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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='MattM' timestamp='1376672803' post='2177868'] Never was a fan, particularly with white pick guards on Precisions and clones thereof. Then I bought my fretless 'Ray from a local dude who's a Pino fan... [/quote] Drool...classic!
  2. [quote name='Dazzler' timestamp='1376779205' post='2179132'] Loving the buddhist principles chaps happiness lies in the heart and soul for sure & cheers for the support in my quest. Wanted one of these basses for that long it is a proper love story! I haven't picked a bass up for over 10 years, family and life took over, so probably don't deserve one but I just know it will inspire me to get slap happy again. I have an old squier Jazz bass that somebody borrowed 10 years ago and yet to bring it back! I must go and retrieve it soon. [/quote] Good luck dude. Love Blackpool btw (warts n all).
  3. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1376774794' post='2179082'] Apologies! It was a whistlestop visit to Jon followed by a dash to the gig, I've got the bass, it's excellent and I'll post some pictures tomorrow when I get a chance to take some. Matt [/quote] Only a whistlestop visit? That's a pity. Enjoy the gig...cannot wait to see pics of your new axe!
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376770294' post='2179012'] JD's are without doubt beautiful bases , and I would join with you in wishing the O.P the best of luck in finding a good example . If it's any help on that score , the Mark 2 Jaydee body style with the " funk groove " cutout in the body between the neck pickup and the end of the fingerboard was the predominant design J.D were producing at the time of the dodgy era , so any bass in that style I would be extra - cautious about . To digress for a moment , you are absolutely right about looking for happiness in material things being a fruitless pusuit , and I can enjoy playing a good inexpensive bass just as much as any expensive one.. What's more , nowadays the differences between the two are getting to be less , on the whole . [/quote] This is wisdom!
  5. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376766965' post='2178945'] I am genuinely sorry to hear that , and I can relate to that kind of upset over a bass . Nowadays I take such dissappointments as being par for the course with this game , but that is a luxury afforded by a greater degree of affluence compared to back in those days when getting a new bass was a [u][i]very [/i][/u]special event , My Musician Bass had a slight electronic shielding issue , from what I remember , and I always felt like the transition from playing on the A string from playing on the E was wrong somehow . I suppose you learn from experience , and unfortunately it tends to be bitter experience . [/quote] Very true. I don't really get too excited over materialistic things nowadays...acquisition only guarantee's a short term high. Some of the most expensive basses I have owned have also been the most disappointing. I will say though...the Jaydee MK's are one of the most attractive bass designs ever (in my eyes). Good luck to the OP in his quest. It's horses for courses.
  6. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376761572' post='2178857'] Wow , we could be bass twins separated at birth ! Funnily enough , I went shopping for my first expensive bass in the mid -1980's , nearly bought a Jaydee Roadie 2 A. they had in the shop , which was also the most beautiful thing I had ever layed my eyes on up to that point , but had to settle for an Ibanez Musician Bass as I couldn't quite stretch my money to the J.D . In retrospect , that probably turned out to be a lucky escape .As I recall , by 1985[u] [i]a lot [/i][/u]of J.D basses were developing "issues " of one kind or another , so much so that even in the age before the internet ect , it very soon became common knowledge amongst players at the time that something was amiss . The necks were too skinny in profile and were made out of walnut , which wasn't hard enough to resist bending . Add to that dodgy truss rods and you have got a recipe for disaster . I also recall a bad batch of thinners used in the laquer caused a number of basses to have finish problems , if I remember correctly . With that knowledge , my custon J.D had a neck made from laminated rock maple with walnut stringers ( instead of the other way round, as it was on the older JD's ) , with a more substantial neck profile and graphite reinforcement . Thankfully , it stayed stable the whole time I had it . [/quote] Wow...small world indeed! If I recall correctly I am sure that I actually shed tears over that Jaydee....I was young and not quite as hard as I am now
  7. [quote name='Dazzler' timestamp='1376759893' post='2178824'] Thanks Visog will check it out, Unlucky White Cloud would John Diggins not replace the defective part's? never heard a bad word said about the man until now, would of thought he would of recalled the bad lot and sorted the problem. [/quote] The jaydee was the most beautiful bass I had ever seen...I was young and in love. Things went sour quickly and I eventually took it back to the shop where I bought it and we agreed upon a straight swap for a fretless Ibanez Musician - which turned out to be a lovely totally reliable beast. I believe that the Jaydee eventually required a new neck.
  8. This is seriously tasty...GAS attack.
  9. [quote name='Dazzler' timestamp='1376750120' post='2178682'] Thanks dingus, yeh heard a bad batch of wood knocking about in the mid 80s and a problem with the truss rod's. But I will have a look at any available. Wanted one for 30 years finally got the cash and can't find one! cheers [/quote] I have the T-shirt....I bought a brand new Jaydee Supernatural in the mid 80's and it was the ultimate dog. Truss rod didn't work and the neck had a terminal back bow to rival Robin Hoods weapon of choice. To make it worse I had included my beloved Wal as part of the deal....what a putz! I'm not one for bearing grudges - but I will never ever forgive John Diggins, and would not buy a plectrum from him. Rant over.
  10. Picking a bass up in person is so much better than the alternatives!!! Exciting.
  11. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1376727930' post='2178398'] In an hour or two I'm going to be heading south to Leicester to collect my new Letts 5 string singlecut, it's going to be about 3 hours in the car on my own but I don't care. I'll see if I can sort some pictures but I'm staying overnight at a friend's in Halifax (and seeing their band play at the cross keys in Morley tonight) This is a huge deal for me, I've not really bought much in the way of new instruments and this is the first time I've had any control over the specifications. Wish me luck on the M1. Matt [/quote] Good luck...and reward us with pics once you have returned home. If it's any consolation I have considered doing the exact same thing regarding Letts basses...however I would have a 6 hour drive!
  12. Fashion? Anything that is fashionable becomes unfashionable in my eyes.
  13. You like [quote name='Ghosts Over Japan' timestamp='1376645648' post='2177197'] that is absolutely stunning! Good luck with the sale! [/quote][quote name='sexy666' timestamp='1376655199' post='2177412'] thank you I like your Sandberg mate! [/quote] Seems to me that you both may be able to do a deal here! Beautiful Warwick...bump!
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1376650274' post='2177292'] FWIW, when I started this thread the discussion was intended to be the way this specific complaint was handled. Nothing else. I have no opinion on AC otherwise. Never played one, couldn't afford one. :-) [/quote] Never played one, couldn't afford one...wouldn't want one even if I could. The complaint was badly handled by the builder, he has lost face...hopefully the victim has been refunded and can spend his hard earned on something nice.
  15. I agree that 2 basses on stage slapping (or playing in any other way) away at the same time is never going to be the musical event of the year...but come on guys - it's a bit of fun. If any of us had been standing in the venue watching it with a beer or two we would all have probably enjoyed it on some level (42)!! Both great bassists in the short history of the bass.
  16. I changed to nickels....loved them until my fingers had an allergic reaction to them and the skin started peeling off! Stainless rounds for me...humbug.
  17. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1376504282' post='2175155'] The price tag on an alembic. [/quote] That is part of the appeal of an alembic!
  18. Don't assume that Rosewood is in any way a soft wood....it is generally very, very hard (much harder than Maple for example) and wear resistant. It is a great choice for fretless fingerboards.
  19. [quote name='Tallyho' timestamp='1376227784' post='2171005'] @ whitecloud... I did get it from sound control, around '98. To be honest I don't really want to sell it but could do with the money. Thanks for the interest / comments. I'll get back to the other questions soon. [/quote] 99% certain this is my old Wal....it's a touch heavy - but what a tone! I bought this bass brand new from McCormacks in Glasgow 1987 for £750 on the never never...I traded my Rickenbacker 4001 for it (I got £350 for it). John Entwhistle played it briefly at one of those a Bass Centre weekends that were so popular at the time down in London. There you go ...a bit of a history lesson. I would buy it back if I could.
  20. I just can't believe my eyes when viewing the poor quality of finish on this bass....it's beyond awful. Is all as it seems?? I mean, I just cannot believe that AC would allow this to find it's way into the hands of a player!?!? Is this some sort of scam?
  21. Looks exactly like the one I traded to Sound Control in Glasgow against my better judgement around about that time period. A really big mistake BUMP!
  22. Yup, great bassist...big fan of his his chops.
  23. Ebay is dead to me. They have priced themselves out of the game.
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