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Everything posted by Damonjames

  1. You must have a bad dose of GAS Krispn to be co sideri g selling this.... you have not long finished telling me how great it is!!!
  2. Someone please buy this and save me from ruining my weekend wishing I could afford it!! Crazy price, am amazed it's still here!!!
  3. Why these things come along when I'm skint is a complete Mystery to me. What a bargain!!!
  4. Just seen the roqsolid, would you consider selling it???
  5. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1489915166' post='3260703'] Thanks for that. Yes, terrific head, I've just seen something I really fancy though, so up it goes (when will I learn!) [/quote] We're all the same pal. It's a disease!!! I was a little on the fence with mine, I thought It was lacking something, until I ran BOTH my cabs. It's a really great sounding amp, I think I would struggle to justify getting rid of it!
  6. Belting amps these, I love mine! GLWTS!!
  7. Is this still going?
  8. I'm surprised this has lasted a day!!! Sought after basses these, shouldn't be be long before it Goes. GLWTS!!!
  9. Tidy little band you have there blue. You can tell you all approach it with professionalism, and are well rehearsed (or play regularly). The singers voice reminds me of sheryl Crowe. Keep up the good work mate!
  10. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1488997420' post='3253624'] Me too, I will simplify the bass line which allows me to sing. Blue [/quote] This is my approach. I have dabbled with bv's but really wanted to concentrate on them when I joined my current band. I still struggle, but it is getting better. I like everyone struggle when the bass and melody differ more so in rythm than pitch. The band have been kind enough to let me sing one of the songs in the set which I really enjoy (but honestly by the goo fighters) but not sure if it counts as there is no bass for half the song, then the rest is just basic root notes!!
  11. I just picked up a darkglass b3k from Kyle, an absolute star to deal with. Easy comms, great packaging and prompt shipping. Item exactly as described. Cheers mate!!
  12. No trouble at all. I have had a recent bout of GAS, and was lusting after some Aguilar gear, but after using both cabs on the weekend, they are amazing bits of kit!
  13. I have one mate, but to be fair, I've never solo'd it at a gig/rehearsal. It has always been the extension cab to my neo 212. Build quality is great, and is an easy lift for a cab if this size, as are most neo cabs. To my ears at least, this is a very bright, tight and punchy cab compared to the 212, which has a more mellow feel by comparison. I wouldn't recommend it if you are after a big wooly sound. Both cabs a amazing and at the price, I don't think you can go past them at all. You are welcome to come and try if you are nearby? As to whether or not it would shift enough air, would really depend on how loud you band is, and how good your amp is at delivery the grunt I suppose, my Markbass TTE 500 does a pretty reasonable job of keeping up with two noisy guitarists with just the 212, when I used both cabs on Saturday night, the master didn't go past 9 o'clock 😄
  14. I looked into going (many) years ago although not as a musician, and suspect very little has changed. It is a VERY difficult to get a work visa. Basically, you need a sponsor, and they will need to prove that you are in some way unique in your skill set that cannot be sourced within the USA. As someone has already said, you would need to be an internationally recognised artist (or an up and coming artist with MAJOR level management willing to take on the process). If you are going as a freelance bass player, I would say you have two options 1. Apply for the green card lottery and hope for the best 2. Save a load of cash to prove you can support yourself and go on a 3 month "holiday" and very discretely try and get work. This route is frought with danger though, if you get caught, you will be shipped back to your country of origin at your cost and possibly be excluded from ever being able to gain entry to the USA ever again! I gave up on my dream of working/living over there, and just went for a decent holiday instead. Life took over, and now I live in the UK 😄 I wish you all the very best!! Good luck!
  15. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1486376255' post='3231148'] This is what I feel has happened to me, albeit a pedal. I think it is no doubt a floor model or a previous return. I don't understand why they don't keep a closer eye on returns and make sure they come back immaculate...and then decide if they should go on display as a display model/return. The website should specify, as Andertons do on their site. The icing on the cake was when the stock presets of the pedal were nothing like they are meant to be. Clearly someone had messed around with it and decided they want to return it and left some of the bits out of the return package. Instead of GAK dealing with that, they've essentially passed the hassle on to me! I have now heard from the returns dept, so hopefully should have a new one asap. I know it's a bit rough of me to cause a fuss, but it's just the time organising returns/re-packing, emailing, waiting for new items, etc....it could have easier been saved had it been checked! As a total opposite experience, ordered a pedal on Friday from Amazon, arrived Sunday, brand new, free delivery for a pedal which is only £58! No issues. [/quote] It's not rough at all. I have dealt with GAK on 3 or 4 occasions. One for for a GK amp head (you can probably search for the thread) and it took me complaining on here to really get any level of what I deem adequate service for such an expensive purchase. To be fair, in the end they were very helpful and ended up extending the warranty until 12 months from the date it was sent back to me. It did take speaking to the store manager though!
  16. I'd really be interested in it if they did!!! The one he had sounded killer live, I would suspect that whatever guise fender would release it in, the pickup and electronics would need to be upgraded to something a bit close to MM than they would provide from the factory!
  17. Almost all amps suffer this problem. My Markbass seems to be lacking a little on my 8 ohm cab, so am going to try it with two 8 ohm cabs this weekend. You need to bear in mind, it is designed to be paired with an 8x10!!! Don't know why, but it's like you need to run it at minimum load to open it up and get the full depth of sound out of it ( it just volume!) I hope you get it sorted, I don't know if there are many (if any) unhappy svt owners... but their backs might have a different opinion!!
  18. [quote name='talalala' timestamp='1486396532' post='3231416'] Hi, would you also sell the amp? [/quote] Sorry, but unless I knew I could get a fusion 550 VERY quickly, a sale is out of the question. I have to many gigs booked and the markbass is my only amp at the moment.
  19. If they are THAT good, then the GK marketIng team needs sacking. The market should be flooded with people who got GAS giddy and bought them new before going on to the next big thing. I don't doubt they ARE that good, just gripes me I can't find one lol. Glad to hear you are enjoying yours!
  20. Thanks Kirky!!! I knew there had to be some hiding somewhere. Be it does sound like it's exactly what I'm after!!! If I get a chance, I might just take you up on the offer mate!
  21. Cheers Karl, I've dropped a message in that chat for the NWBB. I feel your pain Elliott, bloody exchange rate!!
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