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Everything posted by Jase

  1. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='161607' date='Mar 21 2008, 10:02 PM']If my band has ever cancelled a gig that's what we always offer to do. In this instance the band in question couldn't get anyone (they tried us among others) so had to resort to just cancelling. With regard to whether a venue is satisfied; I suppose that depends on the venue, how often bands dump on them and whether bands are walking in asking them to sign contracts with penalty clauses built in to compensate the band in the event of a cancellation... Lets be fair, bands are quick to cry 'hard done by' when gigs get cancelled but I know plenty of bands that don't give it a second thought when they ditch gigs. As musicians we can't expect venues to agree to such contracts if we aren't going to work it the other way.[/quote] I agree, there are plenty of bands that cancel (without offering to replace the act), or just don't bother to turn up, you couldn't expect a venue to compensate a band with that sort of attitude. It's more to do with established bands, those that earn a living from it, reliable bands that have played the venues many times, when it's turned on them, a night or two before the dates get cancelled, surely it's a reasonable request to ask for some form of compensation but I see your point of working it the other way too.
  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='161571' date='Mar 21 2008, 08:34 PM']One thing to consider is that a contract works both ways. We've all had to cancel gigs (singers got a sore throat/guitarist has a poorly ickle finger) and a venue would have as much right to claim loss of earnings from you! You might think that's far fetched but I know of a band that it happened to. They took all their bookings on the basis that a Landlord signed the contract with a sliding scale for cancellations (worked in their favour more than once) but on one occasion the main man in the band took ill and cancelled a gig at very short notice. The following week he received a request for compensation as the landlord had to pay extra to get a band at short notice... he paid. Failure to do so would have resulted in a small claims judgement and/or a very bad reputation. You have been warned [/quote] If a gig has to be cancelled at short notice a band can always offer to get another act in to cover the cancellation, I think most venues would be satisfied with that.
  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='161120' date='Mar 20 2008, 09:29 PM']Might scare off some of your pub gigs Jase, or reduce your repeat er bookings, or let doens .. Crez is in a totally different market if I remember correctly, the one where the fee ends in "thousand" [/quote] Hi Si, Yeah, since spoke to the guitarist (his band by the way) while he agrees with my complaint he too says that it would probably do more damage in the long run, I still think it's wrong though, a couple of weeks notice or to move the date is fine if they need to but when it's a couple of nights notice to cancel it's quite difficult to replace the gigs. Never mind one day it'll be all different, pay to play will be illegal and cover bands will get some sort of fee recovery
  4. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='160561' date='Mar 19 2008, 11:34 PM']After literally decades of playing Gospel music all over the place, a few months ago I decided to join a secular band for some fun and b4 I get too old to pick the thing up! After 2 months practice we have our first gig on the 11th April at a club. The difference in clientel as it were worries me and I'm getting nervous, any tips for a cure?[/quote] Nerves are good, shows you're human. I find they help keep me focused on the gig. 2 months practice? I reckon you'll be cooking, enjoy the jitters or nerves, You've obviously put the work in, so why not enjoy the reward
  5. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='160174' date='Mar 19 2008, 11:37 AM']Day 2. Thanks for all the replies. I have tweeked the micro tilt and now A, D and G strings are great. E stills has a nasty buzz. I did the obvious and raised the bridge saddles a little but this meant that the 4 strings combined lost that slight arch profile and it did not feel right. What I want to do now is sort the E string out but what would I tweek next. Steve-Soar above mentioned slackening off the truss rod a quarter turn. Would it help the above? I have only had the bass a month and may yet take it back and ask them to set it up again free of charge. I think that would be a fair request. I would like to sort it out though and gain some knowledge. I have this burning ambition of putting together my own bass one of these days. Since joining basschat I have changed a scratchplate, fitted a JEast preamp and now I'm tweeking necks. Where will it end? Thanks again in anticipation of advise.[/quote] I know what you mean with the vintage radius (7.25") I've spent a bit of time tweaking my 62 Jazz, almost there If you haven't already seen the link below, have a look, it gives the factory set up measurements for neck relief with a 7.25" radius [url="http://www.fender.com/support/basses.php"]Fender Bass set up[/url] If in doubt though, whip it back to the shop, see if they'll do a set up, good luck.
  6. I'd bid on it if he filled it with chocolate
  7. I couldn't find it on the bay OHM, just wanted a look that's all
  8. I wouldn't be able to resist taking that 61 out...what a bass!!!
  9. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='159926' date='Mar 18 2008, 09:06 PM']Thanks Jase. You are absolutely right the MM does have the micro tilt and that article offers some other good advice. cheer mate I owe you one.[/quote] Tidy!! Hope you solve your problem. Love a Fender waffle me
  10. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='159698' date='Mar 18 2008, 03:40 PM']Sorry I couldnt enlarge the picture. Added with my ignorance. Could you please expain a bit further Jase. Cheers.[/quote] Have a look at this, when you mentioned the Marcus has a 3 bolt neck I thought maybe if it did have a micro tilt then perhaps it could help your problem [url="http://www.fretnotguitarrepair.com/El_Guitar_Neck_Angle.htm"]http://www.fretnotguitarrepair.com/El_Guitar_Neck_Angle.htm[/url]
  11. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='159629' date='Mar 18 2008, 02:09 PM']thanks all so far! Jase what is the tilt adjustment? This sounds a possibility. Would I need to get a 4 bolt plate?[/quote] This type of thing: [attachment=6582:tilt.jpg]
  12. Just wondering, does the Marcus bass have that neck tilt adjustment, like other 3 bolt Fenders?...Just a thought
  13. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='159012' date='Mar 17 2008, 04:28 PM']Sorry to stop your dreaming mate, but I'm pretty sure PoT was played on his fretted Jazz.[/quote] Aye, it was indeed. He also liked getting a bit chopsy with peeps too, later in life so the story goes.
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='158903' date='Mar 17 2008, 01:24 PM']I agree with all the responses above, but I fear last-minute cancellations come with the territory when you're gigging in pubs. Getting a landlord to sign anything might be a bit tricky. Worth trying, though...[/quote] You're dead right there, maybe we'd have to settle for a verbal agreement (who am I trying to kid?) What's that saying???? "It's tough at the top but a damn sight harder at the bottom" well I think it's a saying anyway
  15. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='158887' date='Mar 17 2008, 12:58 PM']There is a standard MU contract that covers this. As I recall there is a sliding scale dependent upon the length of time between cancelation and schedueld gig. I have received payment for cancelled gigs several times on this basis.[/quote] Maybe it's time to look into membership. Also wondered about getting one drawn up by a solicitor.
  16. Ello, We've recently had a few gigs cancelled at very short notice which is a complete pain as I'm sure most of you know. The usual excuses come up, " we've been trying to get hold of you for a fortnight" We lost your number" "Your web link doesn't work" etc, etc. What I'd like to try and find out is this: Can bands draw up a contract which states if a venue/promoter cancels at too short notice a fee will have to be paid in order to cover loss of earnings, we'd be interested to know if anyone here uses such a contract/agreement. I'm talking about the usual sort of Rock covers bands that gig the pubs, clubs outdoor events, etc. Jase.
  17. [quote name='jakesbass' post='158813' date='Mar 17 2008, 10:18 AM']Double bass, bass guitar equal first instrument Voice, guitar, piano, drums, percussion, all to a reasonable level but I would only really record my BVs, percussion playing or kit looped in pro tools. If you go to my MySpace on the link in my sig. On the first track on the player I play double bass, cahon, shaker, tambourine, and claps. And I helped arrange the BVs, and partly produced the track. It was recorded at Sleeper Studions in Hampstead which is owned by Guy Chambers. Oh and the desk we used was used for Dark side of the Moon.[/quote] Sounds really good jake, your a bit like a guitar player I work with, on our myspace he wrote and recorded the vocals, backing vocals, guitar elec and acoustic and piano.
  18. [quote name='nobody's prefect' post='158752' date='Mar 17 2008, 07:37 AM']I think it's more a question of time to invest in learning another skill. A bit of economics, if I may commandeer the bandwidth: Let us assume (note that economics is pretty much equivalent to trying to reach a point abstracted to uselessness via climbing imaginary ladders) that a person's musical skills can be represented as the function of time spent on practising (a scary assumption, that. I gotta PRACTICE to get better? Man, what a drag) and the function can be approximated to something like f(x) == your musical skills, f'(x) == xa^c/x where a == an individual's inherent talent, c == constant and x == time practiced. Note f'(x) is then the advancement you see for a given chunk of practice. (your marginal benefit) Now it is trivial to note the diminishing returns and that at some point where x >> c (say, if c == 1 x == 1000) the marginal improvement is hardly noticeable. In real world you'd need to account for things like 1) it's really sticking to practicing that counts, you can't make a single huge time investment and get to super skills 2) your skills detoriorate with inuse 3) the approximation is way off but the take-home lesson we can extract is this: as you need to sleep and eat (perhaps also work) you can't get infinitely good. Steve Vai used to practice for 12 hours a day at one time! Many individuals find that as the years go by and their dissatisfaction at their lack of skill diminishes in relation to their hours available for practice and desire to learn another instrument that it's rational to start learning another instrument. Keeps you fresh, to boot![/quote] Ohhh, don't mind me mate, I was just tipping my hat to players who can make their "secondary" instruments sound good
  19. [quote name='barneythedog' post='158755' date='Mar 17 2008, 07:39 AM']showing the first 2 digits gives enough info to date the instrument, without advertising a full valid serial number for someone to copy. (he explains this in the description?) a bit OTT for a pretty standard non vintage instrument, but each to their own I guess.[/quote] Fair enough I suppose, does seem a little much like you say.
  20. Just wondered what's the reason for covering part of a serial number [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Bass-USA-American-Model-with-Fender-Case_W0QQitemZ260220853321QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Bass-USA...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  21. Pah! all you talented people make me sick I'd really love to be able to play drums or maybe piano, singing would be great too. I really admire players who can play, study or adapt to more than one instrument.
  22. Maybe check your nut and give the neck a little bit of relief.
  23. I reckon the best part on Jaco's vid is the piano playing...IMO of course
  24. [quote name='beerdragon' post='158302' date='Mar 16 2008, 03:08 AM']This is whats left of Jacos bass of doom. believe it or not. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sfitzstephens/177217605/in/pool-jaco_jfap/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/sfitzstephens...pool-jaco_jfap/[/url][/quote] They reckon that's when he threw it onto the road and a taxi ran over it, don't know if it's true. Also Don't know if this is true or not..but Buddy Guy's bass player bought the fretted 60's bass in the mid nineties....dunno!!
  25. Ginger Baker has the 60's fretted one! [attachment=6507:rich_2_2.jpg]
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