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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='D-L-B' timestamp='1375603851' post='2163230'] I really can't hear anything special in the bass tone here. [/quote] This is a good example of the different individual perceptions that we all have. For me there is a very special, hard to define aspect to this tone.
  2. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1375555664' post='2162905'] I read recently that Geddy has got a Spector bass recently ( I don't know what kind , presumably / hopefully an NS -style one ) , and he is really enjoying playing it at home . It would be great for him to make a radical departure and play something like that on the next Rush album . [/quote] Agreed...time for something new imo.
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1375553819' post='2162880'] Geddy was in such great form in those days . He inspired a whole generation of bass players all over the World during that era . His sound and overall approach to playing the bass from Signals onwards were a really interesting attempt to incorporate some of the more modern sounds and styles for the bass guitar that were becoming so prominent in popular music in the 1980's . To be honest , his more recent sound with his Jazz Bass and the Sansamp is much less appealing to me . I like his sound and approach on Counterparts , but since then his sound has been less exciting to me . He used to have a markedly different tone on each new album , but for a long time now he seems to have settled on a kind of modern rock bass by numbers sort of sound i.e a Fender bass with a distorted top end , and I think it's time for a change . [/quote] You have just nailed my exact same sentiments!!!!!!!! Could not agree more - his Fender/Sansamp combination over the last few years leaves me cold.
  4. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1375552784' post='2162868'] This is just my personal experience, I am not slagging the guy down or what ever. As i Honestly don't care. Yes it seems companies who are totally established think it's ok to leave customers "out drying" when they exist thanks to us musicians (pro or not) , the people playing their instruments. The list of people I never got answer from , is huge and I have lost count... It is nice to see companies like Fodera after all the thing they've been through, answered me in 37 minutes some months ago... [/quote] I understand what you mean, very frustrating. I think the fact that Paul has enough pre-orders to keep him busy for the next 3-4 years is a contributory reason for the lack of response...but it's no excuse really. To play devils advocate I contacted Paul to inquire about placing an order about 12 months ago and he replied within 24 hours. Perhaps you have been unlucky?
  5. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1375552900' post='2162870'] I love the tone on that track , too . It was indeed , as far as I know , the Steinberger . I have read Geddy saying in interviews that ,in retrospect , he was less than completly happy with his sound on that album and that he feels the Steinberger lacked a certain bottom -end warmth , but it sounds great to me . The pick-like attack is entirely due to Geddy's uniquely aggressive fingerstyle approach . To properly replicate that sound , though, you to roll up the sleeves of your jacket and a World -class mullet hairstyle . [/quote] Yup...love this tone too. My second favourite recorded Geddy tone to the Wal on "Power Windows".
  6. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1375552701' post='2162866'] Sounds like a plectrum to me [/quote] It does a bit....never known Geddy to use a pick though. Interesting. It has that Wal "wah" type tone but I'm sure I read somewhere in the dim and distant past that he used the XL2 on this recording and tour.
  7. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1375529078' post='2162532'] im not knocking Wal basses but when i played one a few years ago, the tone was a very uninspiring thud. it was beautifully made but apart from that i really couldnt see the appeal from the tone. but the feel of the bass was amazing [/quote] Wow...never ever heard anyone say this before! Wow. Ah well...horses for courses.
  8. This has annoyed me since this LP was released way back in the day.....how does Geddy get this tone? I love it...almost a touch of wah or phase..or something!?!? I'm sure he used the Steinberger on this recording as it was pre-Wal era - but I may be wrong. What else is he using??? http://youtu.be/9kJWkmtjoX4
  9. I love Thunderbirds - but the floating bridge on Gibson basses is a hateful abomination imo. The single worst piece of hardware I have ever encountered on any bass guitar.
  10. [quote name='tubbybloke68' timestamp='1375473621' post='2162060'] To be honest I prefer the simplicity of the controls on the passive.im no tech head and I love my wal 5 but in my opinion every setting, whatever you choose is very useable on the passive,whereas not so on the active.I find the same with my alembic actually. The output and 'girth' of sound from the single pup never ceases to amaze me! And nothing else has ever come close to offering that fat ,creamy smooth and definition of note sound . [/quote] How does your Wal 5 compare to your Alembic tone wise? I found that my Wal could do everything my Alembic could do...easier and at half the price!
  11. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1375458163' post='2161734'] Standard though, isn't it? The medical profession has such a strong focus around pain relief - so, that's what I got. Have found a good osteopath locally, recommended from an old work colleague - so I'll be having a trial session next week! He was right in his admonition, however. I could be a bit lighter, and I have a history - not only from when I slipped my disc, but I did crawl out of a car crash and have had a whole swathe of earlier sporting injuries (both of which did for my back!), so... bugger, might have to take that one on the chin and get back on the bike. [/quote] Hope things improve. Back pain/sciatica is horrible.
  12. It doesn't really matter how you decide to develop and advance, there will always be others who disagree with your chosen methods....because they aren't you.
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1375468586' post='2161965'] Playing music is a pleasurable business. Why not use the tools of business if they transfer? [/quote] True!
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1375467548' post='2161947'] OK. [/quote] Wouldn't mind a copy if any does buy it though?!?!? ....................slinks away
  15. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1375466788' post='2161934'] No it's not, it's a response to countless numbers of fans who think the original version of the album sounded terrible. How does" integrity" come into it anyway; are they meant to give away everything they do for nothing? Do you work for free? Nobody is being forced to buy it. Plenty of people, myself included, who think "Vapour Trails" was a great collection of songs ruined by terrible mixing/mastering/whatever will now be able to buy a sonically superior copy should they so choose. [/quote] I like the original so wont buy it. The original was a true reflection of where Rush were at that point in time..a very important place given Neil's tragedies - so why revisit it? I'm not a fan of generic statements like "Countless fans have been crying out for it".....but that's just my perception. I am not crying out for it. Honestly guys...buy it, love it, cherish it.....good luck.
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1375465932' post='2161923'] Yes, it will (IMO, of course). See my earlier posts about the previously-released remixes.. [/quote] Yes I did see the posts. Honestly, I am glad that you enjoy the updated material.... it's just not for me. I remember when Rush used to sing about integrity. This is a release to raise yet more capital.
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1375464069' post='2161883'] You do that. I'll get the new one because it'll be better. [/quote] Will it? I'm perfectly happy with the original version....if you choose to buy it then good luck with that. I am sure Geddy et al will be touched by your loyalty.
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1375461769' post='2161828'] Of course it's commercial. Why would they do it otherwise? [/quote] And for that reason I will make do with the original cut
  19. Agree. Wal are at the top of the food chain imho.
  20. Without wishing to be cynical this could be more of a commercial venture than an artistic one.
  21. Yup know the SMART mnemonic well, use it in my line of business from time to time. Well....it can be applied to any desired goal or outcome imho. If you feel that applying it to your bass playing development will work for you - then go for it. Music is ART my friend...there are NO rules.
  22. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1375447479' post='2161515'] Well, I got a bollocking for not looking after myself - and, yes, sciatica was the diagnosis. He's asked me to monitor the pain and contact again if it persists beyond a fortnight - in which case he's refer for physio, and we can have a more serious chat. Interesting conversation on the levels of pain relief. I'm only taking a fraction of what I'm allowed - he's asked me to up that and to look again at some of the exercises from previous (and a new document he had to hand), to ensure I'm continuing to stretch and get some relief beyond just numbing the pain. Managed a proper chat with my employer this morning. I've got a couple of days off next week, in advance of some travel later in the week, to ensure I get some rest prior, and they're willing to look at travel options with me - all pretty positive! [/quote] Typical GP....hot air and pain killers. I find it bizarre that you have to go back in a couple of weeks before physio is considered. Seriously consider paying for a couple of sessions with an osteopath.
  23. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1375444697' post='2161442'] I'm an osteo with chiro qualifications too and I always recommend my patients do Pilates as well - I put em straight and then they keep it there with core strength. Physio is good for rehab after accident or operation but they arn't trained in 'body mechanics'. GP's - useless - great for drugs but unless the underlying problem is solved it'll keep coming back (no pun intended) [/quote] Agreed...suffered horrible back injury, various GP's had not a clue and prescribed several meds (that were actually doing me more harm than good). Osteo treatment got straight to the heart of the matter...and set me on the road to recovery. Hope the OP is at least pain free by now!
  24. Bump...used to drool over these Aria's (including the blood spattered version) back in my metallic youth......ah, those were indeed the days.
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