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Dub Saint

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Everything posted by Dub Saint

  1. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1340543374' post='1705819'] I got it right, but TBH after a few notes it didn't seem to matter what was being played, there was just a good sounding bass prominent in the mix. How many threads do we see that ask 'can I make a x sound like a y'. The truth is with judicious eq and technique it's quite easy to fool people into thinking one bass is another and often more about the player than the bass. There was a clip on the Lakland site of Yes with CS using a Glaub, if you closed your eyes it sounded like the normal Squire Ric tone. [/quote] So true - I'm a country bassist, and there's a stereotype about the Precision bass being THE bass for country music. On my gig last week, I brought two single pickup StingRays with stainless steel strings - they "sounded country" because my technique and amp settings made them sound that way. I love StingRays, but so often they get generalized as a "slap bass" only - it just isn't true. Check this outlaw country Waylon Jennings/Music Man StingRay clip out: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI-2n2KcVs4[/media] Here's another video from Ed Friedland reviewing the Classic StingRay - at around 4:02 he shows how versatile it is: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlMStrT5A6M[/media]
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm Dub Saint, the creator of the P, J, Ray sound test. Thanks so much for checking out my blog - I had no idea anyone was still interested in the sound test (I posted it on my blog over a week ago; the results were posted yesterday). It wasn't until I check my blog stats today that I realized almost 400 people clicked on my blog... TODAY!!! Unfortunately, I took the bass test recordings off of my soundcloud site yesterday, assuming the test had concluded and no one wanted to hear the samples now that the results had been posted.... apparently, was I wrong. SO... earlier today I reposted the recordings as they were when I originally made the post on my blog....everything should be working fine now. Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience! Adam. My introduction to the different basses and the sound test is here: http://dubsaint.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/p-j-or-ray-whats-the-difference-anyway-part-1-introduction/ The sound test can be found here: http://dubsaint.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/p-j-or-ray-whats-the-difference-anyway-part-2-take-the-sound-test/ The results/truth can be found here: http://dubsaint.wordpress.com/2012/06/22/p-j-or-ray-part-3-the-results/
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