[quote name='Linus27' post='565729' date='Aug 11 2009, 10:41 AM']Bit of a rant here. Trying to book up a bunch of gigs from September through till December. Only around 8 so not lots. Contacted lots of promotors who I know are looking for bands to play, are asking for bands on their webpage/myspace page to play or the venues direct who are asking for band. I contact them, gig them some background on the band, a link to our Myspace page but do any of them get back to you? Like hell they do. Total waste of time. Just finding it very hard to get gigs at the moment and very frustrating.
Anyone else have problems with promotors/getting gigs?[/quote]
8! Lucky sod We've managed to score one in September and one in October. As much as I'd like to be out there with my own bands stuff every night, once a month I think is a good target for an original act in the early stages.
[quote name='TGEvans' post='537323' date='Jul 10 2009, 04:57 PM']help please.started playing with a new band,hardcore/alt/punk stuff.want to know what would the drawbacks be using a fretless? is there anything that would not work sonically in relation to tunings or anything like that? any input would be great,tim.[/quote]
Sounds like a cool idea to me, alt/punk fretless.
The LH500 is very powerful/loud. The LH1000 I assume is a monster. LH500 can produce a very warm, fat and smooth tone. It's very much plug in and play.
[quote name='BottomEndian' post='551027' date='Jul 25 2009, 12:12 PM']New issue through the door today. Had a quick flick through before leaving the house this morning... some cheaper gear on review, and some BCers mentioned/interviewed (step forward Jimi and Jase!). [/quote]
[quote name='silddx' post='551053' date='Jul 25 2009, 12:51 PM']I was in WHS last night, no new issue.
Great Jase is in there! I've got the Godsticks EP, Iplay it all the time, it's brilliant. They were in Guitarist Magazine a couple of months ago too.[/quote]
Cheers lads! I'm chuffed as a bean
I recently got hold of a Fender P USA 08/09. Very good, very light (a plus in my book), very comfortable neck, I think they're slightly narrower than the Road Worn. The new style bridge is an improvement as are the Machine Heads, very smooth. It has the best neck join I've seen on a Fender in ages. For me it's a much better model than the S1 Jazz I had, I'd say as good as my pre S1 Fender Love the Fender GASSSSSSS! :brow:
[quote name='urb' post='543601' date='Jul 17 2009, 09:15 PM']It's not a case of him "not having moved on", like he's desperately out of touch with today's scene, or is lacking ideas of his own, he's having fun playing tribute, with incredible skill, to an old friend.
Indeed, nice one urb.
[quote name='Spoombung' post='543358' date='Jul 17 2009, 04:30 PM']Of course many have done just that: they've moved on with new techniques and new approaches looking for their own voices. But not this Bireli fellow, it seems.[/quote]
I don't think Bireli is trying to push bass playing forward, break new ground or find new voices. Seems to me that he just enjoys doing it. There were other videos around but they've been taken down...did anyone see the solo homage stuff he did? It was unreal how close he was to jaco's live solo approach. Still, fun to watch though.
Slightly off topic but still Jaco related.
Michel Hatzigeorgiou Punk Jazz
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhKweMpBBPg"]More Homage[/url]
Michel Hatzigeorgiou being himself
[quote name='urb' post='542380' date='Jul 16 2009, 04:27 PM']Don't get me wrong I think Bireli's 'Jaco-inspired' playing is amazing - wish I could make it sound so good and look so damn easy...
Yeah I know crazy isn't it? I think you're right about the party piece.
Any how....this sort of thing I find more weird:
[url="http://www.orangetreesamples.com/jaco"]Jaco Samples[/url]
Usual Jaco negatives, has it occured to anyone that perhaps Bireli was maybe tipping his hat to Jaco and maybe doing it just because he can, just like when he plays a violin, because he can. What else do you expect a musical genius to play when he picks up a bass or a violin, Alright now and Three Blind Mice?
MIJ's are very good quality these days, the Geddy I used to have was every bit as good as a USA. I tried a MIM P the other day locally, very good too, they've improved a hell of a lot but saying that, USA have too with the Standard, I just got a USA Standard P, in my opinion they're a tad in front of MIJ's.
[quote name='cheddatom' post='534807' date='Jul 7 2009, 03:39 PM']You don't HAVE to suit an internet forum, but you do have to be able to take posts and posters with a pinch of salt, as well as be able to ignore them if needs be, and take on board sensible comments where needs be.
Janek wasn't being arrogant at all IMHO.[/quote]
no, I don't think he was being arrogant either. Sometimes it does appear that certain people take the piss when Janek shows up.
[quote name='cheddatom' post='534673' date='Jul 7 2009, 01:55 PM']IMHO it's not the minority ruining it for the majority. It's one pro bassist who isn't suited to internet forums![/quote]
Isn't suited? What, like he doesn't fit? Doesn't go along with the bullshit that so often piles up on here? Didn't realise you have to "suit" an internet forum.