post='2190973'] Soundwise Wal probably, but lookswise Steinberger all the way. Nothing says 80s as much as one of those. [/quote] Both of these...closely followed by the good old Status.
  7. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1377790734' post='2191904'] Or sit near you on the bus However, I respect a person's right to choose an uglybugly bass. [/quote] Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  8. Well, I admire Geddy Lee enormously.....but am personally really really bored with the current Fender (and Fender copy) obsession sweeping the bass world. Looks like a nice jazz - probably comes with a big price tag though!
  9. They look very Carl Thomson orientated...no bad thing in my book! Would love to try one.
  10. The 1205's are incredible for the price...I will never sell mine. Good luck your rationale for the sale is sound.
  11. Ibanez Sr1205...ticks all of the boxes - including a pair of Nordstrand fat J J's.
  12. Seems strange that nobody wants to take a punt on this...it looks great.
  13. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1377169521' post='2184189'] Yamaha BB1024(x)? Vintage passive tones by the bucketload, looks lovely and cracking build quality. Second hand costs maybe £500-600. Truckstop [/quote] Agree with this. Do yourself a favour and avoid going down the same old F route.
  14. [quote name='Dazzler' timestamp='1377279134' post='2185819'] Just a quickie cos' I cant put it down! I have purchased an absolutely beautiful series 1 MK. Thank you all! [/quote] Well done...enjoy it!
  15. The only important factor is the name playing the bass...not the name on the headstock. I know a player who owns several custom Alembics and the Mesa rig of all rigs....he plays in an average pub band and I will be charitable on this occasion and describe him as "limited" in his ability to play bass. You wouldn't believe his ego though...as though his gear elevates him to demi-god status lol.
  16. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1376990387' post='2181802'] i've not really had a chance to give it a proper wpork out yet but so far i'm very impressed, the fit and finish are very good, and the neck profile sits perfectly in the hand, the balance is fantastic both on the strap and on the knee. i'll give a proper report when i've had a chance to try it out live with a band. Matt [/quote] Much obliged.
  17. The amount of young talent nowadays blows me away. This kid is eleven and nails it! http://youtu.be/5jUAYbD5a-k
  18. Don't worry, it'll be fine. For me buying used is the best option always! As long as they have been cared for instruments that have been played in are MUCH better than new ones.
  19. Really like this bass...good luck with the sale type of bumpage!
  20. As a potential future customer of Jon Letts I just wondered if you would be kind enough to describe your initial impressions of this fine instrument if you get the time?
  21. Yet another reason why I avoid ebay like the plague nowadays. I have been scammed before and ebay were not interested one bit.
  22. Very very nice bass...I love it congrats.
  23. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1376769157' post='2178996'] I need funds. Got a pickup to get cloned. Plus the body/neck is away getting refinished. You'll get news about that when I get news about that, promise I suppose I could decide how I'm mounting this choke. [/quote] This one is a slow burner...but a good burner!
  24. These are built like tanks and sound great. I owned the 4 string version....at this price I highly recommend it.
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