Yep, ugly, weird colors, odd shapes and massive scale length, don't think I'd enjoy playing one of them, bound to be crap!!!......
..........Then I met Rob (Shockwave), today actually in Bristol, I was dropping some cabs off for him, so we got the cabs to his flat and Rob invited me in for a quick bit of bass spotting (I was hoping you would mate I was gagging to have a crack at a BC Rich ) and there they were, a little family of BC Rich's. Rob passes one to me, another, another....WHAT? THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT! they're really nice to play, at first I thought he'd chucked a P neck on them , great necks on them all, set up nicely (by Rob) and chunky too, I wanted to play 'em all day actually. My favorite one was the one with gold strings, sorry mate I can't recall the model but that was phwoar!
It was really nice to meet you both and thank you for letting me play your basses
Today I was educated in the art of BC Richism