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Everything posted by molan

  1. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1371931318' post='2119825'] oh, so it is!!! I only used a J-Retro for two years! I should have known. Mine is currently waiting to be installed on my CIJ Jazz, so I have not used it in a while. I never noticed it was boost only on the bass. [/quote] I've had two previous basses with J-Retro's in and didn't realise the bass was boost only either, lol. Because it has a centre position marker I just assumed it was boost and cut. Always thought it was odd that I kept needing to cut bass frequencies, lol.
  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1371893302' post='2119173'] ? eh? They are cut and boost. Are you sure you are turning the right knob? [/quote] Treble and mids are boost and cut but bass is boost only (+15db at 50hz). There's a built-in contour when you switch in the active circuit but I'm not sure exactly what it's doing.
  3. Ok, so I'm a complete dumbass when it comes to stuff like this Would it be possible to have something similar that makes 2 x 4 ohm cabs appear as a single 4 ohm load to an amp?
  4. [quote name='goblin' timestamp='1371738625' post='2117580'] They're adjustable afaik Barrie, so if you take it out you can probably adjust the parameters the parameters on the pots [/quote] I'll have to check under the bonnet and see what I can do I'd love an original Alleva Coppolo one really but Jimmy doesn't sell them any more
  5. Ah, I think I know which ones you mean. I think they were built partly in-house at Fodera and partly by a third party company under Fodera's instruction. If I remember right the bodies were made by Fodera and the necks were out-sourced. I've never actually seen one in real life but I know there's a few of them out there
  6. [quote name='booboo' timestamp='1371766053' post='2118013'] Any opinions on all the 'extras' you can opt for ordering on their site - the extra padding, handle holes, board pockets and other stuff? It seems they can quickly become an expensive option if you go for all the options, is the basic spec adequate? [/quote] Personally I'd have to say that the basic spec is not adequate protection. It's ok to protect for scuffing of finishes but it's not a patch on the made to measure covers you get from people like Aguilar and Bergantino. I've not seen one of their padded covers though - maybe they offer a bit more protection.
  7. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1371718361' post='2117221'] Honestly, I'm not fussed in the slightest. I was more enquiring just in case anyone reading this fancied taking advantage if it was still running. I'm happy to pay the asking price when dealing with nice staff who offer good service [/quote] Somewhat amazingly you're the second person to say something like this in the past week! We had a customer that wanted a particular amp that wasn't in stock but we tracked one down in Germany. It took a bit of legwork to get it organised and there was an extra shipping charge of £10 to get it over to the UK. We thought this was reasonable because the alternative was ordering from the USA which is a 6-8 week delay & a higher shipping charge ona 'one-off' order. We agreed to swallow the £10 because we'd quoted the price to the customer - he insisted on paying the extra £10 because he was pleased with the service. Little stuff like this really makes things worthwhile sometimes
  8. I fitted one of these to an Alleva Coppolo recently but I'm really struggling to tame the low end in active mode. I know the bass is boost only but even turned all the way off there seems to be too much bass for me
  9. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1371718328' post='2117219'] Thanks for that, I actually lived in Byron Rd for 10 years until the divorce, probably could see your unit from the bedroom window. I shall be in.... get the kettle on! [/quote] The kettle is almost always on On a good day there's biscuits too .
  10. [quote name='Mikkoantt' timestamp='1371733338' post='2117484'] Hi how about Fodera Monarch New Standard with bolt on neck, mahogany body with burl maple top, EMG p&j pickups ,New Mike Pope preamp with four band eq and passive tone etc... Bass is in very good condition and it's from 2004. Greetings from Finland -Mikko [/quote] I thought the Monarch Standard range wasn't announced until 2012?
  11. I tried bi-amping for a while with lows going to a 1x15 and highs to a 2x10 with tweeter. As Bill points out, both were built as full range cabs and really didn't sound very nice bi-amped. Felt like I was losing something from the overall tone rather than gaining
  12. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1371709795' post='2117136'] How long has that been there? I had no Idea. Handy for me in Maidenhead. Good news. [/quote] I can't remember exactly but I think Phil got the keys in August 2011 and was open from September. Had been based up in Harrogate but under 20% of sales were coming from an area loosely attributable to 'the north' so he decided to head south. 2013 has been such a good year that he decided to lease the unit next door as well and this doubled the size of the premises last month and added a much better acoustic environment for a dedicated amp & cab demo room Mind you - there was someone in this week buying a new Mesa Powerhouse 4x12 cab and that tested the strength of the entire building let alone the quieter cab demo room, lol. The Twford location is really good for travel. It's right next to Twyford main line station which is about 40 mins from London & easy access from anywhere on the main Paddington to Bristol / South Wales train lines or, via Reading, from Oxford direction. Close to both M4 & M40 and not far from M3 for visitors from London, midlands, south west. It's 40 minutes drive from western parts of London. Heathrow airport is also only 20 minutes away which is useful as we've had a few people fly over to collect things (nearly 50% of sales are overseas). Of course - Maidenhead is even handier, just 15 mins or so I reckon
  13. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1371708254' post='2117127'] I just purchased them without the code in the end. The site wasnt accepting the code when I initially tried and vic didnt mention that the promo was still running when i called yesterday. I'm not bothered, it was only a couple of quid. Talked to Vic and he was a real nice guy. Great and friendly service. If the strings are as good as I've heard, I'll be back on the phone ordering in bulk [/quote] The onsite code should be working now - I've tested it & it seems OK. People can get the 10% off if they call in and say they've seen the Fodera Birthday promotion. It wasn't designed to be an 'open' offer so that'll be why Vic didn't mention it automatically. It was only available to people on the mailing list, FaceBook likes and BassChat members. Happy to either refund the cost or take it off something else in the future You can either PM me here or send an email to the info@bassgear address & we'll sort something out.
  14. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1371632600' post='2116325'] yes, i can only agree. It is VERY nice to not feel like you MUST buy the bass right now , and in my experience They will even give their opinion whether it gets a sale or not. [/quote] I really can't bring myself to push a bass at someone that isn't right for them or that I can't recommend myself. In fact just yesterday I was telling someone about trying out a few different things at The Gallery because their range is quite different to what BassGear have in stock. He's visiting Alex at the weekend and will, hopefully, make up his mind on merit rather than sales spiel
  15. I heard someone playing this yesterday - I'd forgotten how huge the tone was
  16. [quote name='flippyfloop' timestamp='1371670956' post='2116880'] Oh my ! A four string Imperial [/quote] Very rare - almost all Imperials are 5 or 6 strings. Oct '10 means it has the updated Pope pre-amp as well
  17. Potential revenue is pretty small from commercial advertising outside the bass retail and manufacturer market. Probably less than £1 for every thousand times an ad appears.
  18. I've tried using SoGa on extended warranty. Took an age to get any kind of response and then it was near impossible to meet their standards of what was considered 'normal use'. Felt like just turning something on and using it for any length of time was in breach of their terms
  19. Bought one, spent some time with it, used it at a full band rehearsal, didn't get on with it, put it up for sale. . .
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1371543279' post='2115144'] I spent 3 hours there A/Bing a Nordy P5 and my Lull, then I had a little play with the Foderas. I shouldn't have done that! Great place, nice people. Vic makes a mean cuppa. [/quote] That Fodera is now up for sale as an ex-demo with some money knocked off the price - just saying. . .
  21. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1371541877' post='2115123'] I'd like to vouch for Bass Gear. I had a week of email communication with Barrie, it felt like to talking to an old friend about bass at most points. Most importantly, I never felt like Barrie was trying to ram a bass down my throat to buy, it was clear that bass enthusiasm comes first. I would genuinely love to buy a bass from them sometime. (did that Sterling with the messed up paint work ever come in Barrie?) [/quote] The Sterling is in and being touched up by the luthier we use. He's a top guy and really knows his stuff. Unfortunately he damaged his back recently so everything's a little delayed. Should be back soon though Cool translucent red colour too
  22. I've heard the TT head with a single 1x15 and it was really nice. I bet it sounds great with a 2x15 rig
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1371499728' post='2114774'] I had a great time at the shop... looking for an excuse to go back soon ;lol: [/quote] And now it's twice as big and has a dedicated amp and cab demo room
  24. Fixed now - Just type Birthday in the coupon code and it will take 10% off all Fodera strings Any problems zap me a PM & I'll sort things out.
  25. It runs to the end of the month but the code on the site seems to be buggered - I'll see if I can fix it now
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