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[quote name='dood' post='98720' date='Dec 4 2007, 12:07 PM']Why is a metronome seen as such a devil of evil by some? Ask not what your metronome can do for you; ask what you can do for your metronome! - I mean, learn to use it to your advantage. Don't let it control you, but assist in your playing/practicing whatever.[/quote] I don't consider them evil ( no idea what bilbo was getting at ) just I'm not much cop with them and most playing for me is visual/feel related. When I have attempted to use them it's all too regimental and "perfect".... too perfect for me. OK, OK. I'm a loose hippie
Actually bilbo you calling me a hippie?
for bilbo and..... for pete young.
[quote name='Johnzy' post='98517' date='Dec 3 2007, 11:25 PM']out of interest, why?[/quote] I don't have the discipline to follow a strict perfect beat or count, I'd rather rely on a drummer who has good natural timing, even if I play odd time signatures I tend to play visually and also by feel although it can prove to be quite difficult in a studio environment when drum tracks etc were recorded previously but I eventually get there I just find the metronome idea a little sterile but that's just me, our guitar player can use them really well. I don't think it's wrong to use one at all though, what ever is best for the individual
I don't use them, never have, never will.
[quote name='wateroftyne' post='98012' date='Dec 3 2007, 11:27 AM']Y'see, this is where is depends on the scene you're in. Round my way, many of the pub bands have and ASTONISHING amount of gear, and rarely get paid more than £200. Any money they make is swallowed right up again. If these bands started demanding 'real' money, they'd lose their gigs overnight. Most of 'em just get on with it, because they're doing it for fun & the love of it. It's a social thing, too.[/quote] Good point, gigs would be lost but then again cheap gigs normally end up costing the band money anyway. After costs etc I reckon at least 50 quid a member ( more depending on travel etc ) is reasonable and if people want to do it for fun and social reasons, carry on, 'ave a laugh there's no laws or rules.
We should all wear get T-shirts printed..." No Pay No Play" or " Musicians need to earn a living too"
Taster Session???? No Pay No Play I hate them all....all the idiotic clubs, promoters,venues, what makes them think that a band will play for nothing? Why is it only bands and musicians who are expected to do something for nothing? Tell them that if the club buy all the punters drinks all night and pay for everyone's taxis home you'll do it, see if there willing to do something for nothing.
[quote name='Wil' post='95375' date='Nov 27 2007, 10:48 PM']Er, what? There are tons of brilliant originals bands! A lot of my favourite bands are unsigned or signed to small labels and tour the UK. If I go to see a band showcase, there are usually a couple of good bands on. You get the occasional ropey one, but not all the time! How would you ever discover new bands if you didn't go to gigs?[/quote] Just what I was thinking, totally agree....here's a couple of good ones: [url="http://www.myspace.com/paulzervas"]http://www.myspace.com/paulzervas[/url] [url="http://www.myspace.com/tanyawalker"]http://www.myspace.com/tanyawalker[/url] [url="http://www.myspace.com/mikepinch"]http://www.myspace.com/mikepinch[/url] [url="http://www.myspace.com/byebyedoll"]http://www.myspace.com/byebyedoll[/url] Good bands/musicians do exist
[quote name='Phaedrus' post='95176' date='Nov 27 2007, 04:42 PM']Isn't an originals band akin to an entrepreneur attempting to get his product/service out into the market place? He wouldn't (shouldn't) expect to get paid from the outset for his product/service by people who have no clue what it is or how good/bad it is. He has to give it away for free till enough people start to decide they'd be happy to pay for it. His business plan and relevant business loan has (should have) taken all that into account. A covers band seems to me more like the retailer flogging established products. As such they should expect to get paid accordingly, whether the start-up originals band gets paid or not. Of course, once the entrepreneur's product/service catches on and he hits the big time, it's him rather than the retailer who'll be the millionaire. Mark[/quote] I dunno, that's the gamble I suppose with music, paying for something you have no Idea is good or bad, could be great one night, the next a bag of sh*te. Generally though bands on the live scene wanting to be paid are pretty good in my opinion.
[quote name='16Again' post='95141' date='Nov 27 2007, 03:42 PM']The band i'm in (punk covers) travel about a max of 100 miles and usually for about £50 but we only play for about 1 hour and get to support 'name' bands pretty often and have met some really cool people. We just treat away day gigs like a drunken break from the same old routine. To me its just about the fun of playing live.[/quote] That's good though, £50 It's not about the huge amounts of cash, your band got 50 quid for a support the point is someone respected the fact you played, I reckon that's good.
[quote name='Wil' post='95094' date='Nov 27 2007, 02:22 PM']Where's this money going to come from, though? Charging enough to pay orignals bands on a showcase night a decent whack is going to dissuade even more punters from going to gigs, and with the state of things at the moment, its hard enough to get people out to watch a band on a weeknight as it is. I play for the enjoyment, I couldn't care less if we only get paid petrol, providing there is a decent crowd there.[/quote] Agreed, venues are pretty quiet at the moment and being a smoker myself I blame the smoking ban! Plus the fact that even if there are real good bands around most of good old Great Britain just can't be bothered to support live music. I reckon monies should come from ticket/door fees not by charging a huge amount but something that reflects what you're going to get...which in many cases is good live music. Here's an example of what it costs to get us to a gig over the bridge....40 quid diesel and 10 quid for the toll, not to mention insurance and tax (which is taken out of the gig fee, we take 10 quid each gig to keep in a van fund) Also bare in mind phone costs looking for gigs, rehearsal space when we need it, strings, sticks and skins there's also the occasional cost of PA and amp repair. It all adds up this is why I reckon musicians and bands deserve payment. Rant over
Wateroftyne is right, promoters are now expecting to get a band for next to nothing, covers or original and I'm sorry but It's just wrong. The bands that gig for feck all make it extremely difficult for bands (like mine and many others) to make any sort of decent wage. Don't get me wrong I'm on the players side, musicians need paying just like anybody else.
[quote name='chris_b' post='94989' date='Nov 27 2007, 11:42 AM']Including the lazy promoters who expect you to bring your own audience and sell your own tickets!!![/quote] Yep.
The covers band I play with will travel anywhere, providing we don't end up paying to play, the transport is covered and everyone gets paid I think it's important musicians get paid for what they do whether they're a covers or an original band. I can't stomach these venues/promoters who expect bands to fork out to play
Sounds good to me, got my vote.
[quote name='Ou7shined' post='92666' date='Nov 22 2007, 12:26 PM']Agreed. I've never "got" Jackson Polock, I find it kind of pointless but there is some abstract expressionism that does appeal to me, regardless, there are people out there that will appreciate art right across the board. Flea is a good example of a busy busy player but latterly he has chilled. He can still technically come up with the goods but where he's at just now is not the same as Mothers Milk or BSSM. Neither is right or wrong.[/quote] Yep, that's what I sort of mean, I'm not a RHCP fan but I've listened to Flea's playing and there isn't a note you'd change, it's all good, all right for the songs being played no matter how busy or simple he's playing, I don't think Flea's playing comes under toss or stupid arrogance You Tube is a good example of players who can sometimes come under that description though
[quote name='Ou7shined' post='92466' date='Nov 21 2007, 11:53 PM']There's a lot of good advice here but I say this - Good communication in writing partnerships is paramount but whatever you do, play it the way [b]you[/b] want to play it and if it don't fit go find a band where it does. Original music should be all about artistic expression and not about doing what you think others need or want to hear. We all have our own individual styles so why conform to someone else's idea of what you aught to be doing - unless were talking about taking constructive advice from a bass guru.... always listen to your guru. [/quote] Yes, I agree play what you think you should be playing but you also need to know if what you're playing is actually any good...( this isn't directed at ou7shined by the way I'm talking in general terms) some art it just complete toss and some playing is just stupid arrogance.
[quote name='lee4' post='92375' date='Nov 21 2007, 09:15 PM']Listen to the song without playing.That way you can assess where to lay back and where to rip it up!Ask the other band members for there opinion.Sometimes other musicians will come up with a great bass part that fits better than your own.[/quote] Our guitar player has a habit of coming up with rather good bass parts, just little bits here and there but they make a hell of a difference and I've no problem with playing a part written by somebody else.
It can be quite easy to overplay, what's really challenging is melodically complimenting everything else that's going on.
Fretless intonation....crazy! I was for ever tweaking my fretless for weeks, it's all trial and error and what feels good to you. I found this link quite helpful: [url="http://www.garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html"]http://www.garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassm...etupmanual.html[/url]
Totally impossible for me. I love watching bass players who can though....brilliant
1 bass player + 1 bass - 1 hardcase = HEADCASE.