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Everything posted by johnnylager

  1. John McCoy Jimmy Bain Phil Lynott JJ Burnel Justin Chancellor etc...
  2. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='365851' date='Dec 29 2008, 10:59 PM']I had a chance to compare my Eden Nemesis NA650 with Johnnylager's new Hartke LH1000 on Saturday. Using John's active Spector bass and with both amps alternating through my SWR Triad, I was really surprised to find that the Eden's inherent tone had more mids in it than the Hartke, and that was with tone controls on both amps set flat. To get the Eden closer to the tone of the Hartke, we had to dial in some of the Eden's 'enhance' control, which is effectively a mid-cut and bass/treble boost..[/quote] For further clouding of said waters, I find the Spector's mids quits prominent too. [quote name='alexclaber' post='365898' date='Dec 29 2008, 11:52 PM']Indeed, generally those Fender tone-stack amps are closest to flat when bass/mid/treble are set 2/10/2. 5/5/5 is quite a big mid scoop. Alex[/quote] Like this, I think... [attachment=17834:fender.doc]
  3. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='365603' date='Dec 29 2008, 05:17 PM']Somehow, I find this slightly disturbing... [/quote] Not half as disturbing as me neighbours are finding it.
  4. [quote name='JonnyB' post='364064' date='Dec 27 2008, 10:08 AM']Anyone know who's on bass for this...[/quote] Carol Kaye says she did it.
  5. [quote name='ritch' post='365520' date='Dec 29 2008, 03:22 PM']Is this a problem?[/quote] Not if it sounds right, no. The 15 may appear louder becaues it's nearer it's excursion limit and moving more air [200w rated] vs. the 500w rated 4x10. And more sensitive. Please bear in mind I am no authority on this. Lager, yes. Wish I had an Ampeg stack! Maybe trawl through [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=Search&CODE=show&searchid=672a3240885582e1c2e7a0bf14b75162&search_in=posts&result_type=topics&highlite=%2Bcomb+filtering"]these[/url] if you're at a loose end! BFM and Mr Claber are the men on this.
  6. Run lads, he's mixing drivers...
  7. [quote name='slystewart' post='365466' date='Dec 29 2008, 02:02 PM']...so to get by mixed speakon and standard 1/4 jacks. would there be any problems doing this thanks[/quote] I believe not. Speakons won't pull out though and should have screw terminals inside - maybe one of these is loose? Or buy more from obbm.
  8. Hartke LH
  9. Not as good as I used to be.
  10. [b]In -[/b] KSD 704 Proto-J with EBS pre - Bad Bernie Spector Euro 4 LX - Cetera Hartke LH-1000 EBS Multicomp - ? EBS Microbass II - Bubalicious Ashdown J-Lo fuzz Aphex Bass Xciter - Dannybouy Sansamp Paradriver Demetriades 1x15 - Silverfoxnik Cables - Obbm Small pedalboard Large pedalboard Boss LMB-3 Russian Bassballs - on loan from Niall off Hawkwind [b]Out:[/b] Fender Geddy Lee Jazz [modded] - Beefy Ashdown ABM EVOII 2x10T combo & 2x10T cab - Phil Wilson Aphex Bass Xciter - Owen Sansamp Paradriver - PauBass Sansamp Programmable BDDI - ? Small pedalboard - Mr. sibs Boss LMB-3 - eBay These figures plainly do not balance. Anyone letting my missus see what's gone on will be shot. Probably one of Claber's cabs coming next year & nothing else in ever.
  11. Hartke LH-1000. Lovely.
  12. Can't recommend a site for those songs but welcome!
  13. It's a wrong-un.
  14. [quote name='saibuster' post='364445' date='Dec 27 2008, 08:45 PM']Im definitely going to get one (if i wont get fired next month! ). Does anyone know what's the difference between the Classic Vibe and Vintage Modified?[/quote] Played 'em both at GAK - both nice. Take a trip down to sunny Brighton and give 'em a whirl. Seems like [url="http://www.squierguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0303075505"]Classic Vibe[/url] - better bridge vs. [url="http://www.squierguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0326702521"]Vintage Modified[/url] - better pups.
  15. [quote name='chiSEERKIND' post='364464' date='Dec 27 2008, 09:09 PM']I also use an old 80's Westone Thunder 1-A... 18\/olt act. circuit... nice old and loud.[/quote] Lush. Welcome.
  16. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='364425' date='Dec 27 2008, 07:56 PM']Hmmm I recognise that photo. Use it whydoncha?[/quote] Previous post edited accordingly to rule out potential copyright lawsuit.
  17. ARGH - good call mate, like it.
  18. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='364412' date='Dec 27 2008, 07:39 PM']Thanks for reminding me that potentially alternative solutions to this problem exist [/quote] Could someone remind Tony f***ing Adams?
  19. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='364309' date='Dec 27 2008, 05:30 PM']Johnnylager brought his new LH1000 over today (as he was coming to pick up my spare 1x15 cab for a while) and we got a chance to pair it up with my SWR Triad, his Spector and my Roscoe Beck V and it sounded really good! WalMan popped in for a listen too and I think we were all very impressed by how the Hartke sounded up against my Eden Nemesis; Johnny especially as it was his first chance to hear the LH1000 in action.. It's very easy to use and much, much warmer sounding than any previous Hartke amps I've heard![/quote] Woo hoo for the Littlehampton micro-bash! Good to hook up with the SC chaps again. Nice tone from the LH through the Triad and not too shabby through the 15 either, sounded good from the off and my quest for less knobs seems to have paid off. My initial concerns about the inherent mid-cut seems unfounded, especially with them Spector mids! Like that Roscoe, but I dunno what that 5th string is about though mate Fairly heavy though - I'll whip the top off when Merton's Ruby valve arrives and have a look, but I suspect there may be a 2nd transformer lurking in there - there looks like there is room for one. Thanks to Nik for the lend of his cab, the premises & the coffee & good to see you Al, hope yer lad got his motor! EDIT: And thanks to GreeneKing for the unauthorised use of his snap.
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='364047' date='Dec 27 2008, 08:48 AM']In fact it's interesting that of all the people who have bought Spectors recently I appear to be the 'only' one to have mentioned the neck profile; all of the others (some of whom must have smallish hands) are more than happy with the neck dimensions.[/quote] Exactly the same profile as my KSD Jazz, but mm's deeper above the 12th fret. Well it seemed that way the one time I went up there.
  21. [quote name='Josh' post='363970' date='Dec 26 2008, 11:28 PM']...and even in live performances back then he was still only just about audible...[/quote] Are you on drugs? I saw them on just about every date on the UK MoP tour and I can assure you this was not the case. [quote name='Josh' post='363970' date='Dec 26 2008, 11:28 PM']Greg Christian of Testament could've easily given Cliff a run for his money back in the mid 80's mind you.[/quote] Fair comment here though.
  22. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='363180' date='Dec 25 2008, 12:51 AM']Never have, never will. How long would I last ?[/quote] 3 posts. EDIT: Possibly.
  23. Oh it looks so sexy sitting there in it's black and chrome get-up, winking in a seductive manner it it's Gator rackbag.
  24. I wonder how much more money I'd have... TB ain't BC when it comes community 'cos them Shermans are all up at the wrong time, but there is some great info on there and I've always had useful replies to my posts, a friendly lot. I prefer your more traditional smiley too.
  25. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='362839' date='Dec 24 2008, 02:51 PM']that looks amazing mate - you've done a properly good job on that [/quote] Seen yer pressie mate?
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