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Everything posted by Alien

  1. [quote name='Tait' post='579609' date='Aug 24 2009, 09:58 PM']summer of 69.[/quote] Happened once in a rehearsal - we agreed never speak of it again. Probably the cheesiest we do now is Smoke on the Water. Crowd loves it though, and it really suits my voice. A
  2. Fat Fingers McGee here! The alternative blues name game: 1. Think of an affliction 2. Think of a fruit 3. Think of a US president eg. Blind Lemon Jefferson, or possibly Squinting Mango Nixon A
  3. Just sold Ben some parts - quick payment, no messing about, no problems. Andy
  4. Clarion used to make a 32" sub called the thunderdome. Images of it are pretty scarce though. A
  5. You're aware that it's a high-gain guitar amp right? Anyway, the manual can be found [url="http://www.laney.co.uk/manuals/PT30-50-100%20Manual%20-%201989%20-%20Issue%201.pdf"]HERE[/url] A
  6. Generally speaking, if the magnets attract the fronts of the pickups together then it's a fairly safe bet that they're a humbucking pair. One will be reverse wound reverse polarity (RWRP) in order to make the pair noise free. A
  7. If you're trying to figure out what sounds suit you, I'd suggest getting a cheap multi-FX unit (something like a Zoom B2) and having a good play with it. A
  8. Don't use MDF - it weighs a ton and offers no real benefits. 12mm ply will be lighter and stronger, and you could even go down to 9mm if your woodworking's good enough. A
  9. [quote name='leschirons' post='571097' date='Aug 16 2009, 09:49 PM']Was sort of expecting a picture or do I have to say "yes, I would"?[/quote] It's that light it's floated away A
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='570071' date='Aug 15 2009, 05:23 PM']my new high-tech plywood[/quote] Care to elaborate a little on this Mr C? Are we talking about birch facing on a lightweight core? I've used Poplar ply in the past which is just stupidly light, but it lacks the strength and surface finish of birch, so a composite of the two would be about the ultimate cab material. A
  11. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='568160' date='Aug 13 2009, 04:47 PM']Just an idea: I don't know if there are many players going that don't already do their own setups, but If anyone wants a free setup on their own bass while learning how to do it as a one to one tutorial including trussrod tweaking, bridge & pickup adjustments and possibly neck shim, I'm happy to do that - maybe we could have a setup bar if there's much demand & anyone else wants to throw their hat into the ring?[/quote] I'd be happy to be your teaching assistant on this - I did a basic setup workshop at the Northampton bash a couple of years back. I would suggest that you make it a hands-on workshop though, otherwise you'll spend all day doing free setups for everyone else. A
  12. [quote name='Absolute-beginner' post='566576' date='Aug 12 2009, 10:33 AM']I'm not sure if i need something that loud right now.[/quote] The volume knob turns anti-clockwise too Better to have the power and not need it than to need it and not have it. A
  13. [quote name='charic' post='562266' date='Aug 6 2009, 09:22 PM']And I say that as a scientist in an engineering field. (I have a Bsc so im a scientist dammit )[/quote] Was your BSc an 'ology? You're not a scientist unless you've got an 'ology! A
  14. [quote name='bassman2790' post='559551' date='Aug 3 2009, 07:28 PM']The devil in me :brow: wants to add another 4ohm 410TVX but that doesn't solve my problem, what to do at small gigs, when volume's not an issue but space may be.[/quote] Add a pair of 8 Ohm 210s for the same effect and the ultimate in flexibility A
  15. I'm a little unclear on this - are we responsible for getting the cab to the next person on the list, or collecting from the previous? A
  16. It's caused by beat interference, the same as you get if you tune by harmonics What you're actually seeing is the difference in frequency between the frame rate (in this case Hz & FPS are the same thing) and the note frequency. There's a point at around 0:57 where there's a standing wave effect caused by the frequencies being the same (or an exact multiple of each other). A
  17. I'm going to be coming down the M1, with a half empty car, so if anyone between Milton Keynes and the M25 needs a lift let me know. A
  18. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='558234' date='Aug 2 2009, 03:18 AM']The 9v connector it's one of these: how would I wire it up for tip negative?[/quote] The simple way to find out what pin connects to what is to plug a centre negative DC supply into it and measure the voltage on the output lugs with a voltmeter. A
  19. Count me in. 01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, Wal Pro2e, BC Rich Eagle, Fender Jazz V Deluxe, plus my recently acquired Eden Metro Rig 02. Merton: Status Retroactive, Mikey's Singlecut Fanned-Fret Prototype, LH500 and Barefaced Vintage 03. OBBM: StRay5, MB F1, UL212, something else. 04. Hamster: BFM Omni15 tallboy, Barefaced Compact, Fender P with Thumper & Villex PTB 05. Alex Claber: '87 Warwick Streamer, RIM Custom 5 with 36" scale and Q-Tuners, Avalon U5/QSC PLX3002, GB Shuttle 6.0, Barefaced Compact, Big One, Midget, Midget T, maybe Big Baby. 06. Johnnylager: Spector Euro 4LX, KSD Jazz, LH-1000, Barefaced Big Juan, DHA Custom Shop VT2-Twin-EQ-Bass with Tech Tube valves & whatever other effects I have at the time. 07. Happy Jack: Lightwave Sabre VL, Hofner 500/1 (1964), Hofner 500/5 (1959), PJB Bass Buddy + headphones. 08. MacDaddy. Custom Shuker (hopefully!) and possibly Hamer Blitz or Iceni Zoot. 09. Stingrayfan: G&L Tribute L2000, Yamaha BB614, Hartke LH500, Warwick 4x10 10. Chris B 11. Cetera: Pre-Kramer Spector NS-2, Wal Mk1 Fretless, Fender/AllParts 70's Jazz, Tech21 Landmark600, GenzBenzNEOX212T 12.Andyonbass. ACG Recurve, ACG J-Type, Pair of BFM Omni 10.5's 13.Waynepunkdude Fender Jazz + DHA-DI-EQ 14.Jakesbass Alembic MK5 Deluxe, German Blockless Wonder 1880 Double Bass (and the '78 Jazz if anyone wanted a go) 15.51m0n (& Plux if he's not gigging): Bergantino AE410, MarkBass sa450, Focusrite Compounder, Roscoe Century Std V, (If Plux isnt gigging) Berg HT210, HT115, Hartke LH500 16. Floyd Pepper - Markbass LMK, Bergantino HT112 & EX112, Stingray '91 2eq, Lakland DJ4, Stagg EDB, Epiphone Jack Casady and a Fender '54 RI Precision 17. davidmpires - Markbass F1, Barefaced Compact, Spector Euro LX 5, T-Bass by Status 18. molan - MTD 535, Spector NS5XL, Zon VB4, Alembic Rogue, Traben Bootsy Signature (!!!), Epifani UL502 & some Berg AE1x12's + who knows what else I may have by then 19. Platypus - Alleva Coppolo Jazz 5, Celinder Jazz 4 fretless, Tecamp Puma 1000 + a cab of some sort. 20. Prosebass - Current Builds at the time, Hofner S7B, Laptop , sequencing software , + amp and cab 21. Monz - Stingray 5 (la bella flats) Matamp GT200, Simms-Watt PA 100, Matamp 8x10 + Whatever else I have bought buy then 22. Alien - Schecter Stiletto 4, Peavey Grind 6, Hartke HA7000, Alien Audio 2x10 + other toys. A
  20. It's a fair price for what it is, assuming it's in decent condition. Realistically though, what it is falls into that dodgy no-mans-land, where it's too big to be a home practice amp but doesn't really cut it for gigging. That said, if your band plays relatively quietly or if it's only for a stage monitor then you'll probably be fine. A
  21. With the USB connection you can change those presets into ones that work with proper man-sized strings. Can't see the Status causing too many problems - just turn the gain down a bit if it's overdriving. A
  22. [quote name='NickH' post='545872' date='Jul 20 2009, 11:23 PM']I'm thinking something along the lines of a POD but powered off batteries. Happy for it to sit on the floor, it doesn't have to be pocket size or have a belt clip.[/quote] How about a [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/43352/"]pocket pod[/url]? Powered off batteries, pocket size, belt clip, MP3 socket etc. You can even plug it into your PC via USB and load in all your own presets. Come to think of it, why haven't I got one of these? A
  23. [quote name='iamapirate' post='545919' date='Jul 21 2009, 12:37 AM']I like a deep, but bright tone - nothing too muddy.[/quote] I get the feeling your problem lies with your amp rather than your bass. Ashdown gear has a decidedly 'old school' bass sound, and don't really do bright too well. Have you tried other basses through your amp? I suspect you might find them all lacking that bit of sparkle. A
  24. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='545728' date='Jul 20 2009, 09:03 PM']I think it will be fairly good any way hartke generally is. I have a weird idea of doing the same thing as the bassist form aerosmith and getting two hartke ha3500 and running them through two 4 ohm 4x10's. pretty cool. Decent heads though.[/quote] If you can find one, get a HA7000 instead - same front end as a 3500, but with 2 power amps and a switchable crossover. That way, you'd only be carrying one amp around. I picked mine up from this very forum for a very good price. A
  25. 50K Ohms is a pretty unusual value - 47K is a standard value and will be more common, and probably a hell of a lot cheaper. Don't worry about the values being different, most pots have a tolerance of +/- 20%, and even good ones are rarely better than 10%, so that 3K difference won't matter. A
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