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Everything posted by MELLOW

  1. For sale or trade, this very rare Steinberger XL2ADB Elite in mint conditions. 90's era. Active, De-tuner, rare color, Elite model (collector). All original with Steinberger gig bag and advertising papers. Based in France, i can ship worldwide. [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=269928DSCF8909.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=592678DSCF8910.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=384853DSCF8911.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=737684DSCF8912.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=416433DSCF8913.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=343869DSCF8914.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=777901DSCF8915.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=849456DSCF8916.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=881986DSCF8908.jpg"][/url][url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=369709DSCF8907.jpg"][/url] [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=751345DSCF8906.jpg"][/url]
  2. SOLD
  3. bump
  4. Bump
  5. bump
  6. bump
  7. Any interrest for a straight trade with a Fender Roscoe Beck V with John East ? Cheers
  8. Bump
  9. Bump
  10. I've ever made trades, bought or sell here and can ship my bass. Any trades ?
  11. Bump
  12. Bump.
  13. Any trade ?
  14. Still there !
  15. All right ! Thank you. I don't know why but these are not the first post here for me (i've sold or trade any basses before).
  16. Bump
  17. For sell or trade this FENDER ROSCOE BECK V, upgradded with a John East preamp. Like new !! I'm based in France and can ship it, no problem. For trade, try me but Steinbergers, Status, Musicman Bongo 5 welcome. Thanks for looking. [url=http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=579074DSCF8833.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=251656DSCF8834.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=455315DSCF8835.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=461320DSCF8836.jpg] [url=http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=150098DSCF8839.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=552407DSCF8841.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=792566DSCF8844.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=666714DSCF8843.jpg][/url]
  18. You're right Angel. It's just stickers
  19. Bridge PU, ative, all flat : https://soundcloud.com/fbassman/miss-you-basslab-2
  20. Only stickers bought after.
  21. Soundclip, neck PU, active, no split, no boost : https://soundcloud.com/fbassman/criminal-world-basslab
  22. Not really a chunky neck, a bit like a Status 6 neck on hand. Very different than a Warwick one. The difference shoud be the fingerboard who is without radius on Basslab. I got little hands and fingers, and for me, this neck is easy to play.
  23. Ahrgg... i've loved doing this trade...
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