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Everything posted by molan

  1. I can't tell the slightest difference between the two - maybe it effects different strings in different ways?
  2. molan

    Which autowah?

    [quote name='Solomon' timestamp='1368897269' post='2082817'] Lovely idea... but as far as I can tell, I can pick up a 1st edition 3leaf for around £50 and it'll be hard to get a Mutron III for less than £400, and probably get hit by customs fees when it arrives too. I can't afford to throw that much money at it at the moment. [/quote] I bought mine in the UK for under £300
  3. If you do fancy a serious big power head then I'd suggest checking out the Carvin range. Made in USA and you can get the 1500w head for about £500 and the 2050w for £625. Amazing value for a big 'muscle' head, especially for something that isn't made on the cheap in China!
  4. molan

    Which autowah?

    If you're spending this kind of money why not hunt down an original Mutron? Nothing sounds quite like one
  5. [quote name='lowerbassment' timestamp='1368871116' post='2082433'] How do the CN112, HD112 and the Aguilar SL112 compare? Thinking of perhaps grabbing one 112 now and adding another oner further down the road. [/quote] It was really interesting to compare them side by side. The Aggie felt like it had the greatest low end punch with all the growl coming from low mids. My vote for older style rock, funk, grittier soul etc. CN112 had lots of clarity and clean note definition. Approaching clinical proportions if run really clean with the tweeter right open. Had to dial the tweeter down to lose string noise. A visiting pro thought it too clinical for something like a function band where you want the bass to blend in nicely rather than kick out in the mix. I didn't get as much time with the HD but initial thoughts were that it sounded like it needed bedding in and was a bit 'tight' straight out of the box. Seemed to be breaking up earliest at volume but I really don't think it was a fair test so need to spend some more time with it. The ATS was a bit of a revelation. Single 12" speaker with a pair of 10" passive cones. Really clear and articulate without ever sounding harsh, even with the tweeter wound right open. Plenty of low end but all clean, clear and precise. Possibly a bit too clean for my ears but I was making sure that I played each cab with the same amp and without adjusting any tone controls. Could probably add some more low mids and cut high end a bit. Basses used were a Fodera Monarch '86 and a nice custom P bass clone that the pro brought in. He also tried the Bergs with an EUB. Sounded nice but I think the Aggie would work best with it. There's someone else going to test them all this morning so more reports next week!
  6. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1368805828' post='2081815'] I think there was some guitar work on albums after Tony Reeves left and on a couple of tracks on Spyglass Guest that Reeves does play on (guitar by Dave Clempson guesting). [/quote] I always remember thinking they had somehow 'sold out' when I heard Clempson on Spyglass Guest - so much so that I refused to buy it and I used to love Greenslade at the time - mind you, I was only about 14 when it came out With regards to the OP - there's definitely some live vids from Bedside era showing Tony playing a White/cream Tele bass.
  7. I finally got a chance to try a CN212 at BassGear today in the new amp demo room - much better acoustics than the main showroom and you can play really loud Stupidly I forgot to take my AE210 in with me to compare but I was able to run it against a pair of CN112's, HD112's, Aguilar SL112's' some very cool ATS cabs (combination of 10's and 12's) and a weighty Bag End 2x12. To be honest the Baggie was my favourite but it's just too heavy for my ailing back these days Of the others I'd say the CN212 was the best all round cab. Plenty of low end punch and very nice note definition and articulation. Didn't have the mid growl the Aggies have when pushed clean but, using a TH500 or a MarkBass Big Bang, you could dial in some of these mids to get close to the growl if required. Very nice piece of kit indeed. I must get my 210 in ASAP before they are all sold!
  8. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1368788165' post='2081458'] I did this with a DB750 and downgraded to an AG500. Always regretted it. [/quote] I did something similar (DB750 to AG500 but with DB112 cabs). I found the AG to be very differently voiced to the DB and swapped to a TH and preferred it. In fact I spoke to Dave Boonschoft at Aguilar about this recently and he said that people trading from, or looking for a backup to, a DB750 would get on much better with a TH than an AG. He also said that their likely perception will be that the TH sounds 'louder' than the AG if they're used to a DB because of the frequencies at which it's working (if that makes sense - he explained it much better than this!).
  9. [quote name='such' timestamp='1368740295' post='2081086'] I know one (probably same person as one of the two you know). I've seen him with DB750 (or 751, I'm not sure) and two GS410's, and I've seen him with TH500 and one or two SL112's. And also, most recently, TH500 plus TH350 and three SL112's on a metal gig I do hear the difference, so does he, but he says it's just too much trouble to carry it all around for some gigs when he can just pack the little rig to his little car. I personally wouldn't swap. [/quote] That is indeed the same person, I know this because we loaned him a 350 & SL to see how it worked
  10. BassGear have a range of ATS cabs in stock now along with the 500w head. Very impressive gear
  11. I know two, very heavyweight, serious touring pros who both have DB750/751's for their big gigs and TH500's for club type venues. If it's good enough for them. . .
  12. Started unpacking a big old pallet of Bergs today Opened up a CN112 and a CN212 first - they look great as a stack! I have a feeling the Carvin BXR1500 (which happily goes down to 2 ohms) may be getting a run out tomorrow. . .
  13. In general terms I think the Berg cabs are in a different league from the other brands you've mentioned in terms of build quality, fit & finish etc. I haven't heard the CN212 yet but my local dealer will have them later this week so I'll be able to hear it first hand then
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1368532816' post='2078042'] the tactile experience of playing the more expensive bass is definitely superior . [/quote] That's exactly what I was trying to say
  15. I've tried through body and bridge stringing and I genuinely can't hear any difference whatsoever in tone or the, somewhat mythical, added sustain that through body is supposed to bring. I had a long chat with a top man from La Bella recently and he said there was no discernible advantage to through body stringing and that he didn't like what it did to the break angle of a string over the bridge. This is particularly true for most quality flat wounds apparently. He told me it caused all sorts of string issues and regularly lead to certain strings sounding dead. He has over 30 years of string manufacture and sales behind him so I'm happy to believe him
  16. I've played the 2024 and 2025 back to back with the 1024 and 1025 and I have to say that I much preferred the '2' series. It's hard to encapsulate but the '2's just felt more 'together' as instruments and had a real quality feel to them. Easily up there with many high end basses I've tried/owned. I've found similar things with US Laklands compared to the various Far Eastern ones. There's just an extra level if quality and class about the fit and finish. Of course, this doesn't answer the question if whether they are 'worth' the extra investment because there is always going to be a law of diminishing returns. Personally I'd go for the Japanese models if I could afford them
  17. Are you sure you want a Jazz style nut width? The standard width on a Monarch is 1.625" whilst a Jazz is narrower at 1.5". If the Fodera is too skinny for you then a J will be even worse Obviously I'm only looking at nut width and not neck profile but thought I'd mention this just in case you haven't thought of it
  18. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1368447443' post='2077104'] It's the suppliers I feel sorry for in all this. [/quote] I deal with quite a few musical instrument & accessory suppliers - hardly any of them offer credit terms any more. The retailer has to pay upfront for everything significant.
  19. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1368396526' post='2076671'] Standard business practice. Fold company ABC, trading as XYZ, start a new company, HJK, Still keep trading as XYZ so the public sees continuity but loose all the debts of ABC. That scews all suppliers and existing customers! [/quote] The lovely Anthony Worral Thompson did that local to me. Ordered a stack of locally grown/reared produce and then declared three of his 'gastro-pubs' bankrupt. Somehow retained ownership of the fourth one under a different company and it's still going. Didn't make him very popular locally and a lot of people boycott the pub because of it.
  20. Just realised there's another thread covering this - apologies for the duplication http://basschat.co.uk/topic/205423-anyone-know-why-dv-seem-to-have-stopped-stocking-fender/page__st__40__gopid__2076537#entry2076537
  21. I just read this article http://theeccentricblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/digital-village.html?m=1 If it's true then they won't be getting any custom from me in the future
  22. If this is true - and it certainly has the ring of truth about it - then I'm certainly never buying anything from them again! http://theeccentricblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/digital-village.html?m=1
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1368370164' post='2076169'] Excellent news that Phil is stocking these. I feel another visit is due :lol Did you get my PM, Barrie? [/quote] Better be quick - lots of interest already & they haven't even arrived yet Yes did get mail - sounds like a good option
  24. My local store has their first stock of these arriving this week They've got the CN 1x12's and 2x12's and HD 1x12's too - plus, with any luck, their new amp and cab demo room will be ready in a week or two as well
  25. [quote name='busccini' timestamp='1368191957' post='2074306'] hi i would both a lakland , take out the bartolinis or hanson what ever and put some nordstrand on , one u go nordstrand never come back to other pickups cheers [/quote] I did They sounded horrible in my old Roscoe, robbed it of all it's life and depth of tone and were very anaemic compared to the stock, custom wound, Barts it had fitted. The Barts are back in it now and it's so much nicer I have a few super Jazz 4's, Celinder J update and a pair of, very different Alleva Coppolos. All three sound quite distinct so it's difficult to recommend one over another. Depends exactly on what sort of tone you're after. A lot of people tend to define a super-jazz as bright and modern but that's not to everyone's taste
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