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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1383573000' post='2265970'] Crazy low price. That is mental. 10lbs?!?!? Now I want one. [/quote] The 2000w is only 14lbs & the little baby 500 is just 5lbs! In fact the real 'baby' of the bunch, the 250w is only a shade over 3lbs
  2. molan

    4x10 Dilemma

    [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1383559573' post='2265730'] I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and go to Bass Gear or Bass Direct and actually look, lift and play some of these cabs to see what will be manageable. My only issue is wasting shop staff time, I don't want to drive all the way there play for a couple of hours and leave with nothing, I always feel like I am wasting their time if there is nothing I really like. Oh well might just have to get over that and go to Bass Gear, they have a lovely selection of Bergantino and Aguilar as a first port of call. Vanderkley are very much on my radar, they look great and get good reviews. Not too sure about Barefaced, I am sure they are superb and I don't want to offend anyone but I just don't like how they look and if I am going to spend a huge chunk of cash I want to like what I am buying (vain I know). After looking around and reading everyones comments, on reflection it is amazing that there are so many good quality products we can choose from, when I started it seemed there were only a handful but I feel very well catered for. [/quote] I think both places are pretty cool about people coming in to try stuff, that's what retailers are all about. I've been at BG when someone has come in for 4 hours+ to try different amps and cabs
  3. And, as if by magic, we've heard from Carvin already Apparently the BX500 has undergone a few power supply changes throughout the years to address issues of performance with the 90-240 volt switching power supply. The most recent models have had very few reported problems and there's not been a single issue with UK sold ones in 2013.
  4. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1383569917' post='2265912'] I'm pretty sure the one in the window was £17something which made me think it was a 63 reissue as opposed to the refin (although I was [i]very[/i] hungover so reading the price was a bit difficult)... cracking looking bass regardless of what it actually was. [/quote] Ah, sorry, I thought it was this one you meant: http://www.wunjoguitars.com/shop/bass-guitars/fender-precision-1976 NB Interesting to see the URL says '76 and the text says '63!
  5. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383519067' post='2265496'] Once again though , what I can't understand is why as soon as a moderately attractive woman picks up a bass she is immidiately feted as a sex symbol . I am genuinely interested if people would be so enamoured if she worked on the fish counter at Tescos. Do men[i] really [/i]crave someone who shares the same interests as themselves? Maybe I have high standards, but I wouldn't look twice at this girl . It is a very nice bass, though, so plenty of eye candy there. . [/quote] I recently posted a few vids of really good people playing bass live and the one with a pretty girl playing got three times as many views (about 1,700) than any of the ones with guys. This is the vid in question: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggPooXtzUD0[/media] She does the solo YT thing as well (oddly reversed so it looks like she's a lefty): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTBiLWl1734
  6. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1383561649' post='2265762'] After looking into it I'm a bit confused... Their website says its the refinished one, although the price tends to suggest its the 63 reissue (which is the image I've posted here) I don't remember enough about the headstock or how old the neck looked to confirm which it was... think it might require another visit... maybe I'll sweep by after work today. It just looked to me like a very pleasing combination of colour and shape. [/quote] Price is right for a refin '63 depending on quality of the finish. In fact, given that it's had a couple of other things done to it then it may be a trifle high (but that's just Denmark Street prices). There seems to be a bit of a myth, mostly perpetuated by a few of the higher end vintage dealers, that refin early 60's P's are cracking the £3,500 mark but they really aren't selling at this sort of price. The quality of the refin makes a huge difference. if it's not a very good nitro then you're looking much closer to £2,500 than £3,000.
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1383520340' post='2265519'] Barrie - looking on TB there were a few reports of BX500s cutting out. Has this been sorted, do you know? They look like nice heads for a back-up... [/quote] I heard some stories about ribbon connectors that needed cleaning regularly but we haven't had any issues with any sold over here. I'll ask the Carvin guys and see if they've done anything. They are super helpful and efficient. Proper 'family' company. Founded by Lowell Keisel in 1946. His eldest son Carson is president and runs electronic design and production and another son, Mark, is VP and manages guitar and bass design & production. Grandsons Jeff & Joel head up US sales and International sales respectively. Joel is the guy we deal with and he really couldn't be more helpful - a real grade A supplier
  8. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1383408338' post='2264174'] Cool. Do you have a link to that thread for me to have a nose through? [/quote] Found it - it was on his FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Barefaced-Bass-speaker-cabs/130257677703 [color=#333333]"We've heard that Genz Benz is probably being killed off my Fender (who've owned it for some time). This is a shame because many of our customers use their amps with Barefaced cabs with great success. However, I hope that they resurrect the [/color][color=#333333]line successfully under new brand - though history does not bode well... On the plus side, I recently discovered that you can get Carvin amps in the UK now - their B1500 and B2000 (great preamp!) are ideal for getting HUGE SPL out of our cabs:[url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product-category/bass-amps-and-cabs/carvin-amps/"]http://www.bassgear....bs/carvin-amps/[/url]"[/color]
  9. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1383497013' post='2265046'] Astounding! Loved it, really cut through well. Also really like the 2x10's stacked sideways - great idea . In comparison to my Orange Terror this amp is much more modern & hifi sounding so i may get a sansamp or similar to warm it up a bit but other than that, brilliant. I'll try it with my other cabs to see how it pans out with them too and see if that adds any more warmth. The headroom is also amazing, I didn't go past 3 on the vol all night and that was competing with a 7 piece band with horn section....and i actually thought i was too loud. Anyhow i got some good compliments for a change and our drummer was annoyed that i can drown him out now . Would i swap it for an amp costing twice as much...er nope! She's a keeper (for now ). [/quote] You can warm up a BX if you play with the basic onboard tone and then use the graphic for broader tone shaping. We spent a while in the showroom with a BX500 sitting next to an Aguilar TH500 and we managed to get a pretty good warm Aggie sound from the Carvin with a bit of work If you call the shop and have a chat with Vic I think he'll remember the rough settings he used on the BX.
  10. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1383513364' post='2265407'] Barrie, would you agree that for the difference in price and the fact that it's Class D (so no valve maintenance hassle), the TH500 gives a close enough tone and offers reliability, portability and volumes that would be great for gigging musicians? I've always viewed most +500w heads as a 'touring' head, intended to be used for much larger venues and feel that while it would be nice (possibly a luxury) to regularly gig a DB head, the impact that regular use would have on the valves (and my back!) does not warrant it being viewed as the 'must-have' amp, despite its lack of competition on the tone front. I also find that in most bigger venues, I end up using the PA for the FOH volume and my TH preamp offers a lovely tone via the DI, meaning most of the time, my rig is for monitoring purposes for me in these situations and 500w head is loud enough. In smaller venues, 500w also seems to be loud enough and offers a nice source of sound. I've been thinking about getting a new head and just wondering whether you think its worth going with the 'work horse' TH500 or just go full throttle and get a DB751? [/quote] I think it really depends on the type of gigs you're doing. I know of at least two pretty heavyweight touring pros who use a DB751 with a single or pair of 410's for large stage gigs and then a TH500 and a pair of SL112s for club gigs. Personally I'd think that a TH500 running into high sensitivity cabs along with good FOH support would handle most gigs. The TH is never quite going to capture the depth the DB has but it can certainly cover a lot of bases
  11. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1383510952' post='2265357'] So to clarify, is it voice kinda like the DB750? Or at least can provide that tone? Not sure there's any places close to Brighton were I can try one. [/quote] Yes, absolutely. It was designed to be a 'baby' version of the DB The place I work now & then is about 2 hours from you Guitar Guitar in Epsom generally have a Th in stock but I'm not sure what their demo facilities are like. If you go there then ask for Wes. He's not always in the bass section but he's a great guy and a good player (he also builds a mean bass from time to time!).
  12. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1383510990' post='2265358'] Awesome shirt! [/quote] That's my gig shirt - I deliberately left it in shot to see if anyone would notice
  13. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1383491645' post='2264970'] No pics? Didn't happen! [/quote] Best I can offer is this crappy iphone pic!
  14. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1383504562' post='2265201'] Just this one then? [/quote] Yep - that's what I was trying to say originally. "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Usually I quite like mixes without vocals but his one leaves me a bit cold"[/font][/color]
  15. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1383504136' post='2265193'] .... a bit like every other instrumental version of a song that originally had vocals? [/quote] No, not at all.
  16. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1383491500' post='2264968'] I must definitely try one....or buy one but they don't seem to come up for sale second hand often...that must be a good sign? [/quote] I think it may be because they do have a distinct sound. If someone tries one in a shop they'll know pretty quickly if that sound is for them. If they like it then they buy a TH and hang on to it. I think it's most likely that used ones come from people who've bought on a recommendation or review and then discovered it wasn't quite the right sound for them Great reliability as well, I've not heard of any coming back in for warranty repairs
  17. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1383500939' post='2265125'] I really like what I have seen of the PF500, too, but what is all this about them not being reliable ? My current TE combo serves me well but is getting old and in need of servicing or replacing , and I have got one eye on a compact modern rig . I love that Ampeg sound , and the PF500 looks cheap and cheerful . But am I to understand they are prone to breaking down ? [/quote] They are so prone to breaking that I know one main Ampeg dealer that simply refuses to sell them any more I'm not sure what the actual issue is but I've lots of stories of them blowing mid-gig and that's just a complete no-no on any modern head. There are other, better, alternatives out there I think.
  18. molan

    4x10 Dilemma

    A pair of Berg HD210s might work for you. The ceramic speakers give them a lot of classic 'heft' and depth of tone and a single 210 is enough for many gigs. You could always add the second one for larger stages or if you just want to move more air. Apart from keeping you close to the 10" sound that you currently have there's another big advantage with these Berg 210s - they are really shallow, about 12" deep I think. That's about 3" less than a lot of standard size 112cabs and it makes a surprising difference in stage footprint and, particularly important in your case, when lugging them up and down stairs Hey aren't the lightest but the basic shape does mean they are pretty easy to shift around
  19. [quote name='norvegicusbass' timestamp='1383486130' post='2264893'] Lot of mean spirited comments here. I seriously doubt anyone who nailed a bass line on YT could take that onstage with the band themselves at short notice and give a good account of themselves. Nerves aside there are loads of other considerations here. Hell even bands themselves rehearse their OWN music for weeks before going on a tour. Hats off to that young lady. Beautiful and beautifully played especially as she has been playing bass for about THREE YEARS. [/quote] I don't think this thread has been overly negative? One person said that her YT videos had got her a gig with Jamiroquai which wasn't correct. That particular story has been stated as fact a few times and it isn't correct. She did have an opportunity to play on a couple of numbers but wasn't able to play well enough to meet their standards. This is entirely understandable because she doesn't appear to be a live gigging player. There's also been discussion about the new(ish) wave of young musicians who don't ever play live and just like to record vid of them playing along to something else. Again, I don't think anyone has been particularly negative about this but have just said that it might be a shame not to experience this opportunity and that it can teach a lot of things that can't be learnt playing solo to backing tracks. The thing that surprises me is just how much coverage this particular player has received. It does make me wonder if there'd be anywhere near as much interest if the player was an overweight, unattractive bloke . . .
  20. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1383479078' post='2264795'] I find this weird. How can she be so tight at it on YT but live she sucks? Nerves or just not practicing I wonder? [/quote] I heard Alphonso Johnson talking about this once. He said he'd met several players who killed it when playing to a pre-recorded backing track on headphones in their bedroom / studio but had zero feel for dynamics in a live band environment. I've come across this a couple of times personally. We auditioned a singer once who had an agency, recording contract, released a single, performed 'live' on many occasions, and to big audiences too. We started the first song and he was badly off key but, even worse, not even close to being able to keep time. It turned out that in his entire singing 'career' he'd never played with a live band and he simply couldn't handle all the stuff that comes with it. He could hear himself OK but all the band 'input' and dynamics of a live kit etc totally freaked him. Tried another song and had to give up half way through. Poor guy was distraught His agent was actually the one telling him he needed to get out with a live band and to stop just using pre-recorded backing in order to become a better singer. Sounds like he knew what he was on about! I also know an absolute wizard of a guitarist. He can shred like a monster and can play all the Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen, Van Halen etc. etc stuff. He can tap and sweep pick and has an amazing depth of tone. He's got a web site where he gives advice to people and has loads of views to his YT channel but he never, ever plays with other musicians. I think there's just a modern phenomena of 'YouTube bedroom bassists' (Alphonso's phrase) that just have little interest playing with a band. To me it seems a shame because playing alongside other people is what makes it all worth it but I can see the attraction of spending hours practicing to record the perfect take for YT and then publishing it - probably gets a wider audience than many a gigging bassist
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1383472408' post='2264698'] Nice one, Barrie. I thought the TH and CN112's were a very good match at your shop's demo room volumes and was was close to the DB750 but I doubt it will do that at larger volumes,. Not that it was at all bad...not at all, just that the DB750 has more legs and grunt and will proove that on larger stages/ I'd be quite happy with that rig..on that demo... as my B rig. But..as far as AE112's go... they do lose focus up top, IMO... especially if you compare that with a DB212. I am convinced by this. If I run a TF 550-B with 2xAE112's against the DB212 without touching the amp EQ... the AE's do not keep the hi mids as well...they get lost. For this reason, I will probably move them on. Not saying they aren't very nice cabs, but they aren't doing it for me. The gigs I tend to use them on..I can get away with...hence why I still have them... but I am still on the lookout for lighter, smaller footprint 112's. [/quote] Thanks JT I marginally prefer the Aggie SL112's to the CN112's with the TH500 but there's not a lot in it. My favourite is the CN212 which seems to have more depth and low mids to my ears. I wish Aggie would bring out a 4ohm SL212 as I think that could be a killer lightweight cab. The big advantage for me with the AE210 is the really shallow footprint. It's way thinner than any of the other cabs mentioned and this can make a real difference in a tight space. I'm currently sharing my side of the stage with the second guitarist's Vox amp and the form factor of the AE gives me lots of flexibility in location. A pair of these stacked ought to sound great! Would also be nice to hear a new Bergantino 10" speaker - I must ask if there's anything on the horizon
  22. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1383462979' post='2264624'] I've been meaning to try an Aguilar TH500 for a while, I just keep reading excellent comments. As you, I also have a DB750, I wouldn't mind loosing some of the weight but not sure if the TH500 will be loud enough and if I will loose too much on note weight. [/quote] I know exactly what you mean. I've never played anything that gives weight to low notes like the DB750. The TH can deliver a lot of the core tone but it'll never quite have the depth the DB has. It comes close enough for me really and the weight difference is a life saver if you have to carry hints for any distance It is surprisingly loud though. Last night I was running into a single 8ohm 2x10 cab in a very large room with two loud guitarists and I didn't go above about 12:00 on both pre and master volume. I'm no expert on exactly how different people rate their watts but I know the power module in the TH500 is the same one some other claim 900w for!
  23. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1383447286' post='2264607'] Lover Bergantino. They do have a certain depth to them. Larry Hartke claims it's because they lack high end but I can with absolute certainty say that he's wrong about that one. Can't get with the Aguilar. I also find the tone controls to have little effect. [/quote] I wouldn't say Bergs in general lack high end. Although, having said that, I tend to find Hartke cabs sound much too bright and harsh to my ears so that's probably just different people's views of what 'high end' should sound like The DB and TH heads are very 'voiced' (the AG far less so) and I think people either really like the Aggie sound or struggle with it. Again it's probably down to individual interpretation on what effect the tone controls have. For me they're really usable and don't have the extreme effect some other brands have. I find it easier to dial in a sound I like with Aguilar heads because of this. For example, last night I thought the room was sucking mids a little so a dropped the mid frequency band to about 9:00 and boosted that frequency to about 2:00. Seemed to cure the problem perfectly and all other controls were left flat. It's a while since I really used a DB750 at gig volume but I seem to remember that the tone controls are even more subtle. I often found that just flicking either the low or high boost switches was all that was ever necessary and keeping the other tone controls flat worked best for me.
  24. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1383466090' post='2264635'] Surely easier to give you the job [/quote] I think he was hinting exactly that, lol
  25. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1383477332' post='2264760'] Ah This makes me feel better now She did play with them at soundcheck though it seems, so if they're all there out of picture that is still pretty damn awesome. Edit. After closer inspection no else appears to be playing but her.. [/quote] Yep, was supposed to feature on a couple of songs but wasn't even close to being able to actually play live so got bounced.
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