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Everything posted by Damonjames

  1. Today is the anniversary of Cliff Burtons death, I'm sure this has been done a lot but I just wanted to pay tribute to a guy who is more of an inspiration now than he was when I first picked up a bass when I was 16. Rest in peace brother, you were taken too soon. D.
  2. Tony, I am beginning to think you have been sent here by the devil to torment me! I hope you sell this quick as I am trying to find things to sell...
  3. Pm sent
  4. From what I hear these bad boys sound awesome! Shame it's outside the budget though, have a BUMP on me.
  5. Hey chatters, I feel ashamed to have to ask this as I am an electrician with Industrial electronic experience so I SHOULD know the answer, but hey it's Saturday night, I've had a few beers and can't be bothered with the math so here goes. I am looking for a new stage amp, in between pecking my head as to which brand/head to go with I have this question for my learned brethren out there. Take for example an orange terror bass 1000 (rated 1000 watts) in a perfect world I could run an orange 8x10 (rated at 1200 watts) flat out without blowing the cab into its next life. Now here's the question if I was to run the same head through a orange 4x10 and 1x15 (rated 600 watts each) given perfect world scenario could you run said amp flat out or only to an output of 600 watts. Hope this makes sense and someone can explain it to me. Cheers. D
  6. I think I may have posted in the wrong section before so thought I'd put it here too. I was reading about how tim commerford winds his own pickups. Anyone ever tried to do it??
  7. I think I may have posted in the wrong section before so thought I'd put it here too. I was reading about how tim commerford winds his own pickups. Anyone ever tried to do it??
  8. Hey guys, I was reading the other day that tim commerford winds his own pickups. Has anyone had a shot at this? Sounds like fun!!
  9. This thread has taken a turn.... But I like where it's going! The Metallica journey is one I look back on with some interest, let's face it the sound was destined to never be the same once cliff passed away. He had a very distinct sound, and despite what some people on these forums may say I think he was one of the greatest bass players of the modern rock/metal era. He showed us low end guys and girls that you can share the spotlight and wail, not just stand in the shadows by a dull old 8x10 playing quarter notes. As for albums, I think they are all good in their own way, st anger is the one I struggle with the most, some kind of monster is a rockin track though. DM is an awesome album, I think it an old school metal album with some new school sounds. All nightmare long is a belter! I might ad that I think Jason is an absolute powerhouse and rate him massively and rob I think is a great mix of the two and is a great fit for 'tallica. Can't wait for their next album!!!
  10. Hi all chatters, I was just checking out Jason from metallica's rig, and he says he uses a mutron iii. When did this happen? I can't remember hearing him use one so any help would be much appreciated
  11. Thanks for the prompt replies. Sounds to me like I found and excuse to have another bass ;-) Bit of a pain if you just want to jam along to a track at home though.
  12. Hi chatters I always wondered why Duff From guns n roses and Jason from Metallica use Eb tuning? Can anyone shed some light on the theory behind this as I can't remember using Eb tuning when playing guitar to their stuff ( it was a while ago though!!) Cheers
  13. Thanks for the posts. Iris definitely lactic acid burn as shortly after playing it goes away and there is no joint pain. Will try a warm up stretch and see how I go
  14. Thanks for the reply, I already have my bass ( squire vintage modified) with a low action, it's to the point where I am getting fret buzz on the 20th fret when I play hard on g or a on the e string. I've thought about putting some more relief in the neck but then worry the higher frets will be harder to play as the will be further from the finger board
  15. Hi all chatter's, I have a couple of technique related questions for you and any advice would be greatly appreciated. First off, about three months ago I started playing bass again after MANY years away. I was convinced this time I would learn to play properly because if I'm being honest the limits my poor technique asserted on me probably contributed to me stopping in the first place. Using good left hand technique I set about strengthening my fingers by doing lots of scales, but now I am finding if I play a repetitive walking bass style for a few minutes my hands burn like crazy! To the point where I lose dexterity and control. The easiest way to describe this burn is like doing a heavy shoulder weights work out one day then trying to do a boxing session the next day and your shoulders feel like they are on fire. ( I have done both and they feel the same) it burns in the muscles/ tendons between the fingers where they attach to the hand. Is this something I just have to persevere with or is something wrong? Next question is I seem to be having trouble playing an octave above say an g ( like a power chord with first and third fingers) on the e string or any lower than 3rd fret unless I have my bass up around my nipples. Now as an aspiring rock bassist this is obviously not a good look, but I do struggle at times with my short lady like fingers. Any advice greatly appreciated cheers.
  16. Thanks for the info guys the amp i am looking at is 250 watts x 2 @ 4 ohms. Just looking to get best bang for buck out of it thinking along the lines of 4 ohm 410 on one side and 2 8 ohm 115's on the other side. Any thoughts??
  17. Hi guys, forgive my ignorance and this may sound like a dumb question but here goes. I am researching a new amp purchase and with power ratings it will say 250 watts at 8 ohms or 500 watts at 4 ohms. Now if I was to run say 1 4x10 at 8 ohms (250 watts) would that relate to 1/2 the volume output as say 2 4x10 at 8 ohms each ( 4 ohm load at 500 watts) or 1 4x10 at 4 ohms (500 watts). Assuming of course that all cabs are suitably rated to handle power. I hope this makes some sense any help greatly appreciated
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