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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1374668930' post='2151542'] Loved what he did with Rebel Rebel on the[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] A Reality Tour as well.[/font][/size] [/quote] My favourite of live intros - especially when the guitar comes back n http://youtu.be/eF551z9KlA8
  2. Jake is a really good teacher - you can't go wrong with him
  3. I played a Kingston once and was surprised Mike Tobias would allow his name to be associated with it. Other than the core shape it had very little in common with the USA535 I had at the time. I was looking for a back up to the 535 but 10 minutes with a Kingston clearly demonstrated that it wasn't really up to the job Maybe they've got better since then though.
  4. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1374598559' post='2150735'] I got a BX500 from Bassgear.co.uk for under £400, it absolutely destroyed my Genz Benz Shuttle in terms of tone, versatility and it is seriously LOUD! Couldn't be happier with mine and considering the price of the 600w Shuttle I had before they are a bargain. It's also the closest I've got to that all-valve immediacy and bounce from a hybrid / solid state amp. I think the BX250 is pretty much the same front end, without the graphic EQ. And from the review above I would say the experience you had was similar to mine. So don't rule them out, check out the price you can get one for. I think they are very well engineered pieces of kit, Carvin don't spend much money on marketing (unlike other manufacturers) so I think this is why they can keep the prices down. [/quote] I used one to rehearse with last night and really liked it. Had to play with the mids a little to get the sound I wanted but once I'd got those sorted it sounded really smooth and punchy
  5. Nearly fell of my chair - using the BC mobile version on an iPhone 4. The headline says this wonderful looking bass is available for £1
  6. Very Star Trek - this thread appears to exist in a parallel universe from a very similar one. This particular one isn't as dark as the other so maybe it's a bit safer here without too many tribbles to trouble us. . .
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374253199' post='2146957'] If I ever find the 5-string version of that I'll snap it up in a flash! [/quote] It actually sounded good - all those pickup options and multi-switching are a bit confusing but once you got the hang of them it was great fun to play
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1374313262' post='2147427'] Check out Todd at Daryl's House. Those guys work well together. [/quote] The episode which is actually at Todd's house is my favourite of the series Todd's place looks amazing!
  9. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1374306087' post='2147327'] NIge when you were probably in short trousers i had the immense pleasure of seeing Todd Rundgren Kasim Sultan Roger Powell and John Wilcox at a very big live gig supporting a mahoosive band They were imho better than the main act [/quote] Not Lynyrd Skynyrd. 10CC & The Stones by any chance? If so, I was there too Edit : just spotted you were 3 years later than me. He was very good at Knebworth in '76 as well!
  10. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1374233850' post='2146703'] Markbass amps tend to clip quite horribly when they hit their limits. They sound good, but they've lost their way since the LM3 and F500....no idea why they have so many different amps that aren't really as good as the LM3/F500. [/quote] The Big Bang is a cracking little head. Vaguely sits in between the LM3 and F500 but I prefer it to both. Even has better options for MP3 input and headphone listening than the RH450
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1374232888' post='2146682'] somehow resisted the urge to attack it with a branch, Basil Fawlty-style. Awful thing. [/quote] Now that I would have liked to have seen
  12. [quote name='TG Flatline' timestamp='1374137615' post='2145610'] Aye, fessing up is the right thing to do here. I had similar from a German supplier, who told me to keep the goods as it was their error and the cost of collection and then their time re-processing it all when it got back wouldn't make it worth their while. [/quote] I had the same with an Italian dealer. I bought an EBS HD650 and they sent me a Fafner instead. The Fafner was worth a lot more but they said it was easier / cheaper to just let me keep it rather than pay for two additional shipping charges
  13. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1374098126' post='2145347'] Make sure you haven't actually paid for both first. I bet they wouldn't tell you if you had... [/quote] Depends if they are a decent dealer or not. Their rep would suffer badly if they deliberately over-charge and small specialist business pretty much rely on reputation and customer service. The bass retailer I help out at always offers to refund if it has mistakenly over-charged - doesn't make any difference if it's £3 or £300
  14. Used an RH450 at a gig once and it was a complete tone sucker. Absolutely the worst on-stage sound I've ever had from any amp. I love the theoretical flexibility of the tone shaping (the foot pedal is an absolute 'must have' though) and it sounded great at demo volumes with solo bass but stick it in a live band context and it just disappeared. Conversely I've never managed to get a bad sound from a Mark Bass head, not that I've tried of course, lol.
  15. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1374222775' post='2146523'] I've played bass for 39 years and had never heard of Chris Wolstenholme prior to this post. "Who's heard of who" may indicate a degree of celebrity, but doesn't say anything about bass playing ability. CB [/quote] All I'd ever heard about Chris Wolstenholme prior to visiting BC were rumours that he didn't actually play much on any of the recorded albums and everything was covered by session guys!
  16. If you asked a genuine cross section of the public to name a bass player they are more likely to come up with the name of a dance act than anyone who actually plays a bass guitar. To a lot of people 'bass' is simply about a low thump (often generated by a drum machine or a synth). On the Jaco front - I'm in the 'appreciate him as a musician and innovator but find it hard to listen to much of his music' camp Love the stuff with Joni Mitchell though - in fact, as I'm writing this poolside in sunny Malta, I think that may just have to be the next music on the iPod Surprised no-one has mentioned Jamerson yet - add him alongside Jaco and you've covered most of the basses in terms of groundbreaking playing and innovation. . .
  17. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1374181121' post='2146272'] ...and a lead??? [/quote] Nah, I'll just nick one of yours
  18. [quote name='KevinJazzBass' timestamp='1374014597' post='2144357'] yes I did, they have gone up a lot haven't they? Thanks [/quote] I'm amazed they've done this - no-one else has followed them yet. Maybe they are trying to prove some sort of point with the manufacturers and/or one of the two distributors!
  19. [quote name='patrikmarky' timestamp='1374141422' post='2145662'] Anyone got a traben bass...some look stunning but as we know looks can be deceiving... [/quote] I had one of these - I don't think they were deceiving anyone with the looks http://www.trabenbass.com/bootsy_star.php
  20. Fodera nickels are great strings and they go really light if you want. Their light gauge 5's run 40 60 80 100 120. These are standard fit on almost all their 5 string basses - even the £10K customs. They're £30 a set which is pretty good for quality strings these days
  21. [quote name='Pukie' timestamp='1374062914' post='2144821'] That's it , I definitely can't afford to go there again!!!! [/quote] Give it about 6 weeks and the amp room will be stuffed with new Aguilar and Bergantino gear
  22. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1374078454' post='2145076'] Thanks rushers. I think what you paid was a fair price. I can't see you would lose money on it as these have risen in price a lot in the last couple of years. Have a look at this link as this is what dealers in the U.S. are asking for them. http://www.gbase.com/gear/find?keyword=fender+mustang+bass&temporary=True&m=250 [/quote] Maybe the Mustang has become a 'hip' bass to own 79's Jazz and Precisions have definitely gone the other way. Early ones holding up OK but late 70's, especially P's, have really drifted badly. I know someone who bought a lovely early 70's P recently for just £1,200 and you can definitely get '78/'79 P's for that sort of price. Even dealers are dropping early '70's P's to about £1,650 and they have a lot of overheads to cover in that price bracket.
  23. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1374066515' post='2144889'] I regularly look at the price of these and haven't seen any for sale in the UK at that price recently although you may find them at that price in the U.S. Most of the 70s Mustangs are now usually £600+ in the UK. [/quote] It's possible the last couple I saw we're US ones. I leave my search open to worldwide on things like this as I'm quite happy to bring stuff over. A £400 US bass would come in over here at £585 so that's more or less the same as a UK one at £600. I've seen some listed at much higher prices but they haven't sold (a bit like 60's Fender J's - some ludicrous prices on UK EBay for these but they never actually sell!).
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