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Everything posted by Alien

  1. If the bass player's not got the creative freedom to play his own lines, then it's not really an originals band, is it? A
  2. Never were truer words written by any bass player. Kudos to you, good sir.
  3. At which point you should have played him any tune with James Jamerson on it... silly billy!
  4. Yawning or Snarling - The Tragically Hip
  5. Let's be honest here - either would have been a pretty amazing thing to have done at any age. Fantastic tune. A
  6. Bonzo Goes To Bitburg (My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down) - Ramones Double points for that one surely?
  7. In My Daughter's Eyes - Martina McBride
  8. I'd go for either the domed chrome ones or the ones with 'volume' and 'tone' on them. Either go simple and elegant or self explanatory, leaving no doubt. I'd rule the heptagonal plastic ones out, mainly because of the shape. Not entirely useful I know, but that's the only opinion I've got, FWIW A
  9. Time (Clock of the Heart) - Culture Club
  10. Mate, you are definitely my kind of insane - this is the sort of thing I'd have been well up for in the past.
  11. (Pride) In the name of love - U2
  12. Say I'm your number one - Princess
  13. I'd Rather Jack - the Reynolds Girls. (Now we've officially hit the low point of the thread...)
  14. Ah, young love... Nah, seriously though mate, I'm happy for ya. She sounds like a star. A
  15. The Saints are Coming - The Skids
  16. Off topic here, but I've only just spotted that this band is a Spoonerism... Man, I've been slow on the uptake! A
  17. I can see where you're coming from. I think it gives you some kind of insight into the minds of the musos. A
  18. Sinatra's version I can take or leave, but I love Diamond Dave's version off of Eat 'em and Smile. A
  19. One of my all time fave videos. Bon looks like a proper nutter for about half the time A
  20. Dance yourself dizzy - Liquid Gold
  21. We have both kinds here - country and western... Class
  22. I think we're gonna get along just fine Mr. P A
  23. On 'Believe' it was used to force a glissando note into two fixed notes. I can't remember hearing it used in this way prior to that (on a vocal track at least - chances are it had happened on instrumental tracks) You're right though - sounded cool first time out, total cliche now you hear it on every other song in the top 40. The other big difference between Cher and most of the other hacks using autotune these days is this - Cher can hit those notes for real, without autotune. How many of the faces in the top 40 can say the same these days? A
  24. You'd think he'd be able to remember 'When the levee breaks' by now though wouldn't you?
  25. That's about all the advice you'll ever need. I reckon it's OK to be a little bit nervous onstage - it'll make you focus a bit more. Don't let it get to you too much, and don't beat yourself up over the odd bum note - chances are nobody but you even noticed it, and as long as it's just the odd one you can carry on as though you meant it. A
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