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Everything posted by Smash

  1. Smash


    BUMP - why is this still here, it's rare and one of the best basses I have ever played and for not much money, sigh :-( I refuse to put this on ebay as I want someone here to have it
  2. Smash


    Final price drop and bump £190 + Postage £30
  3. Smash


    Sorry there is no badass anymore, £225 posted as is
  4. ohhh that's nice, just 1 less string I would be there.
  5. That's really lovely... if it had a head and bit more graphite on the body I would be hard pressed not to buy, I can hear Rich (OutToPlayJazz) telling me you will love this buy buy buy.
  6. Oh.... why oh why is that not a 4 string such a bargain, this will be gone surely
  7. Smash


    Bump with even lower price
  8. Smash


    Bump and maybe PX for something nice like Status 4 String Graphite thingys plus cash my way
  9. My goodness that is soooo cheap, I was looking for one of these for months when I was in my last band, nothing, couldn't get one new even. Buy it someone quick
  10. Thanks for the info guys plenty to think about now. I never really liked them until someone offered me one in a swap deal which I declined, stupidly, it was all red with black hardware really stunning, it would have worked out to be £850. One of my fave bands uses a Ric (Death from Above) which with distortion sounds really good to me ears. Gonna have a proper think it's either this or a Status....
  11. Cheers for the replies... I seem to have a love hate relationship with these, would love to give one a go but there aren't any around my area (Norwich). A few people tell me they sound clanky/brittle which isn't my sound, anyone here could tell me their thoughts it would be appreciated.
  12. Just thinking about buying a new bass next month or sooner and would like something different from my usual Jazzes. I thought about a Rickenbacker 4003 but only see people play them with picks which I don't use. I wondered if there is anybody here who uses a 4003 playing finger style (no slap) on them. The trouble for me is I use the front pickup on Jazz basses to rest my thumb and can't see where this would be possible on this said bass, anyone tried?
  13. Yes how much and what colour is it?
  14. Smash


    [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='431422' date='Mar 11 2009, 12:39 PM']Interested in a trade for my MM Sterling with £150 cash my way?[/quote] Afraid Musicmans are not my thing, maybe an HH
  15. Smash


    [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='431372' date='Mar 11 2009, 11:34 AM']Blimey Ash - can't believe this is still here [/quote] Me neither, I don't know what it is at the moment but I can't shift a single thing, maybe I smell! :-(
  16. Smash


    [quote name='colinbow' post='431217' date='Mar 11 2009, 07:52 AM']Hi I have a near mint Status Shark in solid black if you are interested COLIN[/quote] Thanks but it's not for me.
  17. Smash


    Replied to all PMs
  18. Smash


    Back to the top.
  19. This should have been sold by now, the best bass out, is there really no money out there.........
  20. Smash


    [quote name='neilb' post='428888' date='Mar 8 2009, 09:39 PM']Just shows you what sodding around with the logo can do to your chances of selling an instrument! (Not you mate, the prev owner!)[/quote] True very true, I have a Squire bass which is so heavily modified that it is amazing, but I like having the Squire logo as that's what it is underneath. Mind you if anyone tried this bass for sale then it would be snapped up. I might even keep her soon.
  21. Smash


    [quote name='steelman' post='428846' date='Mar 8 2009, 08:31 PM']See my PM[/quote] no pm received
  22. Smash


    Bump........ and now on Ebay which I am sort of regretting, 10 questions so far.... ranging from I will give you £100 as its fake to I will buy the bass but if it is not MIM I will report you!!!, these people are killing me that's why I prefer selling on here, everyone is decent.
  23. Smash


    [quote name='joe_bass' post='426073' date='Mar 5 2009, 12:43 PM']Give it a go on Ebay mate, should go for a decent price, mine did.[/quote] Probably will have to but really thought someone would have wanted this here as it's such a nice instrument.
  24. Smash


    Bump with again lower price... come on this is cheap
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