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Everything posted by Jase

  1. For anybody interested there's a festival in Las Vegas showing some great video art and films in October, I've got a slot on there too with POJC [url="https://www.facebook.com/mindscapesfilmfestival"]Mindscapes Film Festival[/url]
  2. [quote name='51m0n' post='1316496' date='Jul 26 2011, 12:03 AM']Its a single chap called Jeff Schmidt's side project. Its very very good too:- You can download the complete album free [url="http://www.ruinerseverhead.com/"]from here[/url] I recommend you do, its excellent, and Jeff is a top fella....[/quote] Thanks mate, I'll check that out!
  3. New version available for download
  4. [quote name='51m0n' post='1303304' date='Jul 14 2011, 10:42 AM']Reminds me of Ruiner Severhead's Jesus Fist Tapes, which are brilliant![/quote] They sound very, very naughty...who are they?
  5. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1303248' date='Jul 14 2011, 09:52 AM']+1. (Jase: I'd maybe add a note to the OP to say it may be NSFW, depending on your workplace's attitude to swearing and general disturbingness. Being self-employed, I can watch what the hell I want, of course. Bring on the dwarf pr0n! )[/quote] Good point, Yes, I'm working from home too, so tend to forget! Hahaha, dwarf literature!
  6. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='1303163' date='Jul 14 2011, 07:24 AM']Disturbing.... but in a way that encourages you to press the reset button and throw away any preconceptions. The sound track is well crafted and knits with the video. I'll take a look at the others you've done on the same page.[/quote] Thanks for giving it a chance Ian, much appreciated!
  7. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='1303165' date='Jul 14 2011, 07:28 AM']You may change your mind if you saw the stuff I left out. Pete the guitarist, and Graham the keyboard player are both vastly more experienced than I am. I only took the bass back up in a band situation about four or five years ago after a long gap. They're very patient. [/quote] Always enjoy a dose of FOB!
  8. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1303115' date='Jul 14 2011, 01:07 AM']Even if they didn't offer me the extra help that they do, the fact that I get my favourite gear at discounted rates would make me a winner anyway. as you can see in my sig, it's something I've clearly taken advantage of. Most companies probably look at media exposure. Financially it doesn't make sense to invest in acts that aren't known. Investing in well known acts can help boost your reputation. My band gigs a lot so a lot of people get to see my amp in action, I've had enough people ask me about my amp after gigs to know that I'm doing them some good. It all comes down to opinion on what people want. IMO the two sides should support each other as much as possible. If both sides are happy with the minimum effort from the other party, the so be it as long as everyone's happy with it.[/quote] All good then, I'm glad we're friends now
  9. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1303099' date='Jul 14 2011, 12:41 AM']I'd feel more confident relying on Polar if there was a problem than SJC. Having our name on the website is one small thing, I'd much rather have the willing support of the company than our name up there. I know that Polar would do their best to sort any problems for me ASAP and he actually personally drove from brighton to derby to meet me and the band, take some photos, listen to a bit of our rehearsal and do an interview over a pint. I'll take that over a picture of me on the website thanks. I don't know what your opinions are based on, but you're welcome to them. Just careful with your assumptions as, while they may apply to some, they certainly don't apply to all.[/quote] Awesome, you're a winner then I still reckon Warwick base things on tv/media exposure though
  10. [quote name='TomKent' post='1303079' date='Jul 14 2011, 12:17 AM']Where they can I'm fairly confident they would try. If I rung up any of them and said I'd had a failure I have no doubt they'd get something out to me as soon as physically possible. EBS are great guys, met most of the main company in Frankfurt and it was like a big family. I think they'd big me up where appropriate, otherwise it'd be a bit wasted.[/quote] Thanks Tom, I appreciate you answering
  11. [quote name='SteveK' post='1303073' date='Jul 14 2011, 12:15 AM']Manfred Mann's Earth Band, and still am to this day.[/quote] There ya go! That's what I mean, they don't just ask any old sod
  12. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1303060' date='Jul 14 2011, 12:04 AM']If you look on the SJC website, you'll see our drummer's picture with a bit of info, does that make his endorsement more valid than mine somehow?[/quote] Yes, he's getting some support from SJC.
  13. [quote name='TomKent' post='1303057' date='Jul 13 2011, 11:59 PM']A lot of companies will call the trade thing an endorsement though, bare that in mind. I've checked my contracts and much like ThomBassmonkey I can't discuss the goings on, however I think most companies will give a form of support where they can when they say you use their gear and vice versa. Wouldn't look good on them if they didn't. And again I agree with Thom, power doesn't come into it. Two way street, no power, free flow! [/quote] I understand you wouldn't openly discuss your prices but can you rely on the companies listed below in your sig to give you exposure or publicity as an artist, could you arrange gear support should yours fail mid tour? Those sort of things are surely cool to discuss as it would put the company in good light. You know, EBS bailed me out this week, great guys! Or, do they big you up? Do companies equal the amount of advertising that the artist always seem to be doing for them?
  14. [quote name='SteveK' post='1303052' date='Jul 13 2011, 11:53 PM']In the mid 80s after a show I was approached by Warwick (fairly unknown in those days) and given 2 basses. I asked, "What's the catch? I'm not used to being given stuff!" I was told, "No catch, If you like them you'll play them, If you don't then you won't" And that's how it was. All they wanted was a photo to use in mags and promo stuff. Guess that makes/made me an endorser. Coincidentally, we've renewed contact in the last few weeks. They've done an excellent job in reworking those very same basses. I don't understand the "Who holds the power" question...power doesn't come in to it.[/quote] Cool! Who were you playing bass for at the time?
  15. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1303037' date='Jul 13 2011, 11:42 PM']Because you're saying that endorsements are a way for distributors to cut out the middle man and flog their gear without making a loss, rather than for the benefit of the artist. That's rubbish, I explained why in my post if you read the whole thing. Maybe there are some agreements out there that fit your idea of an endorsement, but there's plenty that don't.[/quote] No, I'm saying there are plenty of bass players using the endorsement thing when in actual fact they have a trade account, no support etc
  16. I don't see any support for you or your band on either site, please point me in the right direction, just in case I missed it
  17. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1303013' date='Jul 13 2011, 11:22 PM']Jase, that's total rubbish. Speaking for myself, I can't give examples because there's a confidentiality agreement in my endorsement contract, I will say though that I DO get more support from Polar (not just GK, though I am on a GK endorsement) than just cheap GK gear. Disregarding discount, support and promotional stuff, the experience if you work with them is good. I recently worked on the GK stand at the LBGS as a demonstrater, that's something I never could have done without the endorsement. Apart from anything else else, if distributors wanted to shift gear for a cheaper price, they'd save themselves the hassle and buy direct. For the record, I got offered a Warwick amp endorsement and know several people who've had bass endorsements, it's got nothing to do with tv appearances. Clearly what you've been told isn't very accurate, but then the rest of your post makes that pretty clear anyway.[/quote] How is my post rubbish?
  18. [i]You promote their gear; they promote your music.[/i] No they don't, maybe if you're a player with high public exposure? Here's one....Warwick offer endorsements, I was told that TV exposure secures instrument deals??? Who endorses Warwick here? Just wondering if we're in the company of TV bass players? [i]Sometimes there is money involved in the form of discounts [/i] Discounts are basically what I would call a trade account or at a stretch, an artist deal. Everybody pays.....don't they? [i]Perhaps some signatures need changing [/i] Just stop bullshitting. Thing is, these days just about anybody can get an artist account, best price, what ever you want to call it, you don't even have to leave the house and why not? It's just like selling a product to a shop. For the low profile, unknown guy that's as far as it goes, no support, no tour loans, no mag spreads, no name on the artist list, no matter what sort of reputation you've built for yourself, which makes sense to me. So please ffs stop with the I'm endorsed by, I endorse bollocks! Or...somebody please list the support they get from an artist deal or trade account outside best prices.
  19. Thought I'd post what I've been up to lately, trying to incorporate video with my music or other forms of sound. I've been using a mixture of original and found footage. Huge learning curve. [url="http://vimeo.com/26150487"]Vid[/url] password for this is: POJC#1 If anybody fancy's a free download of the full video I've just had a new soundtrack finished, composed by Michael Christopher Churchyard. [url="http://wtrns.fr/AZ_pb5NzJTWhLP"]POJC Full Version[/url] I think the link is available until August 3rd. Also a great film festival in Las Vegas, October, really chuffed to have some of my videos showing there: [url="http://www.dreamsfordeadcats.com/mindscapes"]Mindscapes[/url]
  20. So, for the record would any endorsing artists care to list their companies commitment to them? What said company does for them, who has tour support, who has ad/mag spreads, etc?
  21. [quote name='Machines' post='1300966' date='Jul 12 2011, 01:22 PM']Amusing to me was a BGM article where a bass was reviewed by one of the brands endorsing players. Unsurprisingly not a bad word was said against it, nor a declaration of authors links to the brand.[/quote] BMM did it recently with Rotosound, an endorsing artist gave a "review" of the strings...well sort of review, more a factory tour. I also think lower profile players [u]do[/u] use it as some sort of fame booster ( I should know, I've done it in the past) Even funnier when I realised I was blabbing about an "Artist Deal" or "Trade Account" I changed my policy after that....I don't endorse anything! Nothing wrong with getting cost gear but what's the point in promoting it? It's like a local Plumber or Builder shouting about the fact he has a trade account with B&Q or Travis Perkins! While I'm at it.....how many endorsing artists here are actually on the artist page/list on any of the Product sites they endorse? Can't be that many. I believe the Company to be holding the power and not the Artist.
  22. Very cool Ian!
  23. For me it's not the quality of Rotosound that is questionable, more the online mag that put out a "Review" I'm sorry but this isn't a "Review", factory tour and some basic history with "self plugging" maybe. Is this a first, I maybe wrong but does anybody know of product reviews done by endorsees? maybe there are...I don't know.
  24. [quote name='TimR' post='1290320' date='Jul 2 2011, 06:01 PM']Thanks. I had a bit of a dip in. I'm finding more and more that a number of articles on these web based 'magazines' seem to lack editing. In the old days column inches were expensive and a magazine editor would cut the copy down to the essential and important parts. Sure it's nice to read all about how you: but how exactly is that relevant to Rotosound bass string? Sorry but if it's a review of the factory visit just review the factory please. You lost me.... and what's with the CAPS in the thread title?[/quote] +1
  25. Is it me or does anybody else find it odd that an endorsee has reviewed their endorsers?
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