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Everything posted by Smash

  1. I should have bought it back... went for not a lot of money, great cab even for standalone sob sob
  2. Ha thats one of my old cabs, it was new when I sold it, one went to Dood the other here. He is good guy and on here too as same name.
  3. Ah can't believe you of all people are selling this from your reviews etc, just got mine today from Nottswarwick and have to say its fantastic, normally I find faults with everything but I am finding it hard with this, perfect tubey sound I like. Keep looking Bassmankev when you do get one it will be all gold.
  4. EBS MicroBass II - Received in 1 day, excellent professional service, very nice product really pleased. Thanks Chris
  5. This is an amazing deal, Homer what are you thinking! MB LMK is the best amp I have used so far, this is steal of the year for me.
  6. I remember a while back he took a while to reply but he did eventually. On another note Sharkfinger for the sake of buying a LM2 buy a 121P combo thats what I am gonna buy, £610 new, a combo with 12" speaker, very good buy if you ask me, you can add another cab later.
  7. [quote name='Toasted' post='176599' date='Apr 14 2008, 07:56 PM']Saw the fella from Envy playing one of these a few months ago in Leeds. Brilliant sounding bass.[/quote] Cool well I haven't played or heard one and decided it looked good on paper, so bought it from minty. Looking forward to it more now.
  8. Thank goodness for Adee, I was looking at what I could sell....
  9. £470!!!! This is just madness, I feel this whole credit crunch is now hitting basses too. I am so tempted to buy basses on here instead of savings. BARGAIN
  10. How thick are these Double Buck Necks Corvette and Streamer, they look damn fine too for the money I have seen them going for recently. P.S. Tony waffling is good that's why us bass geeks can escape here and rant ;-)
  11. Thanks for the replies I wondered what people were talking about JD Thumb, did the search and ohhhhh my. I have seen a lot of basses in my time that has to be one of the best looking basses I have seen, arrrgghhh I don't have that sort of cash. The bolt on version seems nice but that is amazing. Was really thinking of a corvette/streamer but now....
  12. Does anybody know where I can find the width of the necks of Warwick basses, especially at the nut end? I like Jazz necks or fast slim necks and someone a while back told me I wouldn't get on with Warwick necks as they are thick? Is this true? Reason for asking is all these cheap Warwicks are unbearable GAS, I don't really need one but..... they look so nice.
  13. [quote name='dood' post='165483' date='Mar 28 2008, 07:14 PM']Hey Smash! I think I have the same sub in my AV system in the front room. Really impressive! Have a bump on me![/quote] Cheers Dood, would have kept them as they sound pretty damn good, but I just bought mintys G&L SB-2 Tribby bass, arggghhh, stop me frm buying please.
  14. Tapco S5 Monitor Speakers and Tapco SW10 Sub, these speakers were bought new for a studio but alas too many things to do that the studio never got completed and now I am selling bits off. The speakers are in excellent condition come each with their own power cables, I will also include XLR to Jack leads to connect the speakers ready for studio use. S5's [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/s-5/11029"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/s-5/11029[/url] SW10 [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/sw-10/68597"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/sw-10/68597[/url] Now at £195 collected Norwich
  15. [quote name='WithoutRisk_BassPlayer' post='162343' date='Mar 23 2008, 08:03 PM']Hey Smash, I own an Urge II and I have to say I didn't have this problem. I recently had it set up as my intonation was out but I've had it nearly two years and its the only problem I've ever experienced with it. How long you had yours and what colour you got? I've never met anyone with another Urge II, everyone on the Stu Hamm forum seems to prefer the Kubicki or the Urge I and not many fans of the Urge II Cheers, Will[/quote] Hi thanks for the reply, I have had it for 2 years also, colour black I tried loads of basses and this for me with its fast fast neck pick up combo etc were just amazing. So I ordered one, it turned up and then I kept it in its box for this time due to my old band had a certain style and needed a passive bass. I have since returned to the Urge II and realise this bass needs it airing, I then found that just lightly rubbing the strings made loud humming noises and even finger playing, putting your finger anywhere near any pick up would make some kind of electric buzz/click, its really annoying me now as so want to play this but it seems too alive and I don't feel happy that it will sound nice during a gig. One thing I really did wish it had was an option to go passive then the bass would be everything. I know its only aesthetics but the Urge II looks so much nicer than the Urge I and Kubicki INHO Thanks Ash
  16. So no one has one of these basses?
  17. Dood - a great person to deal with made me feel at ease with his bass knowledge and also part dealing his nice acoustic bass which has been put to good use. Great having such a decent bass bloke on my doorstep.
  18. Erm is this right? Didn't Crazykiwi buy this? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MUSIC-MAN-CUTLASS-2-BASS-GUITAR-USED_W0QQitemZ220214925114QQihZ012QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MUSIC-MAN-CUTLASS-2-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  19. Hi I have the above mentioned bass which I think is amazing apart from one thing noisy pickups, this apparently effects all Urge II basses but I find it a tad annoying hearing humming on such an expensive bass, does anybody else have this issue or solved the problem? Thanks Ash
  20. Ha I noticed that too, he put it up for £120 buy it now then 10 mins later it went up to that ridiculous price! I reckon he meant to put it in at £99.90 for a quick sale. It has some strange markings though!
  21. Thinking of selling my Gallien Krueger MB150S - comes complete with nifty Padded Rockbag, not sure how much these go for. Its never been gigged and been used all of 3 times in the house for practice. Immaculate condition.
  22. PM sent a week ago no reply?
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