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Posts posted by blablas

  1. Finished the truss rod groove ends at the the headstock side of the neck.

    A small alignment error occurred between the center line of the neck and the truss rod grooves, the headstock veneer is also not optimal aligned but has a deviation in the other direction :dash1:, which means the deviation adds up.

    In total it's only 2 millimeters off center, I think it's more important that the the truss rod covers are properly aligned with the headstock veneer and decided for a off-center solution.

    Once the fingerboard is in place no one will see it, and because I went for a double truss rod the exact center alignment for these two is also not that critical.
  2. You asked for matching headstocks? (picture heavy post)
    First, my DIY basses (branded - de afweking):

    de afweking mk5-4

    de afweking mk4-5 fretless, with a stainless steel fingerboard.

    de afweking mk4-5 fanned

    de afweking mk3-6

    de afweking mk3-5

    de afweking mk2-5

    de afweking mk2-7

    de afweking mk2-4+ double course.

    And the ones I bought:

    Rockinbetter RG4001

    Ibanez ATK (PGBL1)

    Ibanez SR300

    OLP MM2

    None of the bases I ever bought are stock anymore, they've all undergone improvements and modifications.

  3. [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1396788450' post='2417284']
    [b]And this one arrived at my doorstep yesterday.[/b]

    F(ake)ender Jazz Bass V lefty, Fender or Squier don't make them so a Chinese fake will have to do (for now).

    The Same bass a couple of days later after having done some work on it.

    Aligned the tuners and neck pickup, done a proper shielding and grounding job and made a new pickguard.

  4. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1397158826' post='2421362']
    @blablas If you could be bothered I would spray the heafstock white and stick with the original black guard.
    [/quote]Nah, boring black and white, not going to happen, it needs some color accents.

  5. This is where the F(ake)ender is at right now. Alligned the tuners and the neck pickup, schielded and grounded everything properly, also made a couple of new pickguards.

    For the pickguards I'm still undecided which I like more:

    This one.

    Or this one.

    Two things still need to be fixed, the volume pot is a on/of affair and the pickup poles are not all grounded properly.
    It's starting to become a player.

  6. I Bought it trough Ali Express.
    The neck is really nice (but the tuners need aligning), the body is reasonable (some paint blemishes and the basic woodwork underneath has some finish shortcomings), the way everything is assembled is average. It needs quiet a lot of work before it's a real player.

    Right now I've set up the neck the way I like and aligned the tuners and the pickups, the wiring still needs some checking out and it needs a proper shielding and grounding job.

    You get what you pay for, but if you don't mind doing those kind of things yourself it's a basis to make something nice out of.

  7. Quote from: gear porn → jazz
    [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1359848714' post='1961277']


    [b]And this one arrived at my doorstep yesterday.[/b]

    F(ake)ender Jazz Bass V lefty, Fender or Squier don't make them so a Chinese fake will have to do (for now).

    • Like 1
  8. [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1359848714' post='1961277']

    [b]And this one arrived at my doorstep yesterday.[/b]

    F(ake)ender Jazz Bass V lefty, Fender or Squier don't make them so a Chinese fake will have to do (for now).

  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1396690454' post='2416402']
    LOL guys, blablas builds his own basses, check this thread out: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224630-de-afwerking-mk4-7-blablas-next-build-project/"]http://basschat.co.u...-build-project/[/url]

    Edit: this is his website: [url="http://home.online.nl/blablas/bass/index.htm"]http://home.online.n.../bass/index.htm[/url]
    Thanks bluejay.

    Almost half of what you see in this picture are DIY builds, it all started with this in mind "If I can't buy them, I'll build them".

  10. I'm not the one complaining (that much ;)), I'm also not hording the high end ones, those I had to build myself.

    There is a reasonable market with lefty low-budget and higher up low-budget basses but with nowhere near as much choice as is available righty, there is also a little bit of high-ish end and high end but not that much in-between.

    In the past the lack of higher end ones forced me to start building my own high-enders, I've never looked back.
    Nowadays I prefer to buy cheap ones and make them higher end myself.

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