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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374179577' post='2146251'] Well , the thing is that Jaco and the other artists you mention were radical departures within their given discipline , and changed their medium forever . It is possible for all kinds of fancy Dan bass players to come along with amazing chops and technique , but so far most have struggled to make the impact that Jaco did . I wouldn't put Jaco in the same bracket as Mozart or Shakespear for various reasons ( I could explain why , if you like ) , but in his own modest way he was a genius of sorts , but not because of his technique . His gift was that he thought about and interpreted music differently to other people , and happened to do so via the medium of the bass guitar . Like just about every genius you can think of , Jaco was unconventional , a radical , and unlike anything that had come before him on the bass guitar . He wasn't alone in that by any means - there were other fantastically gifted players of that era - but at his best he was brilliant in his own right . He was versatile too , despite having such a distinctive signature style . He was a World- class jazz bassist and accomplished soloist , but his work as an accompanist in various genres is equally accomplished and shows great maturity and sensitivity to the overall musical picture rather than just his own role in it . Regardless of your own personal taste ( which you are fully entitled to , I hasten to add) Jaco was the real deal , the complete package . I am not one of Jaco's slavish followers by any means , and I couldn't even say he was the player I myself have enjoyed or or directly tried to emulate the most , but his stature on the instrument is undeniable . [/quote] This.
  2. Agree with the assessment...these are of an exceptionally high standard. Great P bass!
  3. The neck was a dog...it happens. I had a Jaydee that developed an evil back bow that eventually rendered it totally unusable - such a stressful experience. The vast majority of bass necks are wood which can at times be unpredictable and unstable by nature...considering the amount of wooden necks that a company like Fender make there is bound to be one or two like this that slip through the net. Well done to Fender for sorting this. I had a Lakland Skyline neck that developed a crack - they had a new neck shipped to me toot sweet and paid for a luthier to fit it with no qualms. Good customer service is everything.
  4. I really like both Alder & Swamp Ash bodies...nicely selected pieces tick all of my boxes from a resonance perspective. I prefer Swamp Ash to Ash purely from a weight perspective. I believe that all work very well as bass bodies. The Swamp Ash bodied Lakland P & J variants work beautifully well. My Lakland Daryll Jones was featherweight (swamp Ash body) and sounded just so right. I belong to the camp that does believe that body wood contributes to the overall sound of the instrument. I would assert that Swamp Ash bodied basses have a slightly different low end to that of Alder. There are plenty out there who will disagree........
  5. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1373742311' post='2141206'] f***ing incredible. How can you criticize this??? [/quote] Many members of the Bass Chat audience can be extremely hard to please.
  6. I use both 4 & 5 string basses live. The vocalist that I play with is extremely talented but has a limited range...we frequently have to transpose many of the covers that we play - often resulting in a loss of low end. Having the 5 string in the toolbox enables me to easily compensate for this. Horses for courses. I tried 6 string a while ago...but found the extra high end totally useless for what I was playing.
  7. I really like this...looks very cool.
  8. In many ways you are in GAS nirvana...coming into cash etc. The other side of the coin is that actually making this decision is a nightmare! You need to play as many of the basses on your wish list as possible, make your decision ...and then live with the consequences!
  9. It is up to you to decide, but this is unlikely to work in most cases. I would also be wary of deciding that he is a good guy after just one audition....
  10. It is very modern sounding...very cool.
  11. Entwistle's Alembic explorer that he used at Live AId...the one that worked that is!
  12. A local bassist got super excited once with the super thin frets on my old Lakland Daryll Jones bass....I hadn't even noticed. I don't get excited over frets and honestly couldn't explain the difference.
  13. [quote name='Soloshchenko' timestamp='1372969985' post='2132366'] Lovely basses these. Do it [/quote] Patience my dear fellow, patience. All good things come to those who can wait. £380 looks like a great deal for the sunburst!
  14. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1372966597' post='2132307'] Elvis 9th on the bill! [/quote] I am willing to negotiate on running order lol.
  15. All original the Who, All original Led Zeppelin All original Weather Report All original The Beatles All original Genesis Jimmy Hendrix All original Queen Miles Davis Elvis Presley Kate Bush All original Blackfoot All original Black Sabbath All original Van Halen Charles Mingus That'll do for now!
  16. I think you are in mourning for the band you were in and I think you have other personal issues bubbling away in the background. One thing I would say is that constant gear (or other materialistic) acquisition never ever leads to lengthy happiness...just a quick "high".
  17. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1372906732' post='2131525'] I must say I'm really surprised to hear of the QC problems given in this thread as it's the first I've heard of it. Every Ibanez bass I've played has been absolutely spot on. I hope this isn't a sign of them going down hill [/quote] Ditto. Always been super impressed with their QC previously.
  18. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1372872676' post='2131046'] I've been a confirmed Fender girl for ages, but picked up an SR600 for a decent price recently. Really enjoyed the versatility that I didn't realise I'd been missing from my Precisions, plus the neck is a much better size for my stupid small girl hands. It's a great bass. 2 piece ash body with a nice grain, 7.2lbs, sounds amazing, really well built, frets are perfect, action is super low... couldn't ask for more for the price. Oh except one thing... it's so light that it's very slightly neck heavy. Not enough to dive though, fortunately. [/quote] The 600's are excellent instruments!
  19. Hmmm, so I have been window shopping today...just looking you understand...for a Yamaha BB425X, purely for the purpose of research of course - seems GAK have a lovely white/black scratchplate model for £485 and (my favourite) antique sunburst for £380!?!?!? Apart from the colour they are identical. Am I missing something... why the huge difference in price?
  20. [quote name='BassManGraham' timestamp='1372849596' post='2130590'] Am considering getting a 6 string bass. Have fairly small hands so have always prefered slimmer necks i.e. Jazz, T'Birds, MM Sterling, Ibanez etc Was thinking about an Ibanez SR1206 (like the sound & look etc) but fellow Basschatters are reporting problems with quality control and build issues. Budget up to £1000 new or preowned. Appreciate views? [/quote] Definitely Ibanez. I have heard negativity from a couple of players regarding the 1206 but I own the 1205 & it is bang on the money. Why not even look at the 506...played one once and was super impressed. I also had hands on one of the new lower priced Gerald Veasley models lately...really great - but the neck pocket on that particular bass was a bit over sized for the neck heel, my pet hate. Disappointing as overall it was a killer bass.
  21. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1372847892' post='2130557'] The actual bassline is very simple but if you don't have 3 electric guitarists and a piano player in your band it can sound just a bit empty. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZOozDHL0LA[/media] [/quote] It's the lack of piano that kills the bass part!
  22. Both different animals...can't tell you what direction to go down as you need to follow your own instincts. Personally, one day I would prefer the Jazz...the next the Streamer. Yes..I am of no help!!!!!
  23. Don't laugh...but experience has taught me that Sweet Home Alabama is easy to play, but much harder to play in an extremely tight fashion. I have to employ a fair bit of damping and ghost notes to be on the money with that bad boy...not so easy when singing simultaneously.
  24. [quote name='andreapenna' timestamp='1372790457' post='2130082'] Thomann accepted a full refund and collection at zero cost. sr1205 ordered. This is definitely last chance for me with this Premium line *worst ever choosen name!!! [/quote] Feel really bad for you. Personally I would have given up on them by now. I had a couple of minor niggles with my 1205 but nothing like the issues you have encountered. On another note I saw one of the new lower price point Gerald Veasley signature model Ibanez's in guitar guitar the other day....a large gap in the neck pocket on the body left me suitably unimpressed. I sincerely hope Ibanez are not on a slippery slope here.......
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