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Everything posted by Alien

  1. My gig on Saturday night was cancelled. Turned up at the venue to be told they've had the environmental health people round on Friday, and they can't put on any live music 'til their monitor system has been set up. Apparently, they'd been trying to contact me all day (not very hard, obviously, considering they had 2 phone numbers [i]and[/i] my email address) Worst part of it was that we had a dep drummer for the night - ours quit on Friday morning Andy
  2. Still got some of these left, speak now or forever hold your peace... Andy
  3. Gave the little fella a 'real world' test tonight. Ran it at a band rehearsal, using my Hartke HA7000 as a preamp. It's amazingly powerful - you'd never believe something that small could deliver that much wallop. I ran it pretty well flat out, so the clip indicator lit occasionally. After the dummy load testing, I thought it might run hot with music, but I needn't have worried. It barely got warm - possibly a little cooler than my Hartke gets after the same sort of run. I also mentioned the fan noise in an earlier post, but that too proved to be (marginally) quieter than the one in the HA7000, which has never been a problem, so I'm happy with that. [attachment=10896:PICT0421.JPG] This pic shows the extra heatsinks I fitted. Probably unnecessarily as it turns out, but it never hurts. As I said before, the load testing I did was a pretty severe test, as tonight proved. Just need to put a couple of labels on it (ratings and the like) and stick it on the PAT tester at work and it'll be good to go. Andy
  4. [quote name='Marky L' post='240890' date='Jul 16 2008, 02:28 PM']Anyone used a Behringer BASS V-AMP?? I've just been lent one with the option of buying it for £30.[/quote] Unless it's totally knackered I'd buy it at that price. The manual can be downloaded [url="http://www.behringer.com/LX1-B/index.cfm?lang=ENG"]here[/url]. Andy
  5. [quote name='ste_m3' post='239690' date='Jul 15 2008, 12:41 AM']Aguilar do a little cab id like very much to hear, i think its 2 8" speakers and a 5" one or something like that? Edit:- Here we are! [url="http://www.aguilaramp.com/products_cabinets_db285jc.htm"]Little Aggie[/url][/quote] It's pretty big for a 2x8 though - there are 2x10s smaller than that. Andy
  6. I've got a bunch of these cables. They have a stereo mini jack on both ends, ideal for plugging an MP3 player into something else. They're about a foot long and feel reasonably well made, bearing in mind they have moulded plugs. If you're interested, send me an SAE (Large Letter, that's 52p 1st class, 42p 2nd) and I'll bung a couple your way, on a first come first served basis. PM me for my address. Andy
  7. I'll be first:- Talk to OBBM Andy
  8. I tried one of the combos many moons ago, I believe it was a 2x8 but I may be misremembering. The thing that most stuck in my mind was the compressor. It had a separate attack control that went from a 'slow attack' sound at one extreme to a peaking thump at the other, almost like a drum hit. The whole combo was built like a flightcase, with a removable front covering the controls and speakers. Andy
  9. [quote name='Rich' post='237248' date='Jul 11 2008, 12:48 PM']Stug, do you own the Challenger in your avatar pic? If so, I'm about to call you a very rude name, preceded by the words "you lucky" [/quote] Even luckier *#$% if he can afford to fill its tank these days! Andy
  10. Alien


    Just picked up an Ibanez Musician for an absolute song! Needs a bit of work, but even as it is it's a nice player. [attachment=10669:PICT0425.JPG] Lovely looking grain pattern [attachment=10671:PICT0427.JPG] Hardware's a bit corroded [attachment=10672:PICT0428.JPG] Buckle rash? Looks more like a shotgun to me! Even came with the original fitted hard case, all for the bargain price of £130. 4-string, neck through construction. 2 passive pickups, Vol, Tone Blend controls. Machines are Schaller semi-enclosed type, which look like replacements as there's a little hole near each one. The Serial no. is H825862 - dunno if that'll help with dating. If any of you knowledgeable types can tell me anything more about it that'd be brilliant - I really have no idea. Andy
  11. Don't see this one sticking around long - great pedal. Andy
  12. Well, it's been nearly a month since I last posted an update. This weekend, however, sees an uncharacteristic burst of energy and enthusiasm from me, so some progress is being made at last. As I mentioned in my last post, a lot of the noise was coming in via the volume pot. I've replaced the twisted cables with a short length of screened twin core, which helped a lot. I also found that driving the Power LED from the +12V auxillary supply brought a noisy supply line into close proximity with the volume control. I decided to run the LED from the Fan supply instead and this, along with swapping the twisted pairs for coaxial cable and re-routing the LED cable so it's further from the volume pot, has quietened this amp down a lot. OK, time for some pics. [attachment=10459:PICT0415.JPG] Initial load testing with the fan fitted. The holes at the front are to try and force air across the amp module. I've since added more to the other end of the amp to try and improve air flow. I'm not too happy about the holes being so open - I shall have to do something about that later. The fan is held in place with 2-part plastic rivets. [attachment=10460:PICT0406.JPG] My signal generator, built from a Maplins kit years ago, still going strong. I used a triangle wave set at about 200Hz for the load test - no real scientific reason why, it just seemed right. [attachment=10461:PICT0403.JPG] This is the dummy load I used for testing the amp. A dozen 25 Watt resistors and a 100 Watter give about 370 Watts of load at about 5 Ohms. The amp ran quite hot after 20 minutes on this load. [attachment=10462:PICT0407.JPG] The amp under load, with the clip LED lit. The more observant among you may have noticed that the blue Power LED has moved to the bottom position. This happened as part of the cable re-routing. [attachment=10463:PICT0418.JPG] I've stuck some coarse weave speaker cloth across the vent holes. Should keep most things out, but not reduce the airflow too much. It'll also act as a dust filter, but that's definitely not its main purpose. [attachment=10465:PICT0419.JPG] Here's the same thing from the other side - not quite as pretty, but no-one's going to see it but you lot. The cloth is glued to the case with epoxy. [attachment=10467:PICT0420.JPG] Before re-assembly. I deliberately left enough room for the fan as I had a suspicion it would be needed. Still a tight fit though. Also, I've coloured the amp and PSU black in the hope it improves heat sinking. I performed a second load test, again using triangle wave set to approx 200Hz, at the very onset of clipping. (The LED indicator 'fades up' as clipping is approached, making this easier to set) The amp still ran pretty hot after 30 minutes of this, although not as hot as previously. This is a pretty severe test for an amp, as real music has dynamic peaks and troughs, and would not normally be run flat out for 30 minutes like this. However, I would like to try and improve the cooling a little further, so I'm going to try to fit a small vaned heatsink inside the amp, where it will intercept some of the airflow through the case. That's for tomorrow though. The last thing I've noticed is the fan noise. The fan runs fairly quiet, not noticeably louder than a PC fan in reality, but it seems hugely loud in a quiet room with a dummy load on the anp. I don't think it'll be a problem in the real world of a gig though. Watch this space... Andy
  13. I did one for Higgie using a dual output DC/DC converter (Traco) with filter caps and regulators, but I believe he had a lot of noise problems from it. BTW, C&D are no longer C&D, they're MuRata Power Solutions now - They offered me a job a couple of weeks back. Andy
  14. The 7000 can handle two 4 Ohm cabs, or four 8 Ohm. To be quite honest, unless you want the biamp facility or the ability to drive a wall of cabs, then the 7000 will be overkill. Have you given any thought to the HA3500? They have the same front end as the 7000, can be picked up pretty cheaply these days, and the difference between 350 and 400 Watts is less than 1dB (ie you'll never notice it) Andy
  15. They're very different animals. The 4000 has a single 400W amp, whereas the 7000 has a pair of 350W amps. The 7000 can be run in Biamp or mono mode, so if you run a 2x10 and a sub (for example) that's the one to go for. I pretty much use 1 channel on mine most of the time - more than enough for most situations. As to whether they're better than Ashdowns, that's pretty subjective - one mans meat and all that. I personally prefer Hartke to Ashdown, but don't take my word for it - use your ears. Andy
  16. I'd have thought it's best to use the 2 Ohm setting. Mixing a 4 and an 8 will send 2/3 of the power to the 4 Ohm, 1/3 to the 8 Ohm . With 2 cabs of the same impedance, the split is 50/50. Andy
  17. Almost certainly Rick Anderson. Other than Re Styles leaving, and a few session/tour guys, the Tubes had a pretty stable lineup. Andy
  18. [quote name='OldGit' post='220628' date='Jun 17 2008, 02:45 PM']Whatever you do learn the [b]gaps[/b] and where they come or you'll end up doing a an unscheduled solo ...[/quote] There's a version out there somewhere with accordion solos in those gaps - the lengths of the gaps makes more sense with the accordion in. Andy
  19. Best bet would be to use a Speakon-Speakon cable to the first cab, then a jack-jack to daisy chain the second. Andy
  20. It seems that most of the noise was coming in on the connections to the volume pot. Bypassing it with a jumper quieted things down a hell of a lot. Since it's actually audio going through the pot (rather than a control voltage), I'm going to rewire it with some screened cable, which should help things along nicely! Andy
  21. Time for the next episode boys and girls. Are you sitting comfortably? I've closed up the case, and done a bit of testing. Before all that though, I decided to weigh the amp. [attachment=9464:PICT0389.JPG] 1.6 kilos (thats about 3 1/2 lb in old money). Strange thing is, it feels heavier - probably because of the size of it. If any of you are having difficulty picturing the size of this amp, have a look at this next pic. [attachment=9465:PICT0391.JPG] And then I fired it up for the first time... [attachment=9466:PICT0396.JPG] Christ that LED's bright, despite only running at 12 mA. It's like a spotlight. Well, Froilan reckons he likes blue LEDs. Initial testing was done (not very scientifically) by plugging into a pair of PA cabs, and plugging a bass straight into the input. Houston, we have a problem. There's a high pitched whistle coming through at about 15kHz (I'm guessing here, but I know my hearing tops out about 15k, and it's right at the top of my range). It's not loud, but it is audible and would be very annoying, so I'll have a poke about in there with a 'scope later and try to find the source (my bet is that it's the power supply). Other than the whistle, it seems very quiet in operation, no buzzing or humming came through. The other issue is heat. I had hoped that the case would be enough to act as a heat sink, but sadly that is not to be. I've sourced a tiny fan (40x40x10mm) and I'm going to fit it into the side of the case. I'd cunningly left enough room for this eventuality, so not a big problem. Looks like I'm going to be drilling some holes this afternoon! Andy
  22. I remember them. Solid (if a little chunky) necks, cheap & cheerful hardware and electrics, god-awful plywood bodies with 1/2 inch thick polyester all over them. Andy
  23. [quote name='mcgraham' post='212586' date='Jun 4 2008, 04:19 PM']May I ask what the exact final dimensions will be? Mark[/quote] You may The case is 220x165x51mm. Add on a bit for connectors, knobs and feet and you're looking at about 220x180x55. Haven't weighed it yet, but should be under 2kg. [quote name='alexclaber' post='212604' date='Jun 4 2008, 04:50 PM']Very neat! Two of those amp modules bridged into my big 15"+6.5" as an active cab would be scarily loud and light. Do you think you could run a simple preamp off that SMPS to give you a tiny head for non-tweakers? Alex[/quote] The SMPS has an auxillary output of +12/0/-12 V @ 500 mA, ideal for running a pre, crossover or pretty much anything else you might want to stick in there. It would probably be possible to get a preamp section into the case I've used. A smaller AC input would allow the modules to move back a bit, which should leave room for a PCB up front. Might have to look into that :brow: Andy
  24. Having read Mottlefeeders post, I've realised that I have approached this build as though it was a DIY project for myself. With that in mind, I've made a couple of changes and generally tidied up a bit. First, the new tidier (and probably safer) arrangement of the mains leads. [attachment=9287:PICT0384.JPG] Next, amp power leads, speaker leads and input lead all tied off and tidied. [attachment=9288:PICT0386.JPG] The first end panel on. [attachment=9289:PICT0387.JPG] Nearly ready to go. Visible (just barely) in the foreground are the indicator LEDs for Power (blue) and Clipping (red). [attachment=9290:PICT0388.JPG] Once it's all together, it's time for a load test. I'm going to give it a couple of straight hours running just below clipping into a dummy load, wired with a speaker in parallel so I can listen for any odd noises. Hopefully, the case will act as enough of a heatsink that the amp won't need a fan. Andy
  25. [quote name='Adam.M' post='210891' date='Jun 2 2008, 01:25 AM']I LOVE the look of a marhsall 4x12 over any other cab i've ever seen[/quote] If you like that look, you could try a BFM Omni 15. They look like 4x12s with the right grille on - it wouldn't be hard to do one in black Tolex with white piping. [url="http://billfitzmaurice.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=5880"]Omni 15s[/url] Andy
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