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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1372791081' post='2130100'] I used to only play 35" 5ers, and usually found the B a bit crappy on 34" 5ers. Then I discovered Sandberg and realized that you can have a GREAT B string on a 34" scale bass, you just have to find the right one. Suddenly, my trusty TRB's felt big and clumsy by comparison and disappeared soon after. I really wish there was a decent music shop nearby that stocked them, I think I would have to a/b one with my Sandberg before making a decision. They look and sound good though. .... Just wish there were more good quality YouTube vids! [/quote] When I set out to buy a 5 string I wanted a TRB, absolutely set my heart on one - tried it and just could not get on with it at all. Don't know why but it just killed my fretting hand. Huge disappointment as I love Yamaha & the TRB looked killer. Tried a 605 instead, had seen pictures online & thought it looked okay, saw it hanging on the wall & thought the same...picked it up and played it...blew me away. They have to be played to be appreciated.
  2. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1372764760' post='2129561'] I've been like this for years. I've tried loads of things to rekindle my interest but they never last very long. My disinterest in playing has become so extreme now that I've actually just bought a Fender Precision. I've done the whole band/gigging thing - grew to hate it, never want to do it again. It's not just bass - I play guitar & keyboards as well & I've got little interest in them either. I enjoy noodling about on them occasionally but the passion I used to have for playing has gone. I've got a lot of unavoidable long term negative sh*t in my life that isn't going to go away anytime soon & I think that's just drained all my energy & enthusiasm. [/quote] The last sentence in your reply is a massive statement. I can only sympathize with you!
  3. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1372713263' post='2129137'] Thanks again guys, very helpful! How do you find the B string? I haven't played a 5 string Soundgear for a couple of years, but I seem to remember finding the B string a little rattly and floppy. Since then however, I have started playing much more lightly and using lighter gauge strings. Basically, I love my two Sandbergs but they are exactly the same, just different colours. I'm just wondering if I would be better to sell one and get something else to give me a bit of variety. It would need to be 34" scale, light, comfortable, and with a slim neck. ....... Which is why I was eyeing the Soundgears up (although I have liked the look of the 605 since it came out). [/quote] I just cant live with 35" scale basses...period. I must admit I had reservations about 34" scale length 5 string basses...but I found the low B on both the 605 and the 1205 to be fantastic - tight and on the money. trust me, these basses sound really great live..the low B is killer. I play with a low action and play a lot of fast finger style with a reasonably light touch...these basses are excellent for this. This is wholly subjective, but I prefer the inherent tone of the 605 over the 505 - tighter/punchier mid range...less pronounced low end response. Believe it or not it actually reminds me of the tone I had with a Steinberger XL back in the 80's. The 1205 has a different sound again...it doesn't really impress at low volume but is very impressive when cranked up.
  4. Totally understand this, and can relate to all of the replies! I was obsessed with bass playing from the age of 10 - then hit a wall when I was about 23..and put my P bass in the cupboard for about 9 years and forgot all about it. Strange and tragic turn of life events (wont bore you with the story) led to me finding my way back to it. I will say this; I was an extremely proficient player when I jacked it in...but the break did me a power of good. Obviously I had lost my chops after the break, but I had a completely new approach (because I had become a different person)...I am subsequently a much much better player now! Listen to your instincts and just go with them. There is no point persevering if it doesn't give you satisfaction or pleasure. Put the basses away...if you are meant to play bass then you will come back to them in the end.
  5. Awesome band, great tunes...deceptively good bass lines. Sounds like a great gig. Good luck dude!
  6. Wow, you are having some bad luck with these basses dude. Personally the 1605 doesn't do it for me (grain is too ott)...but it's horses for courses.
  7. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1372708216' post='2128991'] I think there may have been some irony in that post, especially given the recent discussion on the Wal sound. It certainly doesn't sound much like a Wal to me, but it does sound like a $$ with some compression to smooth out the playing. Big humbucker sound, some bite but no sharp treble frequencies. [/quote] Mmmmm, just a little bit of irony lol! It does sound good though.
  8. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1372706168' post='2128933'] Sweetheart I wouldn't lower myself to his level And good job us women who do play bass do it for the love of the instrument and not to try and be "alluring" to men. Couldn't give a rats arse if blokes fancy me because I hold a bass.... I do care if I can get their feet tapping to the groove. [/quote] Well said!
  9. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1372700789' post='2128806'] Many thanks for that cloudburst! I kind of thought they'd bea little lighter than that due to the thin body, but not exactly heavy nonetheless. How does the the 605 compare to your 1205? If you don't mind me asking, how come you moved the 605 on? Cheers. [/quote] No worries! I was really impressed by the quality of the 605 - the woodworking, fit & finish was perfect. The sculptured swamp Ash body was beautifully executed. The 605 was almost as good as the 1205 - not a huge difference in quality. I moved it on as I needed a four string P type bass for a new rock project, and during these fiscal times I am operating under a strict "one out, one in" policy. Great bass.Try one out, I quite liked the look of them, - but as soon as I got hands on I totally loved it. For what its worth I think Ibanez have totally smashed it with the SR design..perfect balance, sound and playability.
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372694507' post='2128703'] I'm not a misogynist . I'm just a very , very attractive man who needs a cleaner . That sounds even worse , doesn't it ? [/quote] Oh dear...where is this going???
  11. To me yes, they are important. Words can be extremely powerful.
  12. The tone sounds similar to a Wal.
  13. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1372679835' post='2128395'] Not a popular model then....... [/quote] Hi, I owned a SR 605 up until about 3 weeks ago, I used it as a gigging back up to my SR 1205. It is a tremendous instrument and I cannot praise them enough....they are very tactile and have to be played to be appreciated as pictures don't just don't do them justice. The design is just so well thought out. Supremely playable, great elecs & pups, wonderful punchy tones ...great hardware. Mine weighed under 8lbs, tremendous for a 5 string bass. Highly recomended.
  14. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1372676591' post='2128341'] The only advantage a designed to be fretless bass might have over a de-fretted bass is the luthier may have chosen a harder or nicer sounding piece of wood for the fingerboard. Not going to make a huge difference in most cases. [/quote] This is a very perceptive observation. Very true!
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372601199' post='2127548'] You can't be too thin or too rich. And that's the thing... if you're rich you know you can eat wherever you like whenever you like, so half the time you don't bother. When you're poor, you're thinking about food [i]all the bloody time[/i] and then when you [i]can [/i]afford it, you buy jam, cake, crisps, sweets, KFC, McD, and so on and so forth. Because healthy food is expensive and doesn't give you the same instant gratification. Having said that, Eric Pickles is in no way poor and yet you could scoop him out and use him as a houseboat. So what do I know? [/quote] Very true indeed............
  16. Music apart, its incredible how painfully thin these guys are. McCartney falls into the same category. Normal people are not emaciated in this way. They must live on fags.
  17. I owned a killer Lakland Skyline Daryll Jones ( amazing jazz bass) that weighed just under 8lbs...however Laklands vary greatly in weight.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372509957' post='2126599'] Whatever you think of Seasick Steve. you've got to admit he's in pretty good company, no? And he didn't get his big break until he was 65, which says 'poo' to all those kids on here who think you're finished if you're over forty! So a big 'poo' to you all again!! POO!! [/quote] HA ha...great!
  19. I am pictured here with Allan and Gary Husband. Allan is very self critical and extremely down to earth and humble. [attachment=137954:075.jpg]
  20. [quote name='Leen2112' timestamp='1372508226' post='2126569'] Don't know why but looked like he was suffering from stage fright! His hands were shaking, but maybe that's him? [/quote] See my last post bud
  21. [quote name='Leen2112' timestamp='1372459886' post='2126147'] Yeah, saw him at the renfrew ferry a few years ago. Pretty good even though he looked terrified! [/quote] Lol. I had a beer with him before that show - and I can confirm he was terrified! I also stood about 4 feet in front of him throughout the show and you could easily see his fingers trembling...the amount of sweat on the finger board was another indicator. For those not in the know Allan suffers from chronic stage fright. I find it amazing that one of the greatest ever exponents of the electric guitar suffers in this way when playing to a crowd of 200 admirers!!! On the second occasion that I saw Allan in the Ferry I ended up in deep conversation with Jimmy Johnson who asked me for advice on Sansamp drivers....he asked [u]ME [/u]for advice!! Ridiculous................ I got the hell out of there before I was rumbled as captain bluff of the the 2nd bluff brigade.
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