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Everything posted by DogHammer

  1. We dont have band meetings. But we do have a constant Facebook Group Message thread going that we are always talking to eachother on. So everything gets discussed there. Its like 'always' being in a band meeting.
  2. Im game. [url="https://www.facebook.com/fractureofficialpage"]https://www.facebook.com/fractureofficialpage[/url] My current Rock/pop originals outfit. Also starting covers gigs for a bit of cash too.
  3. Its called 'Black Eye Friday' around here. Explains itself really.
  4. My friend started the drums when we were all about 13. My other friend played the guitar. Another friend played keyboard. I also had been playing keyboard for a few years but wasn't excited by it and wanted to play something more rock and roll, so bought myself a jazz bass copy from the local music shop. Band was born. It was terrible. We played wild thing over and over again as well as some other uncreative noise. Then I quit playing till about the age of 24. Never looked back. Wish I hadn't wasted all those years on drugs and alcohol and was playing bass instead!
  5. I find I have to sleep on it. If I'm finding a cover, or certain part of a cover hard to digest, I will play the hell out of it, then the next day after a good nights sleep pickup my bass and it comes to me. Sometimes a few sleeps are needed but anything can be done with enough day to day practice.
  6. Originals gig at the O2 Academy in my hometown. Will be the last one we do for that promoter due to them not actually doing any promoting, resulting in not enough people in a big venue to keep it warm, let alone look busy. Still, had a bit of fun and took the Sandberg out on its first gig.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418242787' post='2628435'] You're probably right. I absolutely hated the look of Warwick and Spector basses at one time... so what's that about? [/quote] I also hated the look of all Fenders and anything with a scratch plate. Since then I have owned 2 Fenders and now have a Sandberg (With a scratchplate)
  8. [quote name='steviedee' timestamp='1418074778' post='2626696'] Thinking of getting a J Retro for a mex jazz fretless I bought. Is it worth it or am I just upgrading for the sake of it! Opinions gratefully received ! [/quote] I upgraded a MIM Jazz with a J Retro. Best thing I ever did to it. Added some great tonal options for me. Its gone now, but if I needed another pre-amp for a bass, it would definitely be considered. On the other hand the preamp in my new Sandberg is really nice. A bit less 'overpowering' than the J-Retro, especially on the bass control. I think its a Glockenklang that they put in.
  9. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1418211793' post='2627951'] From what I've heard the Bubinga Corvette STD is just as good as the German ones (which are fantastic basses if you have a back made of steel). [/quote] This is the reason I had to get rid of my German Corvette $$ NT Bubinga, even though it was a fantastic bass, I think its caused me long term back issues!
  10. Bump. Will look at trades too. already have an envelope filter on the way now, but will look at other pedals.
  11. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1418051433' post='2626299'] If someone keeps getting colds and bugs, it could be down to poor diet, that can lower your resistance to things. [/quote] Yeah that's definitely our singer. 5 redbulls and 40 fags a day is his way.
  12. Perfect condition. With Box and instruction manual. selling due to only using the octaver part, as I have a full blown synth now. Will consider trade for a Digitech Bass Whammy. Ill take a photo when I get home later on.
  13. We have this with our singer. It is something that happens. Usually if he has an illness coming and his voice is pretty bad then we will cancel the gig. It can do long term damage if a singer strains his vocals really hard. It has happened in the middle of a gig before, but he usually recovers, even if it hurts him to do so. Manuka Honey is supposed to be really good. Couple of spoonfulls before the gig is supposed to coat the throat and help.
  14. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1417836534' post='2624509'] Don't suppose you tried the lefty Sandberg 5 string they have in White with the twin MM style humbuckers? I'm thinking about selling one of my kidneys for it [/quote] No I didn't try the 5er. Decided not to even entertain it as it was a touch out of my price range. I do know which one your on about though and it does look nice
  15. It plays great. Its very different going back to a Jazz for me though from a Spector Rebop. The range of tones I get out of it are fantastic. Those Delano pickups are really nice too. Jazz bass wise if compared to both Mexican and US Jazz's I have owned this bass is leagues above them in sound and playability. I got the bass from Bass Direct. Had a nice trip there today.
  16. Got rid of a few basses recently and its allowed me to get myself one of these today: Lefty Sandberg TM4: (excuse the hasty photos....)
  17. Most of my Projects have been original bands. Didnt have too much creative input in the early ones due to not having the confidence with the instrument I suspect. But my current originals project and the one before it I have had full creative freedom with. As for the OP, personally its definitely not overrated. I think playing covers is overrated. My band currently gig originals probably every other weekend, sometimes more. And between this we do the odd 2 hour pub covers gig to earn some money for recording. To me the covers stuff feels laborious and non creative. I am much happier playing the basslines and singing the songs that we create.
  18. [quote name='nsw200' timestamp='1417587154' post='2621963'] Hi, I'm in Oxford and interested in buying this, could I come round and see it today? Working between 2 and 4:30 and between 6:30 and 9:30, otherwise free. [/quote] Will PM
  19. [quote name='Dread Bass' timestamp='1417561446' post='2621880'] What trades are you interested in buddy? [/quote] Hi, Trade wise I'm looking at 4 or 5 strings. But at this price most likely wont get what I am after!
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