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Everything posted by Alien

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1033000' date='Nov 22 2010, 06:17 PM']These are great, but the tru path is running two rigs, clean and dirty, just cut the lows from the dirty to avoid comb filtering issues.[/quote] A similar option would be to use a switchable Y splitter, with the dirty output going through an EQ pedal to pull out everything below 100Hz or so, into a guitar amp. The amp wouldn't have to be anything special (maybe 30-50W with 1 or 2 12's in it) as long as it makes an acceptable noise. A
  2. [quote name='colda' post='1027779' date='Nov 18 2010, 11:40 AM']am very tempted by the H&H - would be perfect to replace the FAL PA150 that I recently took an angle grinder to (needed to power a 2x10 combo project)[/quote] Unfortunately, Chimike got in ahead of you, but consider yourself next in line if it falls through. A
  3. OK, here's a few more bits from the big sell-off. First up is an H&H S130 mono slave amp, rated at 100W into 4 Ohms. Jack input and volume control on the front, another pair of jacks on the back for aux in and slave out, and 2 more jacks for speaker outs. All in all this amp is in really good condition when you consider its age. There are a few scuffs on the end caps and a couple of nicks in the tolex, but otherwise really clean. The electroluminescent front panel is also in good working order as you can see from the photo. [b]NOW SOLD.[/b] [attachment=64176:HH_SA130.jpg] Next up is a Leech PA120 PA amp, rated 120W @ 4 Ohms. I don't know much about this, other than the fact it was made in May 1979 (according to stickers inside the front and back panels). It's got 4 input channels, each with jack input, volume, bass and treble controls. The master panel has volume, reverb and presence controls and a VU output meter, as well as a slave out and a jack for a reverb footswitch. Round the back there's a couple of output jacks and a MAHOOSIVE cast alloy heatsink. Channel 2 is a bit hissy, but not obtrusively so, and a couple of the pots are a little bit crackly, despite me having cleaned them all recently. Again, in pretty good order, it's missing one metal corner and the cap off the reverb knob, and has a few scrapes and scuffs, but nothing major. [attachment=64177:Leech.jpg] I'm after £30 for each of these. I'm willing to post but I'd prefer collection due to the weight. Cheers Andy
  4. Todays reading is taken from the Gospel of the Jobbing Band And so in the dark of night the Lord awoke Noah, and spoke to him. "Noah, awake and heed my words!" And Noah, being sore afraid, did cry out, "Who goeth there?" And the Lord did smite him upside the head, saying, "It is the Lord of all things, dummy!" And Noah did tremble, saying, "Lord, why hath thou wakened me?" And the Lord did say, "Noah, build me a Jobbing Band. For the earth will be visited by a plague of Brides, followed by forty days of Trade Shows and forty nights of Awards Banquets. And Noah did say, "Command me, Lord." [b]And the Lord did say, "First, thou must find me a Leader". And Noah replied, "But Lord, will I not be thy Leader?" And the Lord did smite him again, saying, "Fool, thou will be my Contractor. Ask not why!" And Noah did bow his head, saying, "Yes, my Lord. And what will this Leader play?" And the Lord said, "It mattereth little, whether he play or not, or whether he be proficient or not. For his job shall primarily be to talk to the Brides and their Mothers, and to deal with Clients, and to count off Tempos wrong, and to enquire as to whether Overtime will happen, and to try to segue tunes that should not be segued. If he playeth any instrument, thou must always have another player of that instrument on the band, just to be safe." And Noah did say, "And what else shall this Leader do?" And the Lord replied, "It shall be his job to spread Bad Information and Confusion amongst the Sidemen, and to pit them one against the other, and to delay all payments. Further shall it be his job, until we can afford a Soundman, to create Feedback, and to invent new Equalisation Curves, therefore."[/b] And Noah did shake his head in wonder, saying, "Lord, thy ways are Strange and Mysterious. What more shall I do? And the Lord said, "Next, find me a Rhythm Section. First, find me Drummer. And Three Things above all must this Drummer possess." And Noah did ask, "What are these Three Things? Double Bass Drums? An Electronic Kit? Congas?" And the Lord did smite Noah again, saying, "Second-guess me not, my servant. First, this Drummer must have slightly imperfect time, so that whenever he playeth a Fill (and he shall play many), he always emergeth at a different place, sometimes early and sometimes late, but thou may not guess which. And second, he must be Supremely Discontent, always hoping for the Big Break which will lead to him playing with Chick Corea or Madonna, so that he despiseth Jobbing. And third, he must always be convinced of his Righteousness in all things: including Time, Volume, Tempo and Feel, so that he argueth always with the Bass Player." And Noah did say, "As you command, Lord. And what next?" And the Lord did say, "Thou art learning, Noah. Next shall be the Bass Player. And he shall be Bored. That is all." And Noah did say, "Of course. And next, my Lord?" "Next shall be the Piano Player. And he shall play as if he has twenty fingers, and he shall play Substitute upon Substitute, until no man may name the Chord, and he will not be helpful. Furthermore, he shall always be late. And he shall always be trying out New Gear, of which he has no knowledge." And Noah did wonder aloud, "Lord, Great is thy Wisdom!" "Next shall be the Guitar Player. And he shall be a Rock Guitar Player. And he shall be Loud, and he shall sing 'Old Time Rock n' Roll'. Also shall he know not The Page, and so shall rely upon his Ears, which have been damaged by exposure to High Sound Pressure Levels. For the Guitarists who Read shall already be playing Shows, and will be making the Big Shekels. And the Guitarist's tux shall be the Rattiest of all the Band." And Noah did say, "It shall be done." And the Lord did say, "Next thou shall need Horns. First shall be the Saxophones. And they shall be Beboppers. And they shall play their Bird Quotes in every song, yea, even the Celine Dion ballad. And they shall Get High on every break, and make the Long Faces all night long, but especially when 'In The Mood' is called. Next shall be the Trumpeters. And they shall every one attempt to take everything Up an Octave, and fail frequently. And of Changes they shall know nothing. And finally shall be the Trombone Player. And many jokes will be made about him, for he will have a Beeper, as well as a Day Job, and he will be the first to be Cut from the Band." And Noah, taking many notes, did say, "Mighty is the Lord!" "Next shall be the String Players. Find me Three Women, and attach Pickups to their Violins that are more ancient even than Myself, so that their instruments screecheth and causeth great pain. And their job shall be to wear Evening Gowns, and to Fake Parts on all Ballads, and to occasionally Stroll, and to complain about the Volume and the Intonation, and to impede the Swing." And Noah did say, "What else can be left, Lord?" And the Lord did say, "Finally, find me the Singers. And they shall be Three, one a Male, and two Females. And the Male shall be a Strutting Peacock, with the Rock 'n' Roll Hair, and he shall never have to wear The Tuxedo, and also shall he play The Harmonica. And of the Females, one shall be Black and one shall be White. And the Black one shall ALWAYS sing the Aretha songs, and the Disco. And the White one shall ALWAYS sing the Power Ballads, and the Country Songs. But both shall share the Motown Medley, and shall sing Backup for the Male, and forget the Words, and be Late, and know nothing of Keys or Form. And they shall leave every gig immediately, having never touched a piece of Equipment. And they shall be paid many more shekels than the Sidemen. Ask not why." And Noah did say, "As Thou sayest, my Lord." And the Lord did command him, "Search high and low for these, as not every musician can fulfil these requirements. And though we have No Work yet, a Commitment must be secured from All. And while you're at it, start looking for Deps." And Noah did say, "Lord, thy will be done." And it was. And there you have it A
  5. [quote name='dincz' post='1012407' date='Nov 4 2010, 06:46 PM']Applying the same logic to Aguilar's new SL112, something doesn't quite add up: Specs Power Handling: 250 watts RMS, 500 watts peak Sensitivity: 99.9 dB 1W 1M Max SPL: 120db It looks like 100W should give you the cab's max SPL. What have I missed?[/quote] The fact that the driver will run out of excursion before it runs out of power handling. They've probably factored some power compression into that as well, but most speakers reach a point where they just don't get any louder as you add more power. A
  6. [quote name='Big Mick' post='1012978' date='Nov 5 2010, 09:16 AM']Thanks for the reply Bill, I understand your point now and a valid one it is too!!!! I was doing some research on Peavey products last night and couldn't find info on what actual driver was fitted to TNT 150 combos, the Blue Marvel was fitted in the TNT 115 and others (according to Peavey records) but no mention of the 150, it's a mystery. When I get it back, I'll have a look and see what is actually in it. But I'm pretty sure you'll tell me that a new Eminence driver will be far superior anyway. Cheers, Mick. [/quote] AFAIK, the TNT150 was fitted with either a Scorpion or a Black Widow as standard, depending on the year. I'd have said yours looks to be a BW. A
  7. [quote name='bigash' post='1007147' date='Oct 31 2010, 11:30 AM']So we ended up using the damaged speaker as a bass bin in satalite mode off of functioning speaker, worked fine.[/quote] That tells me your speakers are both OK. What sort of setup do you have? Mixer amp/ powered mixer or separate mixer and power amp? If it's the latter, check the patch cables between desk and amp, swap them over and see if the problem moves to the other speaker. If it does, the problem's in your patch cables. If that makes no difference, swap the patch cables [b]at one end only [/b]and see if the problem moves. If it does, the problem's in your mixer, if not, it's your amp. HTH A
  8. [quote name='umph' post='1009082' date='Nov 1 2010, 10:29 PM']not ideal but does work, may limit frequency response.[/quote] As long as the limiting stays above 8kHz that's as high as you'll ever need to go. A
  9. [quote name='Finbar' post='1006835' date='Oct 30 2010, 10:51 PM']I've plugged my bass into it plenty of times and haven't noticed anything amiss.[/quote] What he said. Seems fine with both active and passive instruments. A
  10. [quote name='thebrig' post='1006652' date='Oct 30 2010, 07:14 PM']Does anyone know where I can get a Ibanez GSRM20 Mikro Short-Scale Bass?[/quote] They seem to be a bit thin on the ground this side of the pond. I ended up trawling ebay for a Stagg when I was after a cheap shortie. A
  11. I read an interview with CS a few years back, and he reckoned a big part of his sound came from the way he holds his pick. Apparently he plays downstrokes only, with the barest minimum amount of pick protruding past his finger, and catches the string with the edge of his thumb on the way past. He said it gives the harder attack of a pick, but softens out because of the contact with his thumb. A
  12. Stevie, PM me with details of what you're after and I'll see what I can come up with. A
  13. What's your budget? At the lower end, the Digitech Vocalist 300 can do some pretty cool stuff. [url="http://vocalistpro.com/product.php?name=Vocal300#feat"]http://vocalistpro.com/product.php?name=Vocal300#feat[/url] Add a distortion to the mix and you could probably get some fairly synthy sounds. A
  14. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='992257' date='Oct 18 2010, 02:40 PM']Each cap has 25V, so i'll be aiming for something betwen 16.6V and 18.75V. I don't realy know the voltages available in the market. Would a 16V be enough or should i look for something with 18V?[/quote] I'd look for an 18V unit. The next commonly available value below this is likely to be 15V. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='992257' date='Oct 18 2010, 02:40 PM']I know what those are, just one doubt - is there a specific order to connect the two red wires (shown in the picture in the 1st post) or they can be connected any way - i supose the black is ground and has to be left in the middle position![/quote] The two red wires can be connected either way round. The black is not a ground as such (although it is probably connected to ground at some point), it is the common connection between the two secondary coils. Secondaries can be connected in series or parallel, in the same way as batteries (except with AC Voltage instead of DC). In this case, they are connected in series. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='992257' date='Oct 18 2010, 02:40 PM']Done that! It's 250mA.[/quote] 250mA is the current drawn from the mains grid. If this is multiplied by the Voltage of the mains grid you will get the power required. So, 0.25A x 230V = 57.5W (strictly 57.5VA, but that starts to get a bit complicated). A transformer rated at around 50VA should be fine for an amplifier like this one. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='992257' date='Oct 18 2010, 02:40 PM']If from what i've posted here if you can advise me a suitable transformer i'll be much apreciated. From what i've learned from you i'm looking for something like: +/-16V with 0.25A(min) or +/-18V with 0.25A(min) Do i have this right?[/quote] Close! I would say you should look for a 50VA transformer with +/-18V secondaries. If you have access to RS, then this one should work OK. [url="http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=getProduct&R=0504640"]http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchB...t&R=0504640[/url] Andy
  15. [quote name='Faithless' post='991078' date='Oct 17 2010, 01:32 PM']of course, 1x12 would be nicer, but I do really doubt that it exists, less than 10kg thing.. so 1x10 is ok.[/quote] [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=midget"]http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=midget[/url] Made by Alex Claber from these very forums. A
  16. As this thread has nothing whatsoever to do with effects, I'm moving it to General Bass Discussion. A
  17. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='936661' date='Aug 26 2010, 01:07 AM']The one time my guitarist picked up my 1212L he nearly smacked himself in the face with it.[/quote] Did this myself the first time I picked up one of Dood's Tech 4x10's. I still reckon they're full of helium. A
  18. Check the voltage rating of the 2 large capacitors on the PCB. If you aim for a transformer voltage of around 2/3 to 3/4 of this value then you'll be in the right ballpark. You'll need a transformer with a dual secondary coil, which will usually be listed as +/- ##Volts or 2x##Volts. Check the maximum power requirement on the back of the amp, and make sure the power rating of the transformer is the same as that or a bit more. It's not a perfect solution, but if the transformer's blown and you can't get a schematic it's about the best you can do. HTH A
  19. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warning-Vinyl-sticker-sign-for-you-Bass-Case-or-Amp_W0QQitemZ250697803329QQ"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warning-Vinyl-sticke...Z250697803329QQ[/url] Can't see me buying one though. A
  20. There's one for sale on this very forum - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=106048"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=106048[/url] Don't know if it takes XLR inputs, but got to be worth an ask. A Edit: I see you've found it already
  21. [url="http://www.qscaudio.com/products/amps/plx2/plx1804_specifications.htm"]http://www.qscaudio.com/products/amps/plx2...cifications.htm[/url] [url="http://www.peavey.com/products/browse.cfm/action/detail/cat/490/item/116949/number/03001260/IPR%26trade%3B1600.cfm"]http://www.peavey.com/products/browse.cfm/...rade%3B1600.cfm[/url] HTH A
  22. Alien

    colda feedback

    Sold a preamp to Darren. Super easy transaction, would definitely do it again. A
  23. [quote name='mazdah' post='973278' date='Sep 30 2010, 10:12 PM'][/quote] Loving the Duck Dunn accessories there! A
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