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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. How good can it be? Its a P bass...a work horse.
  2. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1375294379' post='2159448'] I didn't know I could bypass the GP. Last time I waited for referral. Now that is interesting, thanks. [/quote] Here in Scotland no GP referral is required...any person can contact their local NHS physio direct. I recently tore my shoulder rotator cuff muscle...I went straight to my local NHS physio.....I was in for treatment within hours! Unless other parts of the UK are different you should, with luck benefit in the same way. Call your GP surgery and ask for the nearest NHS physio contact number. I trapped my sciatic nerve 5 years ago btw...exact same symptoms you are experiencing...couldnt understand why the back eased off and my left leg had become seriously painful!
  3. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1375280206' post='2159199'] After the last injury, I'd be working up some lower back exercises in the gym. The idea was to both pull some weight off (failing, because I'm simply adding upper body muscle mass) and have a stronger back. Total failure! I'm not sure when I'll manage to get back to regular exercise, though I did speak to my employer - ok, so it'll keep me from going out on the road, but we both struggled to work out the difference between working from home and simply resting up. I could probably do both from a pile of cushions! Dug out of my old exercises for sciatica sheet from the NHS physio. A couple of hamstring stretches gave some relief, as it's morphed from the back being an issue to some real crippling issues in my right leg! [/quote] From this information I can tell you that your leg is in actual fact absolutely fine...you have a sciatic nerve problem. You may have trapped it my friend. Forget the GP and either book a session with a specialist or go straight to NHS Physio - there is no referral necessary from a doctor.
  4. [quote name='Big Bass Man' timestamp='1375214885' post='2158403'] Thanks guys for all the positive comments - think I've a bass for life here! The build quality is second to none and the range of sounds (as mentioned above by Dingus) is truly outstanding! I'm one happy bunny! Hmm maybe a DJ 5 as well then ? [/quote] Yup, great build quality. I regret selling my DJ on last summer...best jazz bass that I ever owned - and I have owned one or two good vintage F****r jazzers in my time.
  5. To be honest I would say that the answer to the posted question is no.
  6. I really feel for you as a long term back pain sufferer. In my experience the good old GP is a bit of a waste of time....get yourself to an Osteopath, or fast track straight to physio. As for the gig, get some anti inflams into your system and gobble some good pain killers.
  7. Tone monster...great bass for someone looking for something a bit different.
  8. These are superb 5 strings. Congrats!
  9. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1375054176' post='2156285'] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Buying a signature instrument is a great way of sounding like you, but at extra cost.[/font] [/quote] Truth!
  10. Oh dear. I still enjoy the BGM despite it all. Spoke to the editor about 3 years ago and he promised a Percy Jones interview...never happened, but cest la vie. Adore Zon basses btw. Outstanding.
  11. I would love this...however I am officially broke! Bump.
  12. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1373828027' post='2142022'] Buying a Spector, do I go gloss white or gloss black? [/quote] Doesn't matter what anyone else reckons....you need to live with it, you decide! I say go black btw.
  13. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1374490119' post='2149204'] Upon searching pictures of maple I came across this Stunning piece of wood.. How many bookmatched top would that have made? Sorry for the rubbish thread name [/quote] A simple design beautifully executed. That is a special piece of wood.
  14. Seems to me that rock music is the only realm of guitar domination....
  15. I really admire this bass - it's going to be an outstanding instrument.
  16. Only ever owned one...bought it new in 87...it was an absolute peach! Gorgeous sound (made some nice recordings with it) and feel. Honestly cannot remember what happened to that bass - my bass purchasing history is becoming extremely blurry as my age progresses.
  17. It seems strange to me that we cant all just enjoy what we enjoy and be happy at that. I love Jaco but honestly have no interest in convincing anyone who doesn't otherwise! I am me, you are you...we are all different.
  18. [quote name='kennyrodg' timestamp='1341612205' post='1721943'] Fair doo's, but I guess it get's my goat when folk take the piss after he's taken the effort to show it us, laid bare his soul and all that. I did say "some" people tho'. Anyway [/quote] Indeed, "smart arsery" seems to be on the increase on this forum and personally I am finding it increasingly unpleasant and tedious. Beautiful bass and a great story. Greece as a country may be suffering at the moment however we should never ever lose sight of the wonderful people that Greece always produced...and continues to produce.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374253627' post='2146963'] You shouldn't buy British just because it's British, but when you realise that with Simon Farmer, Chris May and Martin Petersen (to name just my favourites) this country has some of the best bass guitar makers in the world, isn't that incentive enough? [/quote] Sure thing. I have always personally recognized this...just wondered what the OP's perspective was.
  20. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1374248311' post='2146900'] That's a good question. There is an argument that, if there is a national drive to buy everything from your own country, then that doesn't encourage home based manufacturers to be innovative and competitive. There was a drive in the UK in the 1960s, complete with a Bruce Forsyth song .... which, ironically, failed to chart. You could argue the "I'm Backing Britain" campaign in the 1960s was partly responsible for sustaining our "rust bucket" industrial base - which didn't modernise and disappeared. I think that may have been partly true, but there were many other more significant factors. I feel, if there is a product from the UK, which is of equivalent quality to one from abroad, then I should at least think about purchasing it. Ashdown make some good stuff. I love my MiBass (ironically made in China) but it is from a UK company at least. If they buy in the product from abroad, badge it as theirs and export it 'round the globe, then that does our country some good. And it's a cracking bass amp. I feel in the mood to buy a new bass - so I'm thinking along those lines. It's very difficult to identify many companies who are not "toolshed outfits" though. Good on them for doing it for themselves, but I'm after something made by an established manufacturing company I suppose. Rare in the UK bass market. [/quote] Thanks, that was a good answer. Absolutely nothing wrong with your rationale in any way. Good luck!
  21. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1374241963' post='2146809'] I was around at the time and my experience of Jaco was not as you describe. [/quote] It is unreasonable & wholly unrealistic to expect everyone's experience of Jaco to be the same.
  22. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1374097122' post='2145326'] I'm beginning to feel that I should buy British stuff. I have an Ashdown head and a Barefaced cab - both of which I am really pleased with. What are my options for actual bass guitars? I can think of:[list] [*]Status [*]Shuker [*]GB ? [/list] I guess there must be more? [/quote] Why do you feel that you should be buying British?
  23. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1374244261' post='2146851'] It's great isn't it ? I get really fed up with people dismissing some music as "Not relevant" but who really gives a sh*te ? music is fun & creative as well, if it feels great then listen to it or just do it. [/quote] Dead right. My only surprise is the OP's surprise that the gig was good...these guys know what they are doing, they have sat nicely near the top of the rock n roll food chain for 40 years! They are top professionals.
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