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Joel McIver

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Everything posted by Joel McIver

  1. [eating big bag of popcorn] 😁
  2. I've developed a whinge-proof outer layer at this point. Twenty years as an editor and author will do that to you 😝
  3. Hi all, I've read and enjoyed every comment on this thread. Although I'm not an organiser of the UKGC/LBGS as such, obviously my magazine is associated with it and I do take part in recruiting the celeb bassists, as well as being on stage a fair bit with them over the weekend -- so I'm keen for it to do well. We have a postmortem meeting this week and I'll raise the following points: 1 Noise/no-noise periods have to be monitored firmly. 2 More exhibitors, both big and small companies, are needed. 3 Bigger names would be welcomed. I get that a lot of people haven't heard of John Patitucci (although he does have four Grammy awards :-)) so yep, a John Taylor/Paul Turner/Robert Trujiillo or two should be considered, £££ permitting. 4 The Tone Zone didn't work out there on the floor as it wasn't really audible. 5 Upstairs rooms could be used for various purposes. 6 Audio bleed from one room to the next should be controlled. Thanks for coming along, and commenting too! Cheers Joel McIver Editor, Bass Guitar/Bass Player
  4. Hi, BGM editor here. I drop in to BC from time to time and enjoy the content without feeling the need to contribute, but I thought I should probably address this comment: "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Its easy to spot who gets a review and how well it will do is what advertising space gets bought.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]If Mayones and Sandberg get (another) review, mark my words it'll be within 3 pages either side of a corresponding advert.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Its just how magazines work. Always has. Same with album reviews, take a half page ad out in a music mag, you'll get a glowing review and maybe a small feature too !!"[/font][/color] This is absolutely not the case. Ad spend does NOT ensure a gear review, let alone a glowing one. I get on well with the advertisers and am always happy to consider reviewing their stuff, but whether they book an ad or not does not influence that decision. Ad sales are handled by a different member of staff and we work independently of each other. If anyone is in doubt about this and would like official confirmation from Future, I'm happy to forward messages. My email is [email protected]. Keep up the good work, I admire the breadth of knowledge at BC and your community spirit, which is why I run a monthly column devoted to what goes on here. Cheers Joel McIver
  5. [quote name='sandblast' timestamp='1435840594' post='2812910'] I must admit that i find contacting them and contacting them exhausting. I'd be quite happy if they just put the videos up on the BGM website or on their YouTube page. [/quote] Sorry for the delay in answering this. I'll have a word with the tech dept. Joel
  6. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1435015853' post='2804772'] As a qualified journo and an amateur bassist, I would cut somebody's throat for a job at that mag. I would seriously LOVE that. [/quote] We're always looking for decent writers, so feel free to drop me a line with some ideas at [email protected]. Joel McIver Editor
  7. I enjoyed reading this thread, you lot. To whoever posted that Billy Gould would make a good addition to the bill, I couldn't agree more, but when I invited him to perform he said he'd love to but would be in New Zealand that weekend. Come and say hello if you see me, I'll be the one running around like a nutter! Cheers Joel BGM editor
  8. [quote name='jacko' timestamp='1398694188' post='2436621'] Given that it always seems to be the same complaints every time this subject comes up, maybe he's not that interested in our opinions cos nothing has changed in the way the mag is presented for years. [/quote] Hey all, I'm definitely interested in hearing your opinions, positive and negative, about our magazine, so feel free to express them here or to me at [email protected] if you prefer confidentiality. Cheers all Joel McIver
  9. Joel McIver


    Dear all, many thanks for inviting me to the Bass Bash today. I met some great people and managed to get through the Q&A intact. Thanks for taking it easy on me and keep up the great work! Cheers Joel McIver Bass Guitar Magazine
  10. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1358448977' post='1939477'] It's a shame that Joel hasn't come on here with his viewpoint at this moment in time. From what I've seen from his posts on here, he seems a decent enough bloke willing to hold his hands up if something has gone a bit pear shaped with the mag. Maybe the foul up was at the printers as has been mentioned previously? The double Fender ABG feature aside, I thought this months copy was a good read, but have started getting a bit bored with reading about bass players who don't use a particular technique or a 4/5/6 string bass. That definitely needs to be binned - I'd rather have those pages devoted to another interview devoted to a particular bass player (any genre, don't care which), which would be far more useful. [/quote] I'm here guys. I'm completely gutted about the errors in the current issue, a couple of which are my fault and others were mistakes made by the office staff. Apologies, we're working on it. Joel
  11. Glad you like it captain!
  12. Thanks chaps, all points read and noted. The mag has tons more cheap bass reviews in it now and we're about to begin a bass restoration column, both ideas gleaned from you lot. Cheers!
  13. Back after a couple of weeks and I'm very gratified about the friendly comments and suggestions. There are too many to address here (I'm on deadline with issue 82, which is a 25th anniversary Jaco cover) but I've noted every single one. As the Austrian Oak said, I'll be back! Cheers Joel
  14. Thanks for the feedback and welcome, everyone. I won’t hang around all day as I don’t want to give the impression that I only came here to nick your ideas, but I’ll be back tomorrow. > what about rotating the various schools that offer these course annually (ACM, BIMM, etc) so as to still cover the subject but avoid the annual repetition as hopefully their syllabuses vary a bit? Good idea. That will happen at some point. > Welcome to the Forum, and congratulations if the new Job was something you really wanted (im guessing it was) Thanks. It absolutely was. I’ve been a magazine contributor since 1996 and in all that time I have never wanted to edit any mag except BGM, simply because I’m a bass geek. > Hi Joel, what did you think of Slayer at ATP? I didn’t go! Seen ’em too many times, met and interviewed them endlessly. Which reminds me, I must get that Tom Araya cover feature sorted… > Something I see in Guitar magazines regularly is an in-depth article on the history of a particular manufacturer or instrument. I feel this would be a fantastic addition Agreed. We do this to a lesser extent with Essential FX and it would be easy to extend to basses/amps. > I don`t know if this has been suggested but how about a feature where you focus on one guy`s collection with lot`s of nice photo`s and some background about how they got the gear? Yes, great idea. > And to make it all clear, I don't actually dislike the feature. I would just like to see more of those girls and guys who actually do something unusual, have something [i]else[/i] to say. Noted. > You are a brave, brave, man! No, you lot have been extremely welcoming! > how about a "Me and my Bass feature? Yep. > is the heavily advertised and reviewed TC BG 250 combo really made in UK? I’ll check. > as previously mentioned, give three writers a budget of £300 to buy eg 'best bass for metal' or 'largest rig' and let them battle it out Definitely. > A series of articles showing a proper, scientific method to prove/disprove that wood has something to do with the tone of an electric bass guitar. One article rather than an entire series I think, but yes. > A 'debate' section, with two experts arguing about the topic of the month, eg 4 v 5 string, valve v SS, BO v NT, etc. etc. Good idea. > Get a selection of Jazz basses in for review - high and low end Fenders, along with both cheap and expensive copies, like Squiers, Faridas, Laklands and Sadowskys. Then let reviewers compare them blindfold........ and no cheating! Love this idea! > Maybe the magazine is aspirational in a similiar way top gear is for cars i.e. it highlights basses (cars) that we can gaze at from afar but never actually afford. No, that’s not the case. I’m not just spouting marketing-speak here: the mag has to cater for all tastes and budgets, and offer actual real-world solutions. The expensive basses look great, for sure, but without exception they are all practical, working instruments that any touring or studio musician can use. There is no space wasted in the magazine on guitar porn for its own sake.
  15. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1341424162' post='1718830'] Hi Joel, Welcome aboard - I subscribe to the mag (thanks to the missus buying it for me for chrimbo) & quite enjoy reading it. Would I be right in saying the boo-boo in the most recent issue was Andrew McKinney being called Paul Geary ? I had a lesson with Paul that night & we had a chuckle about it.. [/quote] Got it in one! I had the proofreader flogged the next day...
  16. > Can we have something like beginners corner ? We're not all Dave Marks. Yep. Look out for this in a couple of issues’ time. > more < £500 kit please – That too. > Any news on EPlatforms such as the iphone ? BGM is available for iPhone and iPad, see www.pocketmags.com. > Can we have lots of Fender stuff in the mag please and not much of these exotic players whom the average guy in the street doesn't know and couldn't identify. Ah, there’s the million-dollar question. Some readers want exotic stuff, some don’t. Some want expensive gear, some don’t. It’s our job to try and strike a balance. > Are the publishing arrangements different in America? It’s a question of budget rather than legislation, unfortunately. > Are all the back issues available? I'm trying to find issue 57 but can't find it on your website. Have a word with [email protected]. > Where can I buy a copy of it? Is it available for iPad? Is it in WH Smiths and the like? Yes to both. > In the reviews make the photos and words count. Let one support the other but don't duplicate unnecessarily. Sometimes a photograph becomes clearer with a bit of description, but on the the other hand don't describe things that are obvious from the photos. Thank you. > By all means lets have some reviews of cheaper basses, but keep the instruments you review interesting. Don't just open the floodgates for loads of budget P and J Bass clones. In fact TBH I'd not much interested in P and J clones whether they're £50 plywood cheapies from China or £5000 hand-crafted exotic wood boutique basses, Include them, but no more than one per issue. Noted. See my comment about striking the correct balance above. > I'm guessing that the Bass Scholarship articals are essentially advertising paid for by The Institute and EBMM. So long as that also pays for several more pages of reviews and interviews then it's a necessary evil, but if not you should probably consider binning it. The Bass Scholarship is, as I mentioned before, a way of illustrating that bassists can make a professional career if they study music. That is its function. I’m not saying that all or most of us need to go that way, simply that it is an option. > PS If you need any more help with the artwork and layout, I'm available, so PM me and I'll do BGM a good rate since it will actually be something I like as opposed to farming and vet products... Appreciated. The design is handled by an in-house team, but thanks anyway. > However you make your audio and video available, [i]please[/i] make it easily accessible. We will do. This is coming later this year. > If your editorial style is anything like the style of your books ('tallica, slayer) then you will give BGM a good kick up the arse. Thank you. Writing books and editing a magazine are very different – the latter is a much more diplomatic art – but in both cases I want excellence to be the goal. Hopefully we’ll get there before too long.
  17. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]> One comment that seems to still be true is that almost all the basses you review are quite expensive or high end basses that most of us will never be able to afford. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]See my earlier comment on this -- things are about to chan[/font][/color]ge on that front. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]> On another note I was told many many months ago by the parents of Rob, the bass player from Stars of the Search Party (he is a BC member), that he would be featuring in Bassicaly Speaking in the next issue. Unfortunately that was not the case[/font][/color] Sounds like a feature commissioned before my time. Ask him to drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll get onto it.
  18. > [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]how about a section for basses being held by completely nude woman? [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Logistically difficult to administer.[/font][/color]
  19. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]> I've never quite understood the, sometimes vitrolic, attention that BGM garners[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Actually I understand it. We're the sole dedicated print mag on the subject in this country and it's important to get it right. I get annoyed with other magazines for the same reason.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]> I think the problem with the BASSically Speaking section is that each subject is presented with a number of questions[/font][/color] Yes, for logistical ease. We'll work on this. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]> And also, another High Wycombe resident? Do you play locally much?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I used to, but funnily enough I don't seem to have as much free time these days [/font][/color]
  20. > [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]More features and tests of ancillary gear - strings, straps, cases ... and other miscellany. [/font][/color] Yep. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]> How about full song transcriptions? (preferably without tab) [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ouch, expensive. You have to pay the publishers a wedge every time you do this.[/font][/color]
  21. Another great idea. Keep them coming, I'm making notes...
  22. >[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]how about looking at second hand instruments and giving three or so staff members a set budget to find the best instrument they can within certain criteria and then have a mini group test? [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Killer idea! Thank you.[/font][/color]
  23. > Do any manufacturers turn out a truly dire instrument in these days? Oh yes! Or at least, criminally overpriced. > As far as I can see, the reviews are mostly positive because the instruments are good for their price bracket. I've seen plenty of examples where a BGM review has highlighted areas for improvement. Oddly though, there sometimes seems to be little correlation between the written content and the number of stars awarded when it comes to 'value for money'. We’re always cautious about saying ‘Yes, this bass is worth every penny of your three grand’ or whatever, and rightly so I think, because of the huge range of alternatives at the same price point that we haven’t yet laid our hands on. Like the members of this forum, we’re professional bassists and we don’t want to advise people to blow all their money until they’ve researched the appropriate options. > Joel, your 'woodshed' section had suddenly improved tenfold! It seems to have suddenly changed to content that I can understand and is relevant to my playing. Glad to hear that! I reworked that section two issues ago to make it a bit more appropriate. > if only to have something decent to read on the toilet > Would you kindly explain to us what a Parker Speaker Simulator is please It’s just like a Palmer Speaker Simulator, but rebranded in honour of Spider-Man…
  24. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1341394519' post='1718119'] Joel, don't take this the wrong way but what happened to the forum you had set up for this sort of thing? [/quote] Our website was redesigned and the forum went offline. Not sure why, but I'm told it will be back up soon.
  25. [quote name='2wheeler' timestamp='1341394194' post='1718106'] Hello Joel, I really like BGM. I enjoy the lessons/columns from expert players. One thing I find a bit frustrating is that the reviews don't make head-to-head comparisons. Have you read the tests in RiDE magazine? They are more like the kind of comparisons that buyers actually have to do when they go out to choose kit. Nick [/quote] Thanks Nick. We do occasionally run basses against each other but I agree, it would be useful to compare similar models. I'll bear this in mind.
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