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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Very rare top, a totally beautiful bass. Good luck - bump!
  2. My first reaction is to tell you to keep it...but then again I sold my Alembic and have never regretted it at all. I understand where you are coming from with the emotional link to your father - but remember, if you move it on and purchase another fine instrument the connection remains intact with regard to the new acquisition! You will take a big hit on the value if you decide to move it on...if you bought it new you will take a BIG hit. Alembic's are undoubtedly of a premium quality....but are also completely over priced imho.
  3. Somehow I can't imagine Jaco's bass of doom as part of Metallica. I really hope the rumour that Trujillo kept it is inaccurate....that would suck.
  4. Nothing sounds like a Wal. An Alembic Series 1 can sound close...but it takes a fair bit of fiddling around.
  5. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1371935882' post='2119918'] I like it, very 80's, and tonnes of people rave about Carvin - I don't do purple though, a nice ocean turquoise for me! [/quote] Comes in a range of colours...the transparent green with the 5AAA Maple top is a winner in my book.
  6. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1371978305' post='2120167'] +1... [/quote] Mmmmm - yawn from a man with 4 Fenders and a Warwick? Interesting.
  7. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1371921629' post='2119671'] Yawn. soz but...zzzzzzzzzz [/quote] Mmmmmmmmmmmm, in hindsight the fruit salad would appear to have aniseed surely enough ....zzzzzzzzzz.
  8. Saw this in this months bass guitar magazine....I likey lots!
  9. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1371920368' post='2119639'] In my experience a heavier swamp ash body seems to sound more "Marcus" than a lightweight one if that's what you're after. It gives a bit more of that mid honk that's then compensated by scooping with the preamp bass and treble boosted. Not so good if you've got a bad back though. [/quote] I know that it is wholly subjective - but I always feel that heavier basses sound/resonate better. I had a killer Lakland that weighed 12 lbs....seriously wore me down over a 3 hr gig, but the bass just felt & sounded so right.
  10. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1371910826' post='2119478'] There was a Red Indian in Village People, although I think not a legitimate one! [/quote] It would appear that this thread despite being in it's infancy is already in the process of becoming derailed by comic genius.
  11. Blackfoot....if this is wrong then I dont wanna be right!! http://youtu.be/GKQGAJQb1TI
  12. Native American indians can seriously rock. Listen to Blackfoot...the rythym section are both full breed Sioux indians. Greg T walker is a superb bassist. Proof; http://youtu.be/h42F9gHnFf0
  13. Its all good stuff. Pity they omitted Wishbone Ash - Argus was a great recording.
  14. These are well made, play great and sound sweet. What else is there??
  15. Allan Holdsworth - "Metal Fatigue" & "Road Games" Jimmy Johnson + Jeff Berlin respectively on fire.
  16. I put my bass away in a cupboard when I felt exactly like this back in the 90's (the music of that era just turned me off) and it stayed there for 7-8 years. I eventually was drawn back to it - I had lost my chops, but came "at it" from a different angle with a new approach, way of thinking and maturity. I believe that I am am a much better musician now. The matter of lessons is totally irrelevant. The core of musicianship comes from the realm of feel and emotion - not technique. You cannot help how you feel. Put the bass down for and walk away from it...until it calls you back.
  17. [quote name='andreapenna' timestamp='1371803176' post='2118228'] Bingo! That is exactly my impression. but I don't think ex-demo since there were absolutely no scratches on the body, nothing. Probably someone else returned it before me... the price was down to £835 while I started looking around and comparing prices, then it jumped to £949, and then went down to £835 again. This is when I bought it. So could be that is when someone else returned it back to them? But since I have no evidences, I can just say this sounds realistic but I can't prove it. And, yes, the replacement should be on its way right now. [/quote] Really strange set of circumstances this...Ibanez QC is usually first rate. Just goes to show! Hope the replacement is on the money dude.
  18. [quote name='aende' timestamp='1371742736' post='2117640'] I have seen Neil Young on many occasions in the USA, Germany, Italy, Canada and the UK, I was lucky enough to see him being backed up by Pearl jam too. I have a mixed view on his shows; some have been absolutely brilliant; some shows have been rubbish where he is clearly doing it to pay the bills. The best song I have seen him do live; 'Borrowed Tune' solo piano....I think it is rare that he does this now. After reading his *new* book 'Waging Heavy Peace' and reading the inferred 'money troubles' on his Hawaii home towards the end of the book, I kinda figured he would go back out on the road with 'The Horse'. Crazy Horse are a terrible backing band, they slow down and speed up dramatically during songs, but for some reason, it works with Neil Young at the helm. Maybe I am being cynical, but I think that Neil Young has become a bit of a 'sell out' now.......But I would always counsel positively for going to a NY show! [/quote] As an interested but impartial observer (I was given a free ticket) at the recent Glasgow show I agree with the time keeping issue. I have seen some of the greatest drummers ever to hold sticks & I thought the Crazy Horse drummer was lack lustre and had awful timing...but they all just kind of rolled with it and adapted seamlessly, so it worked. From a technical point of view wholly unimpressed by Crazy Horse....from an emotional point of view they ticked most boxes. Weird show and certainly interesting. Didn't know any of his back catalogue so certainly had no complaints about him "not playing his greatest hits".
  19. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1371499584' post='2114771'] I like this a lot! Does it have two outputs like Sheehan's Attitude bass? [/quote] No it has only one. Does a reasonable impersonation of Billy's early Mr Big tone though....and more! Built like a brick outhouse and plays really nice. The woofer is very powerful and has to be used carefully. The P pup is aggressive. Really good rock bass.
  20. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1371586960' post='2115963'] Bit of a newbie question this one. I have some really good days where i can play really well and on other days im so bad, like really bad. Anyone else have these and how can i become more consistent?. [/quote] I have been playing for 35 yrs and still have this from time to time. Personally, if my chops aren't obeying my brain I simply practice scales slow time all over the neck. Absolute consistency is difficult to achieve in any psycho motor skill - especially one that necessitates the marriage of feel & groove! Like anything in life practice makes perfect
  21. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1371545223' post='2115173'] A few more of my BC Rich Eagle, since it made an appearance in the other thread: Showing the neckthrough... it's stained back, with the grain just visible if you try. [/quote] OMG. That is beautiful...the Eagle was my ultimate dream bass back in the 80's after seeing Geezer Butler playing one. The closest I got was owning a NJ basic version.
  22. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1371495629' post='2114660'] Tell me about it! The worst thing is, there's only one really poor demo by GAK online (the sound quality is bad and it doesn't do the pickups/tonal palette I know the bass has, any justice) and there are hardly any photos other than stock so I can't even get a feel for how the burl top could turn out. It's going to be my reading bass and it looks ideal. Any tone at my finger tips and the low range making reading positions more comfortable and more efficient. Excited!! [/quote] Congratulations! Beautiful basses cannot praise my 1205 enough...and I love the burl top on the 1605. It looks like a boutique class bass to me. The tones on offer are wonderful at volume...lovely.
  23. I recall someone raving about the recent(ish) Jack Bruce autobiography. Sorry but I cant remember the title.
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