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  1. Cheers Jus Lukin
  2. Our powered monitor has gone kaput, it's very old and knocked about so it's getting skipped. I have a Yamaha passive monitor, my question is can I power it with a standalone pre-amp and if so can someone recommend a reliable cheap make.
  3. She's called Wendy Smith and she was a guest tutor on the course one weekend, she taught us music therapy. And boy oh boy what a voice she has.
  4. Around the year 2000 I was on a course in Hexham. Got talking music with another course member, I said my love of music had lead to me becoming a bass player. She said her husband played bass in band, I asked her the name of the band........Prefab Sprout......She was Martin MacAloon's wife. She was lovely.
  5. I've had it when work mates find out I play bass say 'Ooooo you'll have to bring it in and give us a tune'...........Errrr no I don't think so LOL
  6. Mid 90's pub called The Lime Kiln middle of nowhere north of Carlisle long gone now, Rick Kemp and Maddie Prior watching as it was their local. I was bricking it but go through it. Never get nervous at all now luckily.
  7. What I would like to know is: did they use Brian's actual guitar or a copy.
  8. Not a gig as such but I saw The Trailer Park Boys (Canadian comedy series on Netflix) live in Glasgow on Sunday night. It was like no other gig, concert, comedy show I have ever been too it was more like one big party involving the audience and by far the best thing I've been to in a long long time. Bubbles did do his classic song 'Liquor and whores' which had the whole place singing. Can't wait to see then again. Also gained massive dad points by surprising my son with the tickets as he's a massive fan. As Bubbles would say 'Deeeeeeeecent' :-)
  9. His own design and he's got a thing about off set body shapes.
  10. Definitely going to use it next gig in Jan, I'm not a stand at the back kind of player anyway, like to be up front throwing some shapes and doing a bit of dad dancing.
  11. Thank you Barking, my mate has made a few guitars now this was his first bass. He tries to use as much second hand reclaimed materials as possible. He's very much a make do and mend kind of guy plus he's very talented. He buys necks ready made from China as it is cheaper than buying the wood to make one from scratch but he's made the jigs and is going to give it a go once he has sourced some reclaimed suitable wood.
  12. Thanks :-) Specs are: Neck sourced ready made from China, headstock reshaped from Fenderish shape. Body made from scrap pine Warman humbucker P/U with coil tap switch Bicycle gear centre piece Gauge made from old torch Chrome nut - tone Black cooker knob - volume Various bits of metal, wire and brake pipe Brass tag is my late grandfathers pit safety check. Bridge hand made as one from China was rubbish All metal parts polished but preserving the patina then clear coated with humbrol clear lacquer made as a bit of fun but it is a fully functional bass, not gigged yet but done a few rehearsal with it.
  13. A friend and band mate made this for me for a bit of fun, I just said build me a steam punk bass. I like it muchly and it plays great.
  14. I didn't mind he's a mate of our drummers and they were using our rehearsal space to put something together for Maddy Prior's Stepping Stones festival near these parts. I always say that's why the knobs are there in the first place and I don't exactly have a signature tone to dial back in
  15. Rick Kemp (stealeye Span) used my TC combo for a rehearsal, and changed the settings lol
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